Exactly spot on with Owtie's Intelligent Viewpoint and others too.It will help to make it clearer as to exactly "who knew what, and when did they know it". At this point, the reasons for determining that are also very much moral and ethical ones for those that are interested in such reasons.
Baylor University right now has created a BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TASK FORCE to prepare, tackle, and make changes at Baylor Football & Athletic Programs.
This is what I proposed at the vert start of this Penn State Football Program Scandal.
A Blue Ribbon Committee taking over Penn State University for a time being to correct the wrongs at happen there. The Penn State Leadership thought otherwise they could handle it and now they have become Victims of their own Alumni, Fans, and own Trustees.
Yet, what they did by bringing in Freeh that gave 119 Recommendation to comply with Laws and Compliance's and Penn State Trustees implemented 116 of them making Penn State a Model of Compliance's that puts the Penn State Football Program and all Athletics Program under them.
Baylor took action due to Penn State errors when handling their own Football Scandal but Baylor Alumni will be united to change under Reforms by the Baylor Task Force, and the Task Force will take the criticism as Baylor University takes the credit for the Baylor Athletic Reforms.
Upon Hindsight, if Penn State had put together a Blue Ribbon Reform Committee that handled all aspects of the Penn State Football Scandal, they could better united today instead of divided today and none of this leaking and unsealing would still be accusing problems today.
Baylor University has learned what to do off of Penn State Mistakes and Baylor Headlines will diminish even this year as compared Penn State Headlines that will grow back again like weeds in a garden due to not pulling all the roots with the full truth from an outside Blue Ribbon Committee!
Sometimes a Farmer makes a big mistake by just thinking he can apply pesticide and weed control to protect his crops by replacing or releasing it to cleanse itself of weeds killing his crop production.
His own family and his neighbors may complain as the run off may poison some water streams but when the weeds grow back, he himself realizes he should have brought in outsider rather trying to save a few dimes, with bigger problems now that customers may not want to even buy his crops or view them as healthy as he once advertised.