So are you saying PITT has a contract with the Pirates?Because there are these things called contracts and people generally have to follow them.
So are you saying PITT has a contract with the Pirates?Because there are these things called contracts and people generally have to follow them.
So are you saying PITT has a contract with the Pirates?
I might be the minority but I am cool with noon starts. Have no issues with them at all.
Majority of NFL games are 1PM on Sundays and it is most popular sport in USA.
Why is noon such an issue.
I might be the minority but I am cool with noon starts. Have no issues with them at all.
Majority of NFL games are 1PM on Sundays and it is most popular sport in USA.
Why is noon such an issue.
Those with young kids activity geared towards them are Saturday from mornings early afternoon. I use to feel the same way until my son started playing sports.
The big issue, in my opinion, is that Pitt doesn't have the options to make it a night game should they or tv want it that way.
That's fair but the Pirates also use the North Shore 81 times a year so there is no way Pitt is going to get priority over them.
Nutting is the worst owner in sports in my opinion so I am certainly not defending him. Maybe the Pirates could request road trips to avoid conflicts but I am sure it is not that simple. There is a major league schedule that involves 30 teams and 162 games.
The Pirates could of course make changes if they felt like it. They don't care and they really shouldn't care, as their main concern should be the Pirates and not Pitt. The problem is not having the options 99% of other college teams have.
Pitt was near the bottom of the barrel in 1997. How much $ do you think they could have realistically raised in order to renovate Pitt Stadium and build a new basketball arena at that time.Understood, but that was part of the bargain of getting a "free" new football stadium and not putting the time, effort and money into improving Pitt Stadium. Nobody honestly thinks playing off campus for football or basketball is in the long term best interest of a college program. Pitt took a short term approach to vastly improve their facilities without doing the heavy lifting of a major fundraise [like most schools have to do]. Unfortunately there are not many options now, and being at the whim of the Pirates is going to be an issue in September when the schedules have them both in Pittsburgh. Hail to Pitt!
Pitt was near the bottom of the barrel in 1997. How much $ do you think they could have realistically raised in order to renovate Pitt Stadium and build a new basketball arena at that time.
No, I am saying that Pitt has a contract with the Stadium Authority, just like the Pirates do and just like the Stillers do. And those contacts spell out all the rules for things like who can use the parking lots and when they can use them. The idea that some people have that it's some sort of free for all and Pitt can just do whatever it wants is so patently absurd that you wouldn't think that even a semi intelligent person could believe it.
Who honestly knows? Consultants at about the same time told Pitt it could not raise 1 billion dollars for its capital campaign...and they ended up raising over 2 billion. You never know unless you ask. I actually have a bronze plate in my office, which was a gift for my pledge to the Second Century Fund--which was the fundraising campaign started to renovate Pitt Stadium--and then was aborted when they decided to tear it down and move to Heinz. There was actually a lot of optimism in and around '97 with a new AD, new Chancellor and new football and basketball coaches. My opinion is it could have been done...but we will never know the answer. Hail to Pitt!
What contract does Pitt have with the Stadium Authority?
The one that allows us to play in the stadium they own.
Do you think we just show up there at random times and happen to find the door open?
The Steelers own the lease from the stadium authority, and Pitt leases from the Steelers. Anyone who wants to use the Heinz Field goes through the Steelers, including the WPIAL, NHL, and concerts.
But the Stillers and all sub-lessors all have to follow the rules that the Stadium Authority sets out. The idea that Pitt could do whatever they want under the excuse that our lease with the Stadium Authority is indirect rather than direct is batshit crazy.
Seriously, some of you people can't be this dumb, can you?
If you read that agreement and what you got out of the fact that they are required to hold 3000 spaces around the stadium back for parking as meaning that there is no exclusivity for parking then the word dumb certainly does apply.
If Pitt schedules a game at the same time as the Pirates who gets to sell parking passes for the evening? Who gets the revenue from anyone who parks there? Who's rules for when the lots open will be in effect?
The idea that if Pitt just "pushes back" that they will get what they want is moronic. The only way for Pitt to get what they want is to get the Pirates to agree to it. If you think the way to do that is to walk in and tell them that you are going to do whatever you want no matter what even though you have no leverage in the situation then it's pretty clear you've never negotiated with anyone before.
With the way you denigrate and look down upon PITT fans most would call you a nitter, but I do think you may be a PITT fan who hates all other PITT fans. By the way with the way you look upon yourself as the smartest person in the room I doubt you have won any negotiation.If you read that agreement and what you got out of the fact that they are required to hold 3000 spaces around the stadium back for parking as meaning that there is no exclusivity for parking then the word dumb certainly does apply.
If Pitt schedules a game at the same time as the Pirates who gets to sell parking passes for the evening? Who gets the revenue from anyone who parks there? Who's rules for when the lots open will be in effect?
The idea that if Pitt just "pushes back" that they will get what they want is moronic. The only way for Pitt to get what they want is to get the Pirates to agree to it. If you think the way to do that is to walk in and tell them that you are going to do whatever you want no matter what even though you have no leverage in the situation then it's pretty clear you've never negotiated with anyone before.
I am curious about the "Second Century Fund". When did it start? How did Pitt communicate this to perspective donors? How much did it raise? Where did your money go? Etc. I cannot find any references to it pertaining to Pitt.
I wish I could find the brochure--was actually very nicely done. The plans were really quite nice. Started shortly after Pederson arrived [I think?]. Was a major redo of Pitt Stadium, including escalators, locker rooms, administrative offices, Pitt Band facilities, etc. The Pitt Iron works in the stadium was just the first phase--which was paid for by the Duratz family. Once the plans were announced to tear down the stadium, I pulled the plug on my pledge/donation. The money that I actually paid was held in escrow until I worked out arrangements with Pitt, and subsequently decided to fund a scholarship for a football player that attends the Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences. My understanding is that most people just pulled the plug--since their gifts were specifically ear-marked for a facility that would no longer exist.
It was a long time ago, but there was a big mailing done to Pitt alumni and season ticket holders. I was contacted by one of Pitt's development officers for my gift. The campaign was aborted, but raised several million dollars that were actually collected, a good chunk of the collected money was from the Duratz family. Perhaps other posters can fill in more details? Hail to Pitt!
Don't the television networks decide what time a game is played? I know that's why we're playing Georgia State at 730 Saturday.. I would think if the network that gets the game for next year wants the game in primetime, it'll be in primetime and it'll be the best interest of the Pirates to move their game time. If Pitt-PSU is in one stadium and the Pirates are playing a meaningless September game, I know where the fans will be.. make it a 1 pm opening pitch and they'll get some fans showing up at both. Win-win for the Pirates and the fans.. I hope we get at least one of our games in this series in primetime at night.