CNN article today on when paterno knew

Cue up another excuse tonight. They released this today! The day of the game with pitt our biggest in state non-rival!
I know this is over, but this is relevant. THIS IS A MUST READ!!!! How about this comment???

"We structured the whole case around avoiding Penn State,"a source close to the prosecution said. "We were terrified (of acquittal)."

PSU and Paterno got off easy from the prosecution because they feared the connection of the dots would cause those bat shit crazy hillbillies up there to acquit Jerry because it would have led to an admittance that St Joe was guilty too. And don't think this was without reason, look at what we just saw happen in the Frat Boy murder. What was an obvious slam dunk was overturned by those bat shit crazy hillbillies.

Those people are disgusting. We can lose 55-7, but we still will be better human beings than they are.
Yes ....he knew

Paterno told MM on occassions that ticklemonster "was a sick guy"

This is hardly "news".
There are several incidents over the years where Paturdo was told and he waffled on all of them - as did the police and other administrators. This was a community wide coverup.
School should've been given the death penalty for 5 years to wash away the "football first and only" mentality".
The lesson learned from the whole affair is real bad.
Football makes too much money and Ped State set the precedent - you can get away with ANYTHING - even raping children in the locker room - as long as you pay the fine.
What is scary, (aside from Sandusky's crimes) was that Joe and the cover up is only the second most disturbing thing. The single most disturbing thing is the realization by the prosecution that those people in that area are sick and sycophants and they would not stand for JoePa and/or PSU going on trial. And I am not just talking about the average Centre County hilljack, but the judges, the media, the lawyers..........

And again, we saw only this past summer that those fears were well founded with the Drunken Frat Boy murder.
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It's not a sick institution, it's the sickos at BWI. Fwiw it's worth I've been banned there for thinking Joe did know and said so.
That board was ruined by the incessant conspiracy crap.
Now about the current DA, she's a moron. She's trying to punch a ticket and move up. She's an incompetent DA and could have made a more credible case against that fraternity . But she rushed it for headlines .
If you noticed Frank Fina was one of the defense attys for this case.
It's not a sick institution, it's the sickos at BWI. Fwiw it's worth I've been banned there for thinking Joe did know and said so.
That board was ruined by the incessant conspiracy crap.
Now about the current DA, she's a moron. She's trying to punch a ticket and move up. She's an incompetent DA and could have made a more credible case against that fraternity . But she rushed it for headlines .
If you noticed Frank Fina was one of the defense attys for this case.

It absolutely is a sick institution. And continues to be.

This is what you get when you have an insular place, with incestuous hiring practices, and a continued deference to all things that feed the rah rah worship of a sports program at the expense of addressing the actually underlying issues that resulted in decades long institutional cover up of child rape.
It's not a sick institution, it's the sickos at BWI. Fwiw it's worth I've been banned there for thinking Joe did know and said so.
That board was ruined by the incessant conspiracy crap.
Now about the current DA, she's a moron. She's trying to punch a ticket and move up. She's an incompetent DA and could have made a more credible case against that fraternity . But she rushed it for headlines .
If you noticed Frank Fina was one of the defense attys for this case.

Ummmmm.....I think it is more than a few message board posters up there. Come on.
It absolutely is a sick institution. And continues to be.

This is what you get when you have an insular place, with incestuous hiring practices, and a continued deference to all things that feed the rah rah worship of a sports program at the expense of addressing the actually underlying issues that resulted in decades long institutional cover up of child rape.

And as we have seen this past summer, it still goes on up there, nothing has changed. Protect the rep and the institution above all.
It's a messed up place, but no doubt BWI is ten billion times worse than the average psu fan you'd run into there.

Until you bring up this topic, then it comes out. There are very few in Central PA with a humanly credible reaction to the scandal. Don't take my word for it, try it out. There's still a big, blind, cult bubble there and a huge emotional reaction to impinging on Paterno or the school for how anything was handled, or has been handled since.

Anyway, the whole thing makes my skin absolutely crawl. I really wish my alma mater wasn't involved with that institution at all, on the field or otherwise.
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Until you bring up this topic, then it comes out. There are very few in Central PA with a humanly credible reaction to the scandal. Don't take my word for it, try it out.
Oh we all know that. Don't take this as me defending any psu fans, I'm just simply pointing out what a sick disgrace the BWI board is.
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Paco, there's a fair amount of weirdos but if you get off that board people are more normal . Tom McAndrew runs a shit show of a board . It's a mess.
Oh we all know that. Don't take this as me defending any psu fans, I'm just simply pointing out what a sick disgrace the BWI board is.

I really don't know about BWI other than what people have posted about it. I haven't visited that board in many years. Why willingly subject yourself to such horrific filth?
Paco, there's a fair amount of weirdos but if you get off that board people are more normal . Tom McAndrew runs a shit show of a board . It's a mess.

They seem normal until this topic comes up. I know, I grew up in the epicenter of Central PA and visit often. It is a blind spot due to a continued worship of a cult of personality, and that is the only way to described it. It is really sad, and has been a revelation for how otherwise upstanding and reasoned people can be sucked into a such abandoning common sense or obvious bright lines of decency because they've wrapped so much of the personal self worth and esteem around a sports program and its mythos. Thank goodness it is just about a sports program, because we know what has happened throughout history when cults of personality have been constructed with much higher stakes. It has been very eye opening and saddening.
Some won't ever let it go. Talk to a staunch catholic about their scandal . People have to much bleacher thinking or tribalism about certain things .
Many have certain hit button issues . Hell for some it's their kid can do no wrong.
I've accepted stuff and moved on. Some never will.
Some won't ever let it go. Talk to a staunch catholic about their scandal . People have to much bleacher thinking or tribalism about certain things .
Many have certain hit button issues . Hell for some it's their kid can do no wrong.
I've accepted stuff and moved on. Some never will.

That I agree with.
I remember in the 80's, my grandmother hated him. She didn't hate anyone really but him. I said , why do you hate this guy, I was a young kid. She said, he is fake as hell, and he isn't saint Joe like they want us to believe. She passed before this scandal broke , but she was right on!
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I remember in the 80's, my grandmother hated him. She didn't hate anyone really but him. I said , why do you hate this guy, I was a young kid. She said, he is fake as hell, and he isn't saint Joe like they want us to believe. She passed before this scandal broke , but she was right on!
Back in the 1970's my (late) father used to refer to JVP as "Phony Joe".

Apparently some people saw thru him waaay sooner than others did. And some, unfortunately, never will.
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Back in the 1970's my (late) father used to refer to JVP as "Phony Joe".

Apparently some people saw thru him waaay sooner than others did. And some, unfortunately, never will.

I think I'm usually decent at spotting a phony. But he fooled me. I'm not saying I ever liked him but I thought he was at least a decent human being trying to do the right thing. Man did I blow that one.
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I think I'm usually decent at spotting a phony. But he fooled me. I'm not saying I ever liked him but I thought he was at least a decent human being trying to do the right thing. Man did I blow that one.
I think that in many ways he was a decent person, but all of that got thrown out the window when it came to protecting his football team. Clearly, football IS #1 at Penn State, and everything else is a distant second.
That quote about Sue saying Dottie ( Dottie? Get a real name) saying Jerry doesn't like girls....

That's dynamite right there...