Big Mike vs The Tuohy's....

This situation looks like a lot of gray to me. There appears to be a lot of dynamics. Oher was already a big-time player before he started living with them, they clearly did this conservatorship to get to him to Ole Miss without NCAA issues, even from his prior accounts they helped him a good deal and a lot of money was made here from that story that seemingly did not reach his pockets.

If I had to guess presently, I would think both parties are mostly telling the truth. Oher did not get much cash from the movie, certainly almost none from the fame that the family made off of him down the line while the family likely did not get a great Hollywood deal and probably went out of their way to help him back in those days.

The family used a lot of semantics that were not totally true but also contained elements of truth. I am sure that they helped Oher with a lot of cash and support through the HS, college and maybe even early pro years. They did not actually want to adopt him either and bring him fully into the family fold forever (which I would he holds some resentment over, especially considering how they have phrased it all of these years).

For years now, its been known that he did not like The Blind Side characterization of him, which I do not blame him for as I would not care for it either. At least it does not appear that any of his pro money went to the family, that there was not continued exploitation in any way. This looks like a rough one.
According to one report I saw somewhere the movie studio, several years after the movie earned its profits paid out only $500,000 dollars of which the Tuohys (Husband, Wife & 2 kids) received $100,000/each with the remaining $100,000 going to Mike.

If that is accurate, any other monies the Tuohys made off of Mike came from other sources (i.e., like media interviews and book royalties). Did they make anything like the $15 million he is suing them for? That's a real question that may only be known after the lawsuit is settled.
According to one report I saw somewhere the movie studio, several years after the movie earned its profits paid out only $500,000 dollars of which the Tuohys (Husband, Wife & 2 kids) received $100,000/each with the remaining $100,000 going to Mike.

It's a Hollywood production, so if they had a percent of the profits rather than a percent of the gross they likely got nothing at all.
According to one report I saw somewhere the movie studio, several years after the movie earned its profits paid out only $500,000 dollars of which the Tuohys (Husband, Wife & 2 kids) received $100,000/each with the remaining $100,000 going to Mike.

If that is accurate, any other monies the Tuohys made off of Mike came from other sources (i.e., like media interviews and book royalties). Did they make anything like the $15 million he is suing them for? That's a real question that may only be known after the lawsuit is settled.
That report (the $500,000) is what the Tuohys and the author (that is long-time friend of Sean Tuohy) are saying. Oher appears to be saying something different (hence the $15M amount). It will be interesting to see who is and who is not telling truth with that aspect.

The Tuohy family evidently owned a ton of fast food restaurants and Sean is a public basketball figure (announcer) in Tennessee. They ostenibly were/are rich independent of this situation.
I don't know. More I read, I just think there was alot of bullshit here and the media made them out to be these benevolent heroes. And they were......but obviously like all rich people, they had some selfish reasons. So I am back to this being probably bad all around. I do think Oher should get some proceeds from the movie, but I also think somehow he did not manage his NFL money well and needs more.
Why, because he’s black?

You’re so damn transparent
The correct answer is, Mike & the Touhys are the good guys and the thiefs in Hollywood are the criminals.
ranking the bad guys, hollywood comes first, Tuohys second, Book Guy third.

Why a conservatoship? then tell the kid he is adpoted, thats just malipulative and cruel. Hope they rot

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