Bad News For Paterno’s & Penn State??? Judge Orders Release Of Sandusky Settlement Records, LINK!

It will help to make it clearer as to exactly "who knew what, and when did they know it". At this point, the reasons for determining that are also very much moral and ethical ones for those that are interested in such reasons.
Exactly spot on with Owtie's Intelligent Viewpoint and others too.

Baylor University right now has created a BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TASK FORCE to prepare, tackle, and make changes at Baylor Football & Athletic Programs.

This is what I proposed at the vert start of this Penn State Football Program Scandal.

A Blue Ribbon Committee taking over Penn State University for a time being to correct the wrongs at happen there. The Penn State Leadership thought otherwise they could handle it and now they have become Victims of their own Alumni, Fans, and own Trustees.

Yet, what they did by bringing in Freeh that gave 119 Recommendation to comply with Laws and Compliance's and Penn State Trustees implemented 116 of them making Penn State a Model of Compliance's that puts the Penn State Football Program and all Athletics Program under them.

Baylor took action due to Penn State errors when handling their own Football Scandal but Baylor Alumni will be united to change under Reforms by the Baylor Task Force, and the Task Force will take the criticism as Baylor University takes the credit for the Baylor Athletic Reforms.

Upon Hindsight, if Penn State had put together a Blue Ribbon Reform Committee that handled all aspects of the Penn State Football Scandal, they could better united today instead of divided today and none of this leaking and unsealing would still be accusing problems today.

Baylor University has learned what to do off of Penn State Mistakes and Baylor Headlines will diminish even this year as compared Penn State Headlines that will grow back again like weeds in a garden due to not pulling all the roots with the full truth from an outside Blue Ribbon Committee!

Sometimes a Farmer makes a big mistake by just thinking he can apply pesticide and weed control to protect his crops by replacing or releasing it to cleanse itself of weeds killing his crop production.

His own family and his neighbors may complain as the run off may poison some water streams but when the weeds grow back, he himself realizes he should have brought in outsider rather trying to save a few dimes, with bigger problems now that customers may not want to even buy his crops or view them as healthy as he once advertised.

Owtie nailed it, anytime anyone uses "Success with Honor" to defend Penn State or Paterno or the Football Program, that is the mistake made and send up a SOS.....(Save Our Slogan)!

It is not about Slogans but Abuse, and it happen at PSU and still divides PSU and time for PSU Alumni like Franco to help the healing, not keep dividing and defending a mythical slogan.

Change that Franco Defense for another SOS.....Salute Of Sara!

Here's the thing. I think most of America would walk away from this realizing it is tragic but over, if the Penn State Community and Paterno's would just simply say, "I am sorry".
Well, the world will not be worried about attendance. It is about children becoming victims by PSU Alumnus, Coach, and Employee, of a Charity intertwined with Penn State Football Program, and for protecting the Penn State Football.

No one can defend it from anywhere nor make it go away by trying to attacking another University, another Football Program, and calling it The Penn State Way, no longer has any Value in Today's Society or at Penn State.

The Allegations are being released in the interests of Public Media Interests and due to a disputed Lawsuit between Penn State and Penn State Insurer,and not one Fan in any Stands at Pitt is responsible or at Penn State accountable.

Fans at Baylor University are accepting social values, norms, and not defending covering up abuse in the name of winning or to keep fans in stands, and that is on your twisted values?

All they can thump their chests about is attendance. They are a middle of the pack Big 10 team, located in the middle of nowhere, that will be associated with pedodhilia for the rest of our lifetime. They found out their Santa Claus is not real, and they are still tantrumimg like little children. It's quite sad.
Here's the thing. I think most of America would walk away from this realizing it is tragic but over, if the Penn State Community and Paterno's would just simply say, "I am sorry".
Another good point, some PSU Leaders did put in Reforms and others blame them for the entire mess. Yet, one is trying to unite Penn State by bringing back the Statue at the very time even more horrific information is about to be unleashed.

Nether will admit to say they are sorry because that means attacks by both either way, and until they do admit something did not just go terribly wrong.

