Bad News For Paterno’s & Penn State??? Judge Orders Release Of Sandusky Settlement Records, LINK!

I still would trade PSU and 5 expired pizza coupons to the ACC to get Pitt if I ran the B1G. Of course, I would demand the northern schools get to host college play off games to bring money into the areas. If that didn't piss the NCAA off enough, I would demand an American flag patch on all uniforms. Yeah, I don't think I am getting a job offer to be the next conference commish.

Well, if I was Conference Commish, I would send Jim Harbaugh to be a coach at every program for one year to straighten them all out, one by one!

In my opinion, Harbaugh has been the single most impact on all of CFB from last year. It would take 65 years in the power conferences so i would Clone Him later to keep it going, but I ain't a Commish either?

Michigan's Harbaugh is like Trump, except in Sports Media, he is on Sports Websites almost every day setting the agenda, talking innovations, rejecting the status quo, and making SEC, ACC, P-12, B10, and B12 respond to his actions at least every week? My proof, go to CBS, Yahoo, ESPN NCAA Websites and see the Harbaugh Headlines!

Also, Harbaugh gets many mad and disagree and then calls him names as well just like Trump! in the Comment Section

They Are Both World Shakers But Harbaugh Plays 13 Game And Judged Every Game!
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What was the impetus for Curley, Shultz and Spannier to attempt sweeping this whole tragedy under the rug?

What was the carefully crafted narrative and marketing campaign of "Success with Honor" and "The Grand Experiment" based upon? Where did it emanate from? What was the public face of PSU for a majority of the Alumni, as well as folks nationally?

The answer is PSU football and it's formerly pristine image...which was obviously nothing but a charade. PSU football was the lure for the kids abused... it was the bait a pedophile and sexual predator used with impunity, even after his retirement.

The leadership at PSU failed to protect children because they made the determination that the carefully crafted charade of the pristine PSU Football program...the public face of PSU as a whole, was more important in the grand scheme of things.
Yep, and it is now Blow-Backing on the University and the University has spent millions on Penn State 2012 Reforms. Penn State had no choice to change the Paterno Era's Slogans and change that kind of Penn State Football Culture Corruption and Hypocrisy that misled many PSU Alumni & Fans.

Penn State University took the bold steps with true effective Compliance's Policies to change the Culture that caused The Worst College Football Scandal In Sports History.

Today, no Coach in any Sports at Penn State University is above the President, Trustees, Compliance Office or Athletic Integrity Office and all the Athletes are under a Code Of Athletic Conduct and subject to Judicial Affairs as regular Student and must cooperate with any Investigations within or outside the University, unlike what were not going on under the Paterno Era.

Most Penn State Alumni & Fans know that to be the truth today, and in itself refutes the Paterno Errors no matter how well intended the University wanted them to be, but were not practiced until the Penn State 2012 Reforms.

So far, at this time, not one PSU Poster has been able to refute any of the Penn State 2012 Reforms are wrong, not needed, and should be removed?

The Penn State 2012 Reforms are an admission and direct irrefutable proof that The Penn State University Paterno Era of Football needed an Independent Investigation, NCAA Sanctions, and Reforms to address and change the Penn State Football Culture.

I welcome any PSU Poster to prove otherwise and i can Link Every Reform Policy for them to review!
Thanks Captain.

When is the release of the court documents to happen?
Thanks Captain.

When is the release of the court documents to happen?
Less than 30 Days, the Sealed Documents will be redacted, unsealed, and then released to the Newpapers, Media and Public.

Here are some answers on the Clery Act Violations Report still pending as well. I met with some PSU Professionals that gave me details on all policies passed and put in place at Penn State University under the 212 Reforms.

Clery Act Report Violations can be negotiated with The Department Of Education and in some cases can take 10 years to resolve. Those negotiations go back and forth until an Agreement is arrived or Charges applied and then enforced. Until then, they stay in private and not released in public unless voluntarily released by the University.

By the way, anytime a Penn State Fans challenges you on how they did not lack Institutional control just point out and ask him why did they approve and implement the following policy and this is just 1 of 12???? Ask him or her when will they remove this 2012 Policy if nothing happen under the Paterno Football Era? I posted all the policy and Links Published on the Internet by Penn State with Links in a Thread. PnnyLiar tried to say I made it all up, but the LINKS refute him that Penn State did require and needed the 2012 Reforms to correct the Penn State Paterno Football Era. He has to hating what is happening to him and how lacks the smarts to defend anything so he resorts to being a Nittany Liar?