Pitt vs Duke Gamethread

Nice to now be ahead in this sh*tshow of a game. But I see this Pitt team for what it really is... pretty much still the same befuddled clown act but with a very mature and talented QB. This Durant runs... gouging the Defense... same old same old
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Not to pile onto what everyone already knows, but one of the great mysteries of Pitt football is why does Davis continue to get carries after we’ve seen what Izzy and Hammond can do?
Ask these coaches. Just one of about 6 idiotic calls in the half.
3rd and 10, we get a sack that Duke gets called for holding on, and our coaches have to take more than tenth of a second do decide that nah, we don't want to accept the penalty.
Good God... RUN the ball, run down the clock. WTF is so hard about this. Whipple pass-happy as always
If this team had what should be a “Narduzzi defense”, they would be ranked in the top 4 and likely wouldn’t lose until at least the playoffs
Everything went wrong and we're going to win by at least 20 I bet. Good chance for Kenny to get 1000 yards over two weeks if needed.
Did they just say Pitt is probably handing the first half against Duke better than they did against Miami? That's a pretty stupid statement.
Pitt’s defense is playing angry. Maybe someone on the bench has been reading our comments to them?

If so….you’re welcome.