Sure, but what I’m saying is that Clemson had a 14-6 record in the ACC, and ended up in the NIT because they scheduled a bad OOC schedule and performed badly against that bad schedule.Your ACC schedule is 20 games plus some number of conference tournament games. That is double or maybe more than your total number of OOC games. Our ability to earn a bid is ALWAYS going to come down to the ACC record. Pitt would have to schedule like Gonzaga to have an OOC that could compensate for a bad ACC record.
Unless you are worried about your actual seed line, the quality of your OOC is not all that important. I am much more interested in Pitt getting a bid in 2024 than I am in what number their seed is.
A schedule like we had this year (a four team tournament with quality opponents, WVU, a conference challenge game, and another high major opponent, plus a half dozen low majors) is totally fine going forward. I’m not opposed to adding Duquesne and going with five low majors, or if you want to schedule lean you could swap out the Vanderbilt equivalent with Duquesne and keep the six low major buy games.