3 Stooges

See above. I already called them, and researched the "source" that they provided. Also, the Harrisburg and State College newspapers had nothing on this story. Nothing on the BWI board either.

Maybe because there is no story?[/QUOTE]
To be fair.... the Harrisburg and State College newspapers never once ran a story about anything that happened at PSU over the decades that Paterno was running things. Numerous PSU players got in trouble with the law over the years, and NONE of it was reported in the HBG or SC papers - it was swept under the rug.

So pointing out that a story that is negative about PSU wasn't reported in the HBG or SC papers... or laughably at BWI.... doesn't mean shit.

Pravda was more open about the Soviet Union's activities than HBG and SC papers ever were about PSU when Paterno was there.
You are correct. I thought that's how I remembered where the term came from, but I got that one wrong. I read something about how that term came about and if I can find it I'll post a link.

Please do, I'd be interested to see it. Hopefully its not the one where Scott refreshed Joe's memory before he testified and planted the idea.
Mr. Paterno: I’m not sure of the date, but he did call me on a Saturday morning. He said he had something that he wanted to discuss. I said, come on over to the house.
Here you go PB&R:

He came over to the house.

And as I said, I’m not sure what year it was, but I know it was a Saturday morning and we discussed something he had seen.

Q: Without getting into any graphic detail, what did Mr. McQueary tell you he had seen and where?

Mr. Paterno: Well, he had seen a person, an older — not an older, but a mature person who was fondling, whatever you might call it — I’m not sure what the term would be — a young boy.

Q: Did he identify who that older person was?

Mr. Paterno: Yes, a man by the name of Jerry Sandusky who had been one of our coaches, was not at the time.

Q: You’re saying that at the time this incident was reported to you, Sandusky was no longer a coach?
Mr. Paterno: No, he had retired voluntarily. I’m not sure exactly the year, but I think it was either ‘98 or ‘99.

Q: I think you used the term fondling. Is that the term that you used?

Mr. Paterno: Well, I don’t know what you would call it. Obviously, he was doing something with the youngster.

It was a sexual nature. I’m not sure exactly what it was.
Billy, would please post the link to this information. Thanks.
Obviously you know nothing about the case.

There was no rape. Ever. The child in the showers stated that nothing happened and in recent sworn testimony did not dispute what he originally stated.

The term "sexual nature" was fed to Paterno by the person asking the questions. Public record. Look it up if you're not too lazy.

The rest of your post is just bullshit.

And if was your kid that got "sexual natured". Still bs nitter ?
I guess the ups'ers just don't want to hear anymore of the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!
No question GS will sing like bird someday!

The problem is the nature of these crimes will not look favorably towards someone turning evidence to save their butt because the public will crucify the judge who accepts this plea bargain....IMO

Which one of The Sandusky Trio will flip to save his hide? I say Spanier.
No question GS will sing like bird someday!

The problem is the nature of these crimes will not look favorably towards someone turning evidence to save their butt because the public will crucify the judge who accepts this plea bargain....IMO
If the Commonwealth seeks The Truth in order to deliver Justice, then releasing a weasel to catch Lion(s) is a small price. Isn't one of the defendants in poor health? Low risk of that guy ending his days in the slammer, IMO. That leaves two to tango, and the tweedy former prez is my pick to break ranks and sing an operetta.
Please do, I'd be interested to see it. Hopefully its not the one where Scott refreshed Joe's memory before he testified and planted the idea.

I looked but could not find anything. It's been so long that I can't say for sure that it wasn't a blog, or even a discussion in a message board. I tend to ignore what Scott has to say. Jay, on the other hand, has been somewhat more reasonable.
Have any defendants avoided criminal trial for this long of a period? I realize they have a right to a speedy trial but shouldn't the judge, whoever it is now, place definitive limits on these motions and set a date to start the trial. If Al Capone had these lawyers we never would have heard of Elliot Ness.
See above. I already called them, and researched the "source" that they provided. Also, the Harrisburg and State College newspapers had nothing on this story. Nothing on the BWI board either.

Maybe because there is no story?
To be fair.... the Harrisburg and State College newspapers never once ran a story about anything that happened at PSU over the decades that Paterno was running things. Numerous PSU players got in trouble with the law over the years, and NONE of it was reported in the HBG or SC papers - it was swept under the rug.

So pointing out that a story that is negative about PSU wasn't reported in the HBG or SC papers... or laughably at BWI.... doesn't mean shit.

Pravda was more open about the Soviet Union's activities than HBG and SC papers ever were about PSU when Paterno was there.[/QUOTE]
You hit upon a Big Problem few know about and why the NCAA has been so timid in its own Defense and few know about it.

