I have not looked, but is Pitt in the top half of the ACC in any sport? we were what third in our division in football? Hoops sucked. next to last. Soccer, uh, have we won a men's game yet? women stink. Baseball, nah. Not bad in track, but how do we stack against the rest of ACC. Thought we'd be a force in wrestling, first year yes, ever since nope. Frankly, the athletic program overall is a cluster f__k. We want to win championships! Bullsh&t....Everyone can bitch about Louisville and what terrible people they have as coaches, but they win in almost all of their sports, men and women and do play for the occasional national championship. If Pitt does not want to do what necessary to be a contender then sock all your money into hoops, and play division 2 in the other sports. Maybe Pitt could build a nice 15,000 seat stadium and play The Rock, Cal U, IUP.