-They wont get dropped. But there are some murky waters ahead. This was indeed the worst bowl performance in bowl history. UCLA is going to rebound hard, Stanford should rebound, USC and Washington are ok, the rest at this point need a lot of work and just arent good right now.
-Basketball is in trouble. They have a major FBI investigation going on with Arizona (who is in deep shit for buying recruits), Oregon, and USC. UCLA can make a big splash in recruiting, ASU looks great if they hold Hurley, the rest, blah. They will rebound if the 3 schools under investigation for cheating dont get nailed.
-Baseball is what I cant figure out. They are getting crushed in baseball recruiting, and this is a major switch. They have 2 of the Top 3 baseball teams all time in USC and Arizona State, recent champions in UCLA, Arizona and Oregon State, yet the rest of the league simply cannot recruit. The collapse of ASU baseball is as stunning as the rise in ASU basketball. And while they should have 5-6 excellent teams every year, they are ending up with around 2-3, but they are still winning titles consistently in baseball from 1 program or another stepping up. They are still baseball king, but all in all the whole league is way down historically.
-The entire league is down, across all 3 sports.