Society now stands up to Athletic Heroes and Coaches called Winners. When later it is becomes known there was open non-cooperation of laws or rules. Or acceptance of slapping one wife, protecting players from rape, or ignoring warning signs of coaches that go unchecked will plunge and Football Program and the University into the depths of anarchy. It just does not comeback on them but the thing all Teams, Coaches, Players, Alumni, Fans have come to know they love the most in Winning football games.

There is a need to acknowledge what built Penn State Football Program also left Penn State Football In Scandal, Shame, and not going Away!
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All they can thump their chests about is attendance. They are a middle of the pack Big 10 team, located in the middle of nowhere, that will be associated with pedodhilia for the rest of our lifetime. They found out their Santa Claus is not real, and they are still tantrumimg like little children. It's quite sad.
Excellent point, they call it Penn State Swagger but that is gone now compared to Victim's Pain & memories that came from trying to protect the Scandal Ridden Football Program.

It all starts out with cheers that makes everyone feel great with memories that last a lifetime years. Until one and the world learns with the facts that someone once adored could have helped prevented the bad guy by just opening one's eyes and not tolerating anyone that can cause a distraction of the Program instead of protecting it.

The very spotlight asking questions, so one thinks attempts to short circuit it. They justify by protecting what one loves, but instead are blinded and then losing their own reputation in the process.

Additionally, anyone that hurts the University, Football Program and Alumnus Fans and most Players that had nothing to do with cover-ups in the name of protecting the Program or his Job, ends up in Hindsight regretting it.

The facts are the facts and the truth is the truth. Those young boys' lives are ruined forever because of PSU coaches, including Paterno, and the PSU administration. Now people like you and those who support the stand that you take are further ruining their lives by preventing justice to be realized.

There is no debate. The truth is the truth.The heinous crimes were committed and so far, justice has not been had except that Paterno is burning in hell and Sandusky is rotting in jail, where he belongs. Many others should be in jail (or in the case of Franco Harris, in a jail for the criminally insane). When PSU is no longer playing football and the fines are increased dramatically, then justice will begin to be served.

You want to focus on the future? OK, PSU's future should be a period of at least 10 years with no football. None. That's what your future should be. I don't understand how you can just dismiss all of those child rapes committed by PSU during these decades and think that the "punishment" that PSU has been administered to date is even close to being repayment for those crimes by your coaches and administration.

PSU football is not important, because as you said, "life goes on" with or without it. In this case, without it would be justice for all the people that matter.

As the article said --- you are engaging in a debate to nowhere.

The discussion about appropriate penalties for the football team --- that discussion occurred. You may not have liked the decision, but the decision has been made. It's unlikely to be re-visited.

Of course "PSU football is not important." It does seem weird: one could argue that YOU are elevating football, with your desire to continue to penalize the (already-penalized) football team. Why not focus the penalties on the guilty individuals? To quote the article again: PSU football has spent more time in a figurative jail than any of the alleged enablers have spent time in a literal jail. Makes more sense to focus the venom on C/S/S, right?
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All that is true. But it is pretty damn obvious the whole Paterno "success with honor" stuff was a complete fraud. And to continue to deny this is not doing yes the real victims any justice.

If "changing the hearts and minds of 100% of loyalists" is the benchmark for "justice" in anyone's mind --- they're never getting that. That is an impossible benchmark.

It's the human condition, people simply don't like to admit they're wrong.

By my benchmarks, the victims have had a pretty good degree of justice. Their attacker is in jail, their alleged enablers are indicted, and they have been compensated by the employer of those alleged enablers.
If "changing the hearts and minds of 100% of loyalists" is the benchmark for "justice" in anyone's mind --- they're never getting that. That is an impossible benchmark.

It's the human condition, people simply don't like to admit they're wrong.

By my benchmarks, the victims have had a pretty good degree of justice. Their attacker is in jail, their alleged enablers are indicted, and they have been compensated by the employer of those alleged enablers.
All fair comments and agree and Penn State made the Reforms to become a Model of Children Protection and the Football Program under the control of Penn State with no undisclosed business Conflicts of Interests with Trustees.