You are correct that there was not much investigations on Joe Paterno's Program, but a few Times the Harrisburg Patriot did try and especially in 1996 when it followed Penn State's Curtis Enis bringing an Sport's Agent to Penn State Locker Rooms all season long. It was the start of Hush Hush Cover Ups by Spanier getting involved as well.

Penn State challenge the Patriot News Reporting that Enis's Agent was buying him Gifts but it was denied by Penn State until Patriot News exposed them both buying Suits in a Mall Store Video, then and only then, did Paterno Suspend Enis for the Bowl Game.

The Sports Agent was also cited under Pennsylvania Sports Agency Law passed in 1980s and Fined and Banned. Enis became another Penn State NFL Draft Busts more than any FBS program to date by the way. He was again just arrested a few weeks ago in State College on Joey Porter type of problems.

HOWEVER, the NCAA never came on Penn State Campus and did a full and complete Investigation whatsoever. Some Legal Experts have said If they had they would have discovered many of the Athletic Integrity Violations of Title IX, Clery Act, and Big Ten Conference No Athletic Code of Conduct violations and would have been given Sanctions and might have uncovered Sandusky's Children Abuse at that time as well.

The NCAA like most Public believed in Paterno Public Relations saying his Players Players were true Student Athletes, but in reality Penn State Football Player's treated different than from Students. The NCAA never officially investigated all the Penn State Arrests Headlines, nor when Newspapers reported Paterno showed the Door to Penn State President & Athletic Director, that should have been a NCAA Investigation on Lack of Institutional Control in 2004.

The NCAA is allow to use Media Headlines and Investigations Reporting to begin any Investigation as allowed in the NCAA-University Membership By-Laws. The failure to conduct an Official NCAA investigation at Penn State showed NCAA bias and ignored its own Procedures citing Paterno suspended Enis and that was enough to comply.

It got worse when the NCAA removed Bobby Bowden 15 Wins to give Paterno the Edge to Win 409, again never Investigating Paterno's Program Officially from 1996 to 1999 to 2004 when more Violations of Athletic Integrity Compliance's were ignored and reported Publicly in Media as well.

Clearly, the NCAA Investigation Office did not do their jobs and later many were fired and retired even before the The Penn State Football Scandal was Uncovered by Law Enforcement long time investigation 2008-2011 and Grand Jury!

Had the NCAA actually did their job instead of participating Paterno's March to 409, they might have provided further Evidence why Paterno should have been removed in 1996 for Lack of Penn State Institutional control & later far earlier than 2011 but Investigations in 1998 and 2001, and 2004?

Once the Patriot News got the story in 2011 they finally vindicated what they reported in 1996, and then it was the end of Paterno Reign as Children Abuse could no longer be covered up. The NCAA made grave mistakes in misjudgement in not investigating Penn State far earlier. Ten Big Ten also never verified or audited that Penn state Football was in full compliance with Athletic Integrity Agreement agreed to when its joined. They were also caught in making sure other Big ten Programs were doing it too, until after the Penn State Football Scandal and gave their own Bowl Sanctions.

The NCAA and Big Ten has some of its own Blame by remaining Blind to ever Investigating Paterno and were Bias to Promote the Penn State's Paterno Public Relations Machine by not doing a full Investigation by the Patriot News Headlines and their own Hero Making Complicity had much Duplicity in creating the Myth and the Big ten removed Paterno from its Big Ten Championship Trophy!

Meanwhile, Children continued to be abused might have ended sooner had the NCAA and Big Ten did its job.

An undeniable fact throughout history is that popular culture has a way of creating legends that have a way of becoming unquestionable truths. It becomes obvious to anyone why we can't let the Right create history in their view.

In the Case of Joe Paterno Many Newspapers ignored the nuances that deserved an Investigation throughout Paterno's Accession to Head Coach, as Paterno breaking the Big Four Agreement, Numerous Arrest of Players at Penn State in 1970s, Ref Guman's cheating and relationship in 1980s, Curtis Enis Gift Taking NCAA Violations and Sandusky Investigation in 1998, including Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Philadelphia Inquirer, and other Newspapers that often would not report the Crimes happening at Penn State.

"In the film "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" Jimmy Stewart plays a man that goes on to fame and notoriety after everyone thinks he shot the notorious villain Liberty Valance. John Wayne's character was the one that in fact shot the criminal but he let Stewart's character take the credit. When Stewart tries to tell the truth to a reporter, he is told "When The Legend Becomes Fact... Print The Legend"."

When it all came falling down and Children's and their Mother's Cries of Hidden Stains of Sins Including Sandusky's Son Kin, and could no longer be ignored, one Penn State Woman in Sara Ganim and this time.

The Patriot News did not back down, and took on the Truth Again, instead of the Myths about the Legend at Penn State that many were misled in a collection of Myths Mix With Game Miracles Wins!

