I would be shocked if testicular cancer finished his career. I actually just got my all clear a week ago today and had my chemo port taken out on Friday. I had stage 2c seminoma testicular cancer (3cm or larger lymph nodes, but not in my lungs yet). Seminoma has something like a 95% cure rate, nonseminoma isn’t too far behind but from what I remember it is a bit tougher to kick it. While getting cancer sucks, testicular cancer really isn’t that big a deal. It is a rare cancer, there is only like 20,000 cases a year in the US. Not too many people know anyone who went through it so I guess that makes it scarier.
The surgery isn’t that big a deal, kinda like a c-section. He is most likely in for either 9 week of BEP or 12 weeks of EP chemo. As the Dr. said to me, this is a young man disease so we can really pour it to you. The chemo is in 3 week cycles where you go 5 straight days on week one, for something like 5 to 6 hours, then you are off for the next two weeks. It sucked but I was able to work the entire time I went through it. I found out I had it right before Christmas and I am pretty much back to normal now. Other than needing hearing aides, and pulling to the left when I run, I am good to go.
I chose to find the humor in it…….
Work sent me a basket of nuts as a get well package.
I now offer to introduce my wife to the wrecking ball.
I am referred to as singleshot or sacklops regularly.