The only problem is BWI posters and some PSU fans won't let things go and constantly attack Penn State every day too.

As well as , Penn State bringing some on its own by going after the Insurance Carriers, not sure if that was great, but it is a way to get a better settlement in covering some costs from thr Scandal.
I know this much. I don't want those child rape loving and enabling perverts anywhere near Heinz Field in September. Them playing football at all is a travesty of justice, and it's good to know that no matter the score of the game, we will have won. In my mind and until the school admits total guilt and admits that Paterno and the administration were part of the crime for over 3 decades, they will have lost every game they play.
None of that makes up for what happened to them. If you think it does, you have a problem.

If "changing the hearts and minds of 100% of loyalists" is the benchmark for "justice" in anyone's mind --- they're never getting that. That is an impossible benchmark.

It's the human condition, people simply don't like to admit they're wrong.

By my benchmarks, the victims have had a pretty good degree of justice. Their attacker is in jail, their alleged enablers are indicted, and they have been compensated by the employer of those alleged enablers.
None of that makes up for what happened to them. If you think it does, you have a problem.
Nothing can ever make up for what happened to the victims - or to the victims of any such crime. If PSU was banned from football for 100 years, that would not make up for what happened to the victims - their experiences would not change.
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Respectfully disagree and due so with understanding how many feel what happen.

However, if this happen to Pitt and other University's end up banning Football Programs forever, it is not right either. The Pitt-Penn State rivalry cannot be defined by one Scandal.

Unlike Paterno that ended that series out of his own Ego of Contempt, he was wrong to do it, and Pitt would be wrong to not renew it, in my opinion.

Once all the allegations are unsealed many more things could come out. No matter if that helps or breaks Penn State two divided camps that want to continue to worship, recognize, and defend Paterno and those that want to move on and look to the future under New Reforms.

Franco, Lubrano, and Paterno's are part of the solution and maybe once information comes out that even shows they did not know, but believe now some others did know earlier, that can foster new ways for solutions to unite both factions, to move are with mea culpas.

If Lubrano, Franco, Paterno's and others do uncover alternative aspects on what happens and can show that Paterno never knew before 1998 or 2001, that is fair to defend their Alma Mater and Coach and Father as well.

On the other hand, if they conclude otherwise and can see the allegations are something better left to history, it will be time for all to begin to heal together, accept reality, and give we are sorry.

I have no problem with Lubrano defending and wanting the full truth or Franco or Paterno's and they have very right to choose how they want to respond in the future after reading the Unsealed Documents.

Same with the Baylor Task Force making changes from Brile's Era of Football Glory. They will impose their own Sanctions and implement New Reforms and Athletic Programs can be changed for the better with the right people running them.

The goal should be to make sure it does not happen again, accept something went wrong and they do everything possible to admit sorrow. Then join in an attempt to correct the pain it brought to others by being better in the present and future.

By Baylor and Penn State becoming better University's and Football Programs is what is important and both can still win within social norms of decency, over coming mistakes, paying the price to change with sanctions, fines, settlements and reforms costs.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and accept and respect if they want to differ. Many good things come from College Football as well. It depends how they are run to win?
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Nothing can ever make up for what happened to the victims - or to the victims of any such crime. If PSU was banned from football for 100 years, that would not make up for what happened to the victims - their experiences would not change.

Agree 1000%. I gave 10 years as the ban, trying to be somewhat reasonable. A permanent ban would be more appropriate for what that school and their coaches and administration did to those young boys.

It will remain to be seen and judged in the Court of Public Opinion in 29 Days and the Paterno Statue Resurrection Debate?

As well as, the Pennsylvania Senate and Governor expanding the Child Molestation to 50 Year Statute Of Limitation will add new allegations of cases to PSU and possibly the PMA Insurer as well as Altoona-Johnstown Dioceses AG Report potential cases

This could also cause some problems for Penn State Recruiting depending on what comes out in the Unsealed Allegations in 29 Days and how the Media will report it..

