CNN article today on when paterno knew

Paterno was busy coaching. There is no way he knew anything, even though there is an ice cream flavor named after him. He's an innocent victim in all this I tell ya.
Until you bring up this topic