While I truly enjoy watching college bb I've felt for years that it's really a very large cesspool . What was once a game has become big business with universities and coaches reaping millions from it. It's no wonder that indivuals and schools are willing to go outside the rules to achieve success. All a coach needs to do is get one P5 job and he's financially set for life so why wouldn't you take the risk of compensating a kid , his parents ,coaches or advisors ,why not try and fudge his academic record and who really cares if he's able of doing college level work as long as he can rebound or score and you can keep them eligible. Once it's been determined a coach has cheated does he return any of his salary and it's funny how in a few years these outlaw coaches turn up at another university. None of this changes the fact that I enjoy watching the game ,but it's made me a bit cynical about it , but I still watch and root for Pitt . I've realized for years that if Pitt insists on playing within the rules it means they have no chance of consistently competing against the elite programs. I feel there's enough money to get things done if they do whatever needs to be done ( breaking the rules ,taking questionable kids etc ) ,but that's not going happen so I think one just needs to realize there's a limit to the success the universities teams can achieve. Others feel that if more fans donated they could then compete ,but I don't think so there's nicer places to go with winning traditions and much more involved fan bases. Whose right we'll never find out because I doubt Pitt will go to the dark side and nor do I think they'll raise funds like the PSU and OSU of the world.