Shocking PG Editorial - at least it was for me. (link)

mbe 34

All Conference
Nov 24, 2004
don't follow the PG much any more.
The writings and pandering by "Dung Beetle" Smizik and Cook turned me off a while ago.

After Pitt beat Cuse I wanted to see what was being said and a link to this Editorial appeared on the page.
This is several weeks old but was new to me.
I expected the usual and it is far from that.
Things seem a little slow on this board so I thought I'd link it.

Apologies if this was already shown.


Some at the PG "get it". comments are fun.
The comment section is very funny. It is full of Paterno/Penn State haters, governmental critics and my favorite, the Penn State extremists doing whatever they can to preserve Joe's legacy and lash out against the P - G. In their view, Sandusky was able to prey on children precisely because it is such a pristine and pure atmosphere up there and that made the children more vulnerable. That is incredible!

One kook goes so far as to demand the P-G write an apology to the good people of Penn State. After all, haven't those people suffered enough?

It's a pretty hilarious cocktail of lunatics all going at it.
My favorite was

"Good editorial - Might want to share with the sports desk"
I love the Nitters that...

Are so quick to point out that Joe Pa told his bosses and that is all he was required to do by law...but in the next breath will boutright lame McQueary for only telling Joe Pa and not doing more. It would be hysterical if not for being so sad!

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