The Baylor Task Force will recommend Self-Imposed NCAA Sanctions to Baylor and that will be compared to what happen at Penn State First NCAA and later Reduced by 2 years by Recommendations of NCAA Monitor.

In any event, it is a safe bet that Penn State and Paterno Legacy will be the subject of Headlines again. It may also reveal the Joe and PSU AD knew in 1971-76,87,88 and maybe other years, but did not report it to Higher Penn State Administrators? And may not have told even his wife Sue or Jay his son?

The Penn State Reforms put in 2012 may again help Penn State Football Program from avoiding new sanctions, again depending how Baylor responds and recommends their own Sanctions, to be fair!

In any event, Penn State Headlines in the Court of Public Opinion may actually settle some of these Civil Lawsuits or augment more!

We shall see?
Sue Paterno and Sandusky's wife didn't know about the child rapes?????? I don't care what some documents say or what those 2 wives say. Both Paterno's wife and Sandusky's wife knew about what was going on for decades and stood by and did nothing. You'd have to be a delusional idiot to believe that neither one of them knew. And if they didn't know, they're as dumb as a pile of rocks and should be chastised for being too dumb to live.

The pain that those young boys (now men) felt will never be healed by any punishment that is handed down to PSU. But a good start would be a permanent ban from ever playing another football game at PSU. Then we can start to talk about the hundreds of millions of dollars that is still due those victims. If you think that healing from this can ever occur, you're lumped in there with the PSU sympathizer and Paterno brown-noser, Ron Cook.
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Sue Paterno and Sandusky's wife didn't know about the child rapes?????? I don't care what some documents say or what those 2 wives say. Both Paterno's wife and Sandusky's wife knew about what was going on for decades and stood by and did nothing. You'd have to be a delusional idiot to believe that neither one of them knew. And if they didn't know, they're as dumb as a pile of rocks and should be chastised for being too dumb to live.

Plenty of husbands/fathers/children/et cetera keep secrets from those closest to them.

Arguing about Sue and Dottie --- I don't see the point.

The pain that those young boys (now men) felt will never be healed by any punishment that is handed down to PSU. But a good start would be a permanent ban from ever playing another football game at PSU. Then we can start to talk about the hundreds of millions of dollars that is still due those victims. If you think that healing from this can ever occur, you're lumped in there with the PSU sympathizer and Paterno brown-noser, Ron Cook.

Of course, it will never be healed by "any punishment that is handed down to PSU."

That said, I'm not going to complain about any punishment that did occur. And that, of course did occur.

Given that PSU already has been punished, what is your point of anything additional? You seem to be contradicting yourself?
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It will remain to be seen and judged in the Court of Public Opinion in 29 Days and the Paterno Statue Resurrection Debate?

As I said in my first post in this thread --- I know EXACTLY what will occur in the "Court of Public Opinion" in 29 days.

As well as, the Pennsylvania Senate and Governor expanding the Child Molestation to 50 Year Statute Of Limitation will add new allegations of cases to PSU and possibly the PMA Insurer as well as Altoona-Johnstown Dioceses AG Report potential cases

Reference the "ex post facto clause" in Article 1 of the US Constitution.

The PA Senate and Governor can expand the Statue of Limitation to 2000 years --- it doesn't matter. There is a constitutional protection against laws being passed in an "ex post facto" fashion. This clause is the one referenced in the ruling where the Courts ruled that Jerry Sandusky is entitled to his Pennsylvania pension.

In any event, it is a safe bet that Penn State and Paterno Legacy will be the subject of Headlines again. It may also reveal the Joe and PSU AD knew in 1971-76,87,88 and maybe other years, but did not report it to Higher Penn State Administrators? And may not have told even his wife Sue or Jay his son?

The Penn State Reforms put in 2012 may again help Penn State Football Program from avoiding new sanctions, again depending how Baylor responds and recommends their own Sanctions, to be fair!

I'll bet $1000 to a donut --- Penn State isn't getting further sanctions: regardless of what is in there.
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As I said in my first post in this thread --- I know EXACTLY what will occur in the "Court of Public Opinion" in 29 days.

