Blue on Blue uniforms

Not a huge fan of the blue on blue. However, if they put stripes on the pants I could live with it. Also, get rid of the white pants. They are garbage looking.
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Not a huge fan of the blue on blue. However, if they put stripes on the pants I could live with it. Also, get rid of the white pants. They are garbage looking.
I agree about the white, and i think most do too. Probably would be one of the few things that unify the factions! But damn if they don't use 'em umpteen times every year. Yet another head-shaker.
White pants are like the navy sportcoat , khaki's, classic blue jeans, etc. they are staples of football uni. White pants just highlight anything else that goes w/ the uni.
I personally like the white pants as a option to be worn every now & again. I like the minimalist look. Too much ginger bread on a uni is not my cup of tea. That is not to say that I prefer the St Penn look because I do like color in a uni just not too much like the Maryland unis or some of the Oregon cluster f--k concoctions.
I like having the option of the white bottoms & think it provides variety w/ all the other options.

H2 PITT !!!
And the all-blue. Yuk.
I'm with you on the Yuk sentiment for the all blue. Many people like it but I think it looks pretty awful. To top it off, it also seems like it's chosen on those wonderful 89 degree and humid days.

" I'm going to wear all dark clothing on this Sunny, 89 degree humid day". Reasonable people don't say that, nor should Pitt.

It makes the team look awful and slowwwww.
I don't dislike any of our uniform combos but I prefer Pitt to wear gold pants.