Change My View: Geoff Collins is the new Justin Fuente

He has some Todd Graham in him. He's one of those cheerleader/firecracker/energy guys. That's how he comes across on his ACCN spots.

I don’t know, but Daisy is one hot mama.
i met her in Key west back in mid 90s. actually have a pic of me and her on the main drag there. I asked her to join me and my brother at a bar and beleive it or not, she declined..

they were doing some beach mtv shoot down there at the time and i was down there on a fake ID, having a blast.
i met her in Key west back in mid 90s. actually have a pic of me and her on the main drag there. I asked her to join me and my brother at a bar and beleive it or not, she declined..

they were doing some beach mtv shoot down there at the time and i was down there on a fake ID, having a blast.

I'm guessing the invitation was not extremely eloquent, ;)