Reference the "ex post facto clause" in Article 1 of the US Constitution.

The PA Senate and Governor can expand the Statue of Limitation to 2000 years --- it doesn't matter. There is a constitutional protection against laws being passed in an "ex post facto" fashion. This clause is the one referenced in the ruling where the Courts ruled that Jerry Sandusky is entitled to his Pennsylvania pension.

I'll bet $1000 to a donut --- Penn State isn't getting further sanctions: regardless of what is in there.
PS should sanction themselves, but they won't because football comes before everything else.
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The honorable thing for Ped St to do is to punish is all about honor right

In the long run --- it would have been better if Penn State had self-sanctioned themselves, yes.

But remember the timeline. The Freeh Report was released on Thursday 12-July-2012. Mark Emmert had communicated to Penn State on 13-July-2012 that the NCAA was going to be looking to act. On 22-July-2012, it was all done.

Not exactly a whole lot of time for Penn State to self-sanction there.

I said at the time (July 2012) that the prudent NCAA action would have been to "communicate to Penn State that there is momentum within the organization to act, but we're going to sit back and do absolutely nothing for the next 30 days, to give you guys time to assess the situation."

Mark Emmert, though, chose the fast-track over the above option.
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PS should sanction themselves, but they won't because football comes before everything else.

In 29 days we're going to be seeing these settlements unsealed.

Isn't settling --- paying out millions of dollars, and doing this in a "fast-track fashion" that avoided the courtroom --- a bit of a "self-sanction" in itself? Penn State could have said "no $ for you, see you in court."
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Paying out money to the victims is not the same as punishment for those in charge! You nut jobs cant seem to see the trees from the forest.

In 29 days we're going to be seeing these settlements unsealed.

Isn't settling --- paying out millions of dollars, and doing this in a "fast-track fashion" that avoided the courtroom --- a bit of a "self-sanction" in itself? Penn State could have said "no $ for you, see you in court."
Paying out money to the victims is not the same as punishment for those in charge! You nut jobs cant seem to see the trees from the forest.

People in charge: Curley, Schultz, Spanier and Paterno were all either (a) fired or (b) suspended from their jobs.

Is that not (a form of) "punishment for those in charge"?

Penn State has no power to impose criminal punishments on any of those 4, of course.
In 29 days we're going to be seeing these settlements unsealed.

Isn't settling --- paying out millions of dollars, and doing this in a "fast-track fashion" that avoided the courtroom --- a bit of a "self-sanction" in itself? Penn State could have said "no $ for you, see you in court."
Do you think the current Trustees might have challenged the PMA to get it out, that alleged Paterno's Secretive Ways, need to be exposed and how Joe and AD Tarman kept it from PSU President and Trustees?

One way to see it, is that these allegations being released can end many Lawsuits pending including the Paterno's and start the healing by fundraising to pay for all Sanctions, Fines, and Costs to unite and move on, even more Sanctions whether NCAA or Self-Imposed come from it, will finally show a light at the end of a very long tunnel?

The BOT can also avoid any return of the Paterno Statue on Campus but the Paterno Family, Friends, Former Players, and Alumni can put one up in a Park outside of campus on their own.

In this way, Paterno is honored by those that choose to give to that cause and Penn State is able to move on with 2012 Reforms showing how much they have changed the Penn State Culture of Football Wins Ahead of Children Protection?

Someday soon, we will be able to talk just Football and about the game nothing else, but not for another 30 days?
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Wow, in a strange way the Baylor University Scandal may provide the solutions for the Paterno Statue Salute Return Issues?

Depending on what is exactly released in the Unsealed Documents and that is very important because no one knows how much or exactly what will be released?

However, if there are Allegations that Joe not only knew but Cover-Up with AD Tarman as portrayed by the Media Inferences from the Allegations.

This means unlike Joe's Defense in 2001, whereby he did report it and it went to President Spanier but did not report it to Higher Ups like PSU President or Trustees in 1971-76-87-88, it can allegedly shows Joe knew before Curley, Schultz, and Spanier?