I accept Joe was a great Coach (Only Myself Not Asking Others To Do It), but he built and oversaw a Penn State Football Program without a Code of Athletic Integrity Conduct, and Lack Institutional Control, and that was proven by NCAA Sanctions that stood for Two Years, and the Title IX-Clery Act Fines proving it, along with PMA Insurance Company Judicial Rulings that revealed it went back to 1970s.

Many Penn Staters just refuse to accept that Paterno's Way of doing things just like Art Briles, was a Football Winning Thing, and both ended up Shaming The Universities Names in their March to Fame that is no longer respected in Society Today!

The Truth Crush Into The Earth Will Only Rise Again & Overcomes Myths-Miracle Of Wins Of Legends Not As Standing Up To The Test Of Time!

The PSU Cult Dolts Fans can have the Winning Memories they choose to enjoy but it was at the Expense of many Children Nightmare Memories that have prevailed, and happen at Penn State because Penn State allowed it to happen and could and would not stop what they should have stopped when One Coach becomes bigger than Penn State University that employed him?

The Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms won't allow that to ever happen again!

Last edited:
The delays are a travesty. It's never been more obvious that the state and local governments (and media) are in the pocket of PSU by holding these trials back. That itself is at least as maddening as the offenses themselves.

One might say PSU is their own biggest enemy in this because by procrastination, they keep this in the news perpetually. However, at this point they may actively court (no pun intended) the proliferation.

After all, it hasn't cost them in the least. On the contrary it likely spurs fresh new spurts of defiant donations whenever a new "witch hunt" article surfaces. And their team uses it successfully to laud the "resilience" they show when they win, and blame the "sanctions" any time they lose. They blamed the "biased media" for not being ranked in the top 4, as they "rightfully deserved", although the media actually, shamefully, let them off the hook along with everyone else, long ago.

Diabolical but brilliant, really.
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Ex-Penn State leader must trim lawsuit against FBI director

Mr. Spanier’s 110-page lawsuit references Mr. Freeh’s consulting work on far-ranging cases including the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. But Judge Robert Eby on Monday threw out the lawsuit and told Mr. Spanier’s lawyers to refile it within 60 days. They vowed to do so. Neither Mr. Spanier nor Mr. Freeh attended the Centre County hearing. Mr. Spanier said the report harmed his reputation and income, and he is seeking damages. He and Penn State are countersuing each other. Mr. Spanier is also trying to have criminal charges stemming from the Sandusky investigation dismissed.
"TheNoise88, post: 1769655, member: 49087"]The delays are a travesty. It's never been more obvious that the state and local governments (and media) are in the pocket of PSU by holding these trials back. That itself is at least as maddening as the offenses themselves.
Not to disagree or intend to offend or attack you, but to inform the Lair out of respect......The Penn State Three have the Constitutional Right to a Defense like all of us that can remove Life, Liberty and Property. They have a very Good Defense Lawyers Teams that are to be be admired and paid for by Penn State or PSU Insurers decided at a later date. There is a Legal Process called Interlocutory Appeals that allow such delays and the Attorney's not using it would be subject to Malpractice. It was also a great move by Spanier Lawyers to File a Civil lawsuit to gain information on Criminal Charges pending even if limited in Freeh Report as a Tactic and Strategy. If any of us are ever accused of Crimes, we would expect, demand, and should be given the Right to Defend ourselves by our Lawyers. Why I will wait to to see what will happen under the swearing in of new PA AG Today on the Criminal Pending Charges. as well, as Civil Lawsuit Unsealed and Sealed Documents that are still coming out in Discovery.

One might say PSU is their own biggest enemy in this because by procrastination, they keep this in the news perpetually. However, at this point they may actively court (no pun intended) the proliferation.
There are many Lawyers, Cases, Motions, and Appeals pending and once in the legal process, All Rights, Defenses and Prosecutions take time according to the Laws, and it involves multiple Judges Rulings and Appeals by other Judges Rulings. This is 30 Year and 14 Year old mess over time that has been ignored dating back 30 years under law, and beyond 50 years not allowed due to SOL. I am aware of a few cases that took 14 years to resolve in Children Abuse and Interlocutory Appeals are part of that process causing the delays, not to mention 4 AGs, Judges retiring and dying once in charge.

After all, it hasn't cost them in the least.
It has cost everyone them greatly and in ways few can understand until it happens to someone and lawyers are needed.

On the contrary it likely spurs fresh new spurts of defiant donations whenever a new "witch hunt" article surfaces. And their team uses it successfully to laud the "resilience" they show when they win, and blame the "sanctions" any time they lose. They blamed the "biased media" for not being ranked in the top 4, as they "rightfully deserved", although the media actually, shamefully, let them off the hook along with everyone else, long ago.
Those are the PSU Cult Dolt Fans no one respect except themselves, that balme everyone and anyone, except themselves for Worshipin Wins & Myths over Societal Values to protect Children that has been ignored until The Penn State Football Program Scandal? Not to say, nor challenge, your own opinions is just as justified to be upset with what happen too!

