So is Hahn preffered over Bono? Thanks from a Pitt fan unfamiliar with the hierarchy of wrestling coaches.
Flight issuesWhy? Nothing in this process seems to be going well.
You can be argumentative if you'd like. My point is that what he stated - that Flynn requested things in writing and Pitt wouldn't provide it - is simply wrong. He didn't request it and that part never happened. It wasn't a part of the decision, or the only reason - it simply did not happen. I read things very clearly - no conflating on my end.
Just goes back to what BWH said the other day. You try to provide accurate info and all you get is someone who wants to be the message board Learned Hand.....
What does my time on the boards have to do with anything? You're more entitled to post than me?
I'm not sure why it's so hard for you to understand what I'm saying - I'm not speculating - what Patrick said about Flynn is not accurate and not why he turned it down. Why are you taking it so personally? I know Eric - we wrestled together at Pitt, and I'm not saying that either of them lied about anything.
And I wanna be clear - I'm not saying that we didn't screw it up with Flynn, but it was for other reasons than what was stated.
My comment was strictly regarding " but he wanted an in writing guarantee of facility upgrades that were promised and Pitt AD would not do it ..... thus Flynn dropped out" not being accurate. It wasn't meant to suggest anyone was lying or to call out Patrick or goalieman or anyone on the board, but rather, to shed light on "The Situation". I know someone who actually spoke to Flynn and I'm telling you that this wasn't the reason he dropped out.
The bottom line is we didn't get Flynn, regardless of the reason why.
Bono is no Santoro. Yes, he is a good coach. Yes, they finished #16 at the NCAAs. However, most of their points came from two wrestlers. And both of those were transfers from Iowa. Hasn't shown he can recruit at anywhere near the level we need. Not that he would be able to at SDSU.
If he comes, and I don't expect him to, hopefully he will bring AJ Shoop with him as his top assistant.
I have asked this before and haven't gotten an answer. Is the Hahn who some are pushing for
the assistant at Cornell?