It would put Frank Fina's Defense of Joe into question as well as all Defenders of Joe and squarely put all the Blame on Joe covering for Sandusky? It may even lead to charges of Spanier, Curley, and Schultz being Dismissed due to Fina's poor Investigation?

Again, very dependent on what is allowed to be released as approved by the Judge and how the media will handle those Allegations Interpretations, but in the face of the Baylor Revelations, will be even more sensational?

The Joe Defenders and Lawsuit Proponents, (I Am On Record They All Have The Right To File To Get To The Whole Truths They Demand), are hopeful they will find how the Trustees mishandled the NCAA Sanctions, Consent Decree, and Sloppy Payouts, but won't know either until they see the Documents?

It could amount to the very Defenders of Joe actually caused the Allegations proving allegedly Joe Knew before 1998 and 2001 and regular practiced allegedly other Cover-Ups................meaning the very people that thought they were helping Joe have to admit that kind of Paterno Defense was misplaced after all.

None of them will Honor that kind of behavior no matter how much Success it brought Penn State Football?

If that happens, the current Trustees will point at the New Alumni Trustees and things could get even more uglier unless all admit, alleged mistakes were more on Paterno?

Just like Baylor Task Force is planning to blame it all on Fired Art Briles?

The bigger problem is actually how the Media that has been attacked, harassed, and emailed, twittered, and hounded by the PSU CULTists Organized Gang will just report what they find in the Allegations within Unsealed Documents????

An even worse Nightmare for the PSU Cultists will have to admit after reading the same portrayal of the allegations of the full truth they demanded has to make them be honest and understand what happen was Joe's fault as well.

I myself will have to apologize and say my belief that Joe did not know until 1998 and 2001 and too confused on what to do, was wrong too. At least, my other comments and links on specific Penn State 2012 Reforms that prove the Penn state Football Program was not in compliance under the Paterno Era is still not refuted by anyone? However, that is on the University, Trustees and Presidents for some being in Business with Joe and not allowing Institutional Control over Him.

Boy, they will be apologizing for a long time for being wrong too?

Wow, not saying it will happen, but saying it could happen, and we shall see in 30 days?
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Plenty of husbands/fathers/children/et cetera keep secrets from those closest to them.

Arguing about Sue and Dottie --- I don't see the point.

Of course, it will never be healed by "any punishment that is handed down to PSU."

That said, I'm not going to complain about any punishment that did occur. And that, of course did occur.

Given that PSU already has been punished, what is your point of anything additional? You seem to be contradicting yourself?

You're totally missing the point. I'm talking about what is right and wrong and what the punishment that fits the crime should be. But I wouldn't expect a nitter to understand the difference between right and wrong. It's hopeless trying to argue with someone that has no grasp of human morals.
Allow me to put on my "prediction hat", and predict exactly how this will go in 31 days:

(1) Whatever is in there gets released.

(2) It becomes a story for a few days.

(3) The "Paterno Loyalists" crowd - their behavior doesn't change.

(4) The "Screw Penn State, those people are worse folk than us folk" crowd - their behavior doesn't change.

(5) Groups (3) and (4) above argue back and forth. Nobody's opinion changes as part of this arguing. Nothing of value is created as part of the arguing.

(6) Those Penn Staters who are more focused on the future than the past (me) --- realize there are better things in life to be concerned about than that debate.

(7) The Earth continues to orbit the Sun. People continue to die, babies continue to be born. Life goes on.

Take the attached link, a good article from 11Warriors (Ohio State site), FWIW:

First off, michnitlion is a voice of reason. He comes here and gets beat up but nothing like he does on BWI for telling it like it is. Cut this guy a break. He's a PSU fan but he also isn't blind and sees the reality. I don't care what he believes, he's being honest with himself so I appreciate his thoughts.

This assessment is 100% correct. I will absolutely guarantee that those "cult" members that defend Joe along with Scotty "The Meatball" Paterno and John Zeigler will poke every hole they can (real and imaginary), into what is released and claim it exonerates JoePa and the University. They will certainly go out of their way to make sure the unwashed masses (us) know that too. Meanwhile, we'll let them know that they're wrong.

