Down 80-78 to Louisville with 39 seconds, Hadley misses a shot, we don't get the rebound. Had we gotten the rebound, maybe we score and win.
Tied at 66 vs Clemson. Dillon Hunter misses a shot with 51 seconds, couldn't get the rebound. Zachary makes a shot with 33 seconds. We tie and send to OT. Had we stopped them, maybe we win.
@ Wake, Lowe misses a 3 to tie with 1:02 left. If he hits it, maybe we end up winning
@ UNC - the Leggett miss at the buzzer
I believe we've only won 1 close game this OSU. To go 0-4 in those 1 possession games is a hard thing to do.
Tied at 66 vs Clemson. Dillon Hunter misses a shot with 51 seconds, couldn't get the rebound. Zachary makes a shot with 33 seconds. We tie and send to OT. Had we stopped them, maybe we win.
@ Wake, Lowe misses a 3 to tie with 1:02 left. If he hits it, maybe we end up winning
@ UNC - the Leggett miss at the buzzer
I believe we've only won 1 close game this OSU. To go 0-4 in those 1 possession games is a hard thing to do.