Diabolical but brilliant, really.
Not Following Athletic Integrity Rules & Individual Crimes by anyone choose to Lie like Penn State Graduate & Coach Sandusky and cover them up using Children by claiming he was helping the Disadvantage is always Diabolical....along with an University that did not follow Athletic Integrity Compliance Rules & Federal alws design to protect other from crimes if reported, is part of it for protecting continued Football Winning and revenues is also Victims of their won values.

Still, a proper Defense can be Brilliant, but still no Winners in the end.

Quite Ironic is it not.....the very Winning Penn State Fans felt they needed to make themselves feel like Winners also has made them Losers that think that way and expect the world to acclaim them when the it as the Worshiping of Winners that Shamed Penn State Name and they sing in that in the Penn State Alma Mater Song anyway?

Something went Rotten at Penn State and the Penn State Trustees had to accept it and fix it even with their own flaws and all and now as they return to Winning, they still blame Penn State???

Maybe they have the Fans themselves have Charcter Flaws that think that way in Hindsight!
What is going at Penn State and outside of State College reminds me a Movie Review I once read on the Web and One of my Link Sources Above to connect what happen to Penn State Below:

" In the film "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" Jimmy Stewart plays a man that goes on to fame and notoriety after everyone thinks he shot the notorious villain Liberty Valance. John Wayne's character was the one that in fact shot the criminal but he let Stewart's character take the credit. When Stewart tries to tell the truth to a reporter, he is told "When the legend becomes fact... print the legend".

An undeniable fact throughout history is that popular culture has a way of creating legends that have a way of becoming unquestionable truths.............. Robert Wuhl (of Arli$$ fame) did a special for HBO called "Assume the Position" that takes a look at all of several historical myths that have managed to become accepted as truths. I guarantee if you see this show you will never look at history the same way again.

History is a myth that men agree to believe - Napoleon

As everybody knows Paul Revere made a valiant ride through the night warning everyone that "The British Are Coming" or did he? Revere did in fact make the ride but it was far less glorious than you have been taught.

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year,
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1860

Revere in fact made the shortest ride of the night from one town to another. Several other riders also rode that night but a man named Israel Bissell rode for four days from Massachusetts all the way to Philadelphia. Surely he was the one that should have gotten the glory? But Israel Bissell didn't sound as good as Paul Revere... after all what rhymes with Bissell? Until Longfellow wrote his poem, Revere was not known as a significant part of the Revolutionary War. It was Longfellow and his poem's popularity that "catapulted the propaganda" to steal a phrase...............that are creating history the way they want it seen. We all know the truth today but the more that things like this happen the more legends will spring up.

And when the legend becomes fact, print the legend.
Comparison of what happen in the Movie Quote & Penn State Just a Guess?

The Man That Shot Liberty Valiance.
Senator Ransom Stoddard :
“You're not going to use the story, Mr. Scott?”
Maxwell Scott:
“This is the west, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”
Jason Tully:
“Nothing's too good for the man who shot Liberty Valance.”

Sheriff Link Appleyard :
As long as he behaves himself in this town I ain't got no, ah...
Ransom Stoddard:
You mean…….Jurisdiction.
Sheriff Link Appleyard:
What he said is right. I ain't got none of it.

Penn State University Football Program:
Penn state Public Relations Athletic Integrity Violations:
“You're not going to use the story, ?”
Maxwell Scott:
“This is the west, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”
Jason Tully:
“Nothing's too good for the man who shot Liberty Valance.”

Sheriff Link Appleyard :
As long as he behaves himself in this town I ain't got no, ah...
Ransom Stoddard:
You mean…….Jurisdiction.
Sheriff Link Appleyard:
What he said is right. I ain't got none of it.

Penn State University Football Program Scandal:

Penn State Public Relations Athletic Integrity Violations:
“You're Not Going To Use The Story, ?”

Newspapers Reporters Post-Gazette & Philadelphia Inquirers:
“This Is State College, Pennsylvania, Sir. When The Legend Becomes Fact, Print The Legend.” Been doing It for 46 Years!”

Penn State Cult Dolt Fans:
“Nothing's Too Good For The Man That Won 409 & Penn State First National Championships!”

District Attorney Gricar, VP PSU Security, NCAA Investigators:
"As Long As He Behaves Himself In This Town I Ain't Got No, Ah"...until Freeh Email Discovery Details…"You Mean…….Jurisdiction!”

DA, Police, PSU security, NCAA & Penn State Three:
“What He Said Is Right. We Ain't Got None Of It.”


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