And the sun will most likely rise the next day.
"Pittdan77, post: 1345170, member: 3668"]First off, michnitlion is a voice of reason. He comes here and gets beat up but nothing like he does on BWI for telling it like it is. Cut this guy a break. He's a PSU fan but he also isn't blind and sees the reality. I don't care what he believes, he's being honest with himself so I appreciate his thoughts.
Agree and spot on, and Michnitlion talks, Penn State, Pitt, big Ten, and ACC Football and those discussions should be welcomed not chased away. Learning comes from sharing and allowing the guy to add to any point of view.

This assessment is 100% correct. I will absolutely guarantee that those "cult" members that defend Joe along with Scotty "The Meatball" Paterno and John Zeigler will poke every hole they can (real and imaginary), into what is released and claim it exonerates JoePa and the University. They will certainly go out of their way to make sure the unwashed masses (us) know that too. Meanwhile, we'll let them know that they're wrong.
Again, spot on many are using Joe Paterno for their own selfish aims and goals, and not seeking the full truth they claim to be doing. They are demanding the world to accept their view that has been proven to be wrong by the Penn sState 2012 Reforms.

Differ on one thing, no one the Lair including me can let anyone at Penn State know what happen, it will be the Unsealed Victims Allegations that Penn State Paid For to keep Confidential.

I Am Not Disagreeing With You Either. Just Pointing Out The Very Victims The PSU Cult Attacks To Promote Joe Paterno Is The Problem? And That Is On Them Not The Victims or anyone that supports the victims or criticizes Paterno for not doing more, in his own words, by the way?

Never had a problem with Penn State Fans demanding all of the truth, it is when they ignore parts of the truth and then blaming Sara Ganim, Media, and Others for revealing and saying it.

Until the few PSU Fans that worship Paterno have to understand that winning while not addressing the hurting of children is not Success with honor, and those at Baylor are not defending Art Briles anymore either.

Cover Ups are not Honor and Winning is not Success when Rules, Compliance's, and Laws are not obeyed and require task Forces and Investigators to find the Cover-Ups of Rules not in Enforce, and Propose Reforms that Trustees Approve and Implement!

And the sun will most likely rise the next day.
Yep, Penn State is in full compliance today and serves as a Model of Children Protection and instead of All Penn State Fans being proud of that Accomplishment Of Academics and Athletic Compliance, some few want to hold onto a Legacy that ended with Shaming Penn State's Name?

A Few PSU Fans prefer to Attack their own Alma Mater and blame them on what happen under the Paterno Era of Football?

Moving on under Laws, Rules, and Compliance Policies and a return to winning with Honor is far better than Accomplishments of Autumn not built on Success with Honor?

Instead of Penn State doing more of the same that led to Penn State Football Scandal, it was Trustees that caused the Penn State culture Change towards Honor and the Success will come from it!

Pitt went through years of Mediocre Failures and still learning to win more from the many changes made over the last 30 years, but those changes now can lead Pitt to a New ACC Age too. All Football Programs have ups and downs and no one should fear admitting it at Pitt or Penn State.

We all love the game!
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People in charge: Curley, Schultz, Spanier and Paterno were all either (a) fired or (b) suspended from their jobs.

Is that not (a form of) "punishment for those in charge"?

Penn State has no power to impose criminal punishments on any of those 4, of course.
B) Were they suspended without pay, and were they put in jail where they belong?
First off, michnitlion is a voice of reason. He comes here and gets beat up but nothing like he does on BWI for telling it like it is. Cut this guy a break. He's a PSU fan but he also isn't blind and sees the reality. I don't care what he believes, he's being honest with himself so I appreciate his thoughts.

This assessment is 100% correct. I will absolutely guarantee that those "cult" members that defend Joe along with Scotty "The Meatball" Paterno and John Zeigler will poke every hole they can (real and imaginary), into what is released and claim it exonerates JoePa and the University. They will certainly go out of their way to make sure the unwashed masses (us) know that too. Meanwhile, we'll let them know that they're wrong.

