Were in court today arguing to have their case thrown out because......wait for it...
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
Of course not - everything went directly to Joe Paterno.Were in court today arguing to have their case thrown out because......wait for it...
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
ignorance of the law is no excuse.Were in court today arguing to have their case thrown out because......wait for
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Can you post a link for this? I had no idea they were in court today.Were in court today arguing to have their case thrown out because......wait for it...
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
Can you post a link for this? I had no idea they were in court today.
Well that's right. When they decided to take action, the boss said "We need to be fair to Jerry." Then, the cover-up began!How could they have known? Once they reported it to the big boss in town – Paterno – I'm sure they assumed it was "handled" like all of the controversies that came before it.
Were in court today arguing to have their case thrown out because......wait for it...
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
My wife was cooking dinner and it was on one of the local PITTsburgh stations in our kitchen. My guess is WTAE.
So they've been waiting all these years, and that's the best defense that they could come-up with?Were in court today arguing to have their case thrown out because......wait for it...
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
Seriously??? Unreal...what are they ...12 year olds..??? " I dint do nuthin cause I dint know"??? WTFWere in court today arguing to have their case thrown out because......wait for it...
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
Really? My god if that seriously is true I don't even know. That is a total embarassment on penn state's part for even hiring those clowns. If you seriously don't know that, you are nowhere near qualified to hold any kind of job that involves more than flipping burgers. I refuse to believe anyone, let alone 3 individuals, are that ineptly retarded. Nice try though scumbags.Were in court today arguing to have their case thrown out because......wait for it...
They didn't know they had to report Sandusky when they learned of it!
Really? My god if that seriously is true I don't even know. That is a total embarassment on penn state's part for even hiring those clowns. If you seriously don't know that, you are nowhere near qualified to hold any kind of job that involves more than flipping burgers. I refuse to believe anyone, let alone 3 individuals, are that ineptly retarded. Nice try though scumbags.
Pabornandraised = Bag of Portland cementpabornandraised - Crickets
It's not that appalling of an argument. The basis of the argument is that they thought Sandusky was The Second Mile's problem since that's who he "worked" for when the shower incident happened (if you ignore his tenured status and office and unfettered access to all facilities). Because, you know, when you quit, you get the run of your old work place and all.
Could not find anything about this on the following websites:
Harrisburg Patriot-News (PennLive)
Centre Daily Times
Dauphin County Courthouse
I think the OP is making stuff up....again....and look how many fell for it. Sad, really.
[/QUOTE]Since I am self employed and work from home I called WTAE since there is no search engine on their website. If you call their newsroom they can read any story that the run to you . I called and YES they did run a piece yesterday stating:
Graham Spanier and the 2 other PSU administrators attorney was trying to have the case against them thrown out 5 years after the filing due to THEY DID NOT KNOW THEY HAD TO REPORT THE INCIDENT IN 2001!
Here is the contact info for WTAE:
QUOTE="pabornandraised, post: 1750307, member: 39616"]Could not find anything about this on the following websites:
Harrisburg Patriot-News (PennLive)
Centre Daily Times
Dauphin County Courthouse
I think the OP is making stuff up....again....and look how many fell for it. Sad, really.
It's not that appalling of an argument. The basis of the argument is that they thought Sandusky was The Second Mile's problem since that's who he "worked" for when the shower incident happened (if you ignore his tenured status and office and unfettered access to all facilities). Because, you know, when you quit, you get the run of your old work place and all.
[/QUOTE]I talked to a man at the news desk and he read me the story from yesterday's 6:00 news. I am not calling back to get his name and badge #. Face it ...the 3 stooges are trying to get out of the case because they are saying they didn't know they had to report it!
Who cares if it were an AP wire report that they ran? WOW
I called WTAE and was told by the woman I spoke to that the source was the "AP wire".
I then searched the AP website and found NOTHING. But there was a 1/4/17 story about Kathleen Kane's lawyer filing something on Tuesday.
Considering that the CDT and PennLive also had nothing, I'm calling bullshit on the OP. If you can prove otherwise, please do so, and I'll apologize. If you can't, then you should apologize for spreading more fake news.
[/QUOTE]Look you dumb banana. The point is that a story was run that said the 3 Administrators in charge of PED ST wanted the case tossed because they "did not know they had to report the incident in 2001"!
Congrats.....You are a certified cult member!
It appears that WTAE reported fake news, or old news. I am surprised that they were duped. However, I am not surprised that you were, too.
[/QUOTE]Call back and ask for the news desk. Tell them you are looking for the piece they ran last night on the 6:00 news! The first person that answered said they recently changed their web page and took the search engine out for some reason.
I posted their number before but in case you need it
Please provide a link, any link, to this story. Note that "a guy on the phone at WTAE" is not a credible link/source.
Please explain the fact the PSU as per discovery by the insurer who refused to pay for legal costs, that PSU paid out monies associated with Sandusky years before 1998. The settlements were private and conditional on the parties never disclosing said facts. Paterno was never asked about the fact of these settlements for a assistant coach but I have to believe he knew as a matter of his position of head coach and athletic director.
[/QUOTE]Then why was it aired on WTAE yesterday?
See above. I already called them, and researched the "source" that they provided. Also, the Harrisburg and State College newspapers had nothing on this story. Nothing on the BWI board either.
Maybe because there is no story?