Gotta Love Those Nits


Apr 4, 2002
Since I've been banned by Blue & White -- apparently for life -- I have to come home to express my thoughts about our weird neighbors in State College.

The vast majority bitch and moan about everything. The world is against them.

They have no respect for Pitt, of course, and little or no respect for their board of trustees, their opponents and Ohio State in particular, and the Big Ten Conference in general. Everyone in State College knows the Big Ten officials -- particularly football -- have conspired to keep Penn State down. Disagree with that on Blue and White, and you're banned for life.

The latest rant and cause, after getting a new statue for their fallen St. JoePA, is to get out of the conference. The bottom line reason seems to be respect, or lack there of.

Now I'm thinking as I read this halarious crap, what exactly has Penn State done for the Big Ten Conference to warrent respect?

In recent years, Penn State has pretty much been an embarrassment on and off the playing field.

Sandusky, Paterno, Curley and Spanier have disgraced the university. One the field, the football team has not be a relevant factor for years -- even before the true Sandusky surfaced.

And the Nits' basketball teams? The men have been a joke for some 50 years, give or take a handful of seasons. They have a new arena which is usually less than half full. I will say, the men are respectable this year.

And, the women have been worse than the men since the homophobic Rene Portland was finally run out of town, but only after the university was sued by a former player.

And, I get a particular joy out of watching how Penn State grad Suzie McConnell has again made women's basketball at Pitt relevent.

I'm a native Pittsburgher with degrees from Pitt and Ohio State, so I can speak with firsthand knowledge that many in the Big Ten would not shed a tear if the Nits bolted the conference. The general feeling amongst my Ohio State friends is, "if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out."

But, Penn State will never leave the Big Ten. There's too much money to be had in athletics and the conference's sharing of its research resources, after the Ivys, is second to none. Only an idiot would willingly leave that sweet deal.

So keep the complaints coming Nits! It's great entertainment.

And, buckle your chinstrap. We're going to finally be seeing you on the football field soon. That is something that would never have been said when Paterno was around.
I must admit, they are a guilty pleasure. Reading all the whining and false bravado. Someone in another post hit it right on the head. For decades they were told they were better than everyone else by their diety. They actually believed it. Now, he is gone in shame and they attack anyone who attempts to bring any sense of reality into their world. Pleasantville has been shaken and isn't sure what to is hilarious.

This post was edited on 2/16 11:23 AM by Pitt is #1
Those who arrogantly stick their noses up and proclaim moral superiority almost always have a deep seated underlying insecurity.

The scandal has stripped away their ability to act with arrogance.

What we see in its place are the insecurities, spilling out constantly, and in all directions.
Originally posted by pitt_pete:
There's too much money to be had in athletics and the conference's sharing of its research resources, after the Ivys, is second to none. Only an idiot would willingly leave that sweet deal.
Don't believe the urban legend Bull sheet. There is virtually no sharing of research resources. That is a complete and utter fabrication from the ignorant Big Ten fanboys. What it mostly does (and it is called the CIC and is a dues paying consortium), however, is provide a purchasing consortium for things like dorm mattresses, software licenses, and library journal subscriptions (this is the most significant benefit); some shared distance tele-education courses are offered (mostly rare language courses); some graduate level research exchange programs (not uncommon elsewhere), some best practice sharing/leadership seminar type stuff at the administrative/staff level (mostly are for IT), shared study abroad programs (ACC has the same thing), and an interlibrary loan system (something most other schools' libraries have participated in for over 30 years). All well and good, but not really unique from other academic consortiums. Penn State doesn't even participate in the CIC's OmniPop fiber network.

The ACC has several of those things, as do many academic consortiums. None of those involve sharing research resources. Athletic conference affiliations have NOTHING to do with research collaborations and ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do with obtaining research funding. The CIC doesn't even sponsor research symposia or meetings. Ironically, at the undergrad level, the ACC takes a portion of revenue from the football championship and sponsors undergrad research at each school and a yearly undergrad research conference (that Pitt hosted last year). So there is literally more research money coming from the ACC (a largely insignificant $12,500 per school) than there is from the Big Ten (because the Big Ten/CIC is distributing $0).

What you see people incorrectly quoting from brochures is simply a stat of the summation of all the conference schools' individual R&D expenditure totals. None of that is shared through the conference or CIC. Sharing research grants money like that would constitute fraud at the federal level. People would go to jail, federal research allocations would be pulled, and accreditations would be in danger. It is not how research is funded, at all, and athletic conferences, or their affiliated consortiums, are not how 99.9% of academic collaborations are borne. Even though the conference and some of its member presidents like to tout the academic "benefits" (see Maryland), it is almost entirely BS whitewashing of the primary motive for switching conferences ($ for athletics, and only $ for athletics).

BTW, the ACC has the highest rated collection of schools, by US News rank average and by average SAT scores, of any Power 5 conference. There is no mechanisms provided the B10 that approaches any sort of collaborative mechanisms that exists, say, between Pitt and Carnegie Mellon. If there existed the benefits that you incorrectly hear about from the ignorant fanboys, you'd see every school in the country, Ivies included, banging on their door.
This post was edited on 2/16 11:07 AM by CrazyPaco
Exactly how did the refs set up the 63-14 drubbing in Columbus two years ago?

When you have only one part of your life that anyone remotely wants, you have to protect it with your life.

So it is at Penn State...

Liars lie....that is why they are called "Liars".
Bingo research funding is awarded to the individuals at the schools....those people being the ones who work their tails off to secure funding in the first place...

Where anyone comes up with some ridiculous notion of "shared funding" based on conference affiliation is beyond me....there is no such thing.
Re: CP, Thank You, Facts Matter!

I have been having arguments with my own family cousins that are devoted PSU Fans. Those facts you published just went a long way in educating them, and I am thankful they are fair and they do listen when given the all the facts, we all appreciate your info when you post such great posts on subjects not always understood by all, but appreciated nonetheless.

US NEWS recent rankings on College Rankings had Penn State 26th and Pitt 29th in Public Schools, absolutely no statistical difference but I had to educate them on that too?


This post was edited on 2/16 10:07 AM by CaptainSidneyReilly
I'm not here to defend the ACC or the Big Ten.

I will say that I've never felt the need to apologize for where I went to college or for their conference, be it ACC, Big East or Big Ten.

But, if we're keeping score, I have degrees from No. 62 (Pitt) and No. 54 (Ohio State). That's overall, not just public institutions.

And, please spare me the digs at the expense of Ohio State. For the record, I'm a second generation Pitt guy. Both of my parents, my brother and my daughter graduated from Pitt, among other places. On fall Saturdays, I'm usually at Heinz Field, not Ohio Stadium. Hail to Pitt!

This post was edited on 2/16 12:23 PM by pitt_pete

This post was edited on 2/16 12:24 PM by pitt_pete
PITT-PETE, I know many OSU grads, no shots from me.

I root and cheer as hard as most OSU fans when they play the nitwits.