And the sun will most likely rise the next day.
I agree with Dan77 --Michlion is being perfectly reasonable. And Michlion is right that the Joebots will never be ABLE to admit they're wrong about Paterno. They are psychologically incapable of seeing the light; too much of their own personal self-worth is tied up in defending the guy. They see the world only in black & white; no grays at all. Paterno is either all good, or all bad. They can't accept the latter, so they have to stick with the former as if their lives depended upon it. Psychologically, it does.

My beef is not with the Michlions of the world or with the university. When I meet a PSU fan who shrugs and says they all knew, we move on and talk football. They've "moved on", the Joebots hated phrase.

Its the BWI nuts who continually embarrass themselves with their courtroom defense of Paterno, and their ISIS level hatred for their own BOT, that most of us have a beef with. That is who we all want to see punished, or at least have see the light. Enlightenment is never going to happen. But even in their strongest moments of denial, they feel the pain of knowing that the world sees Paterno as a guy who turned a blind eye to Sandusky's atrocities to protect the integrity of his program...and try as they may, there is nothing they can ever do to change that world view.
I still would trade PSU and 5 expired pizza coupons to the ACC to get Pitt if I ran the B1G.

Of course, I would demand the northern schools get to host college play off games to bring money into the areas. If that didn't piss the NCAA off enough, I would demand an American flag patch on all uniforms.

Yeah, I don't think I am getting a job offer to be the next conference commish.
In the long run --- it would have been better if Penn State had self-sanctioned themselves, yes.

But remember the timeline. The Freeh Report was released on Thursday 12-July-2012. Mark Emmert had communicated to Penn State on 13-July-2012 that the NCAA was going to be looking to act. On 22-July-2012, it was all done.

Not exactly a whole lot of time for Penn State to self-sanction there.

I said at the time (July 2012) that the prudent NCAA action would have been to "communicate to Penn State that there is momentum within the organization to act, but we're going to sit back and do absolutely nothing for the next 30 days, to give you guys time to assess the situation."

Mark Emmert, though, chose the fast-track over the above option.
The "timeline" started in 1997, or earlier.
Ho away. No one here cares about your ilk.
... Why not focus the penalties on the guilty individuals? To quote the article again: PSU football has spent more time in a figurative jail than any of the alleged enablers have spent time in a literal jail. Makes more sense to focus the venom on C/S/S, right?
What was the impetus for Curley, Shultz and Spannier to attempt sweeping this whole tragedy under the rug?

What was the carefully crafted narrative and marketing campaign of "Success with Honor" and "The Grand Experiment" based upon? Where did it emanate from? What was the public face of PSU for a majority of the Alumni, as well as folks nationally?

The answer is PSU football and it's formerly pristine image...which was obviously nothing but a charade. PSU football was the lure for the kids abused... it was the bait a pedophile and sexual predator used with impunity, even after his retirement.

The leadership at PSU failed to protect children because they made the determination that the carefully crafted charade of the pristine PSU Football program...the public face of PSU as a whole, was more important in the grand scheme of things.
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I agree with Dan77 --Michlion is being perfectly reasonable. And Michlion is right that the Joebots will never be ABLE to admit they're wrong about Paterno. They are psychologically incapable of seeing the light; too much of their own personal self-worth is tied up in defending the guy. They see the world only in black & white; no grays at all. Paterno is either all good, or all bad. They can't accept the latter, so they have to stick with the former as if their lives depended upon it. Psychologically, it does.

My beef is not with the Michlions of the world or with the university. When I meet a PSU fan who shrugs and says they all knew, we move on and talk football. They've "moved on", the Joebots hated phrase.

Its the BWI nuts who continually embarrass themselves with their courtroom defense of Paterno, and their ISIS level hatred for their own BOT, that most of us have a beef with. That is who we all want to see punished, or at least have see the light. Enlightenment is never going to happen. But even in their strongest moments of denial, they feel the pain of knowing that the world sees Paterno as a guy who turned a blind eye to Sandusky's atrocities to protect the integrity of his program...and try as they may, there is nothing they can ever do to change that world view.
Wow, what a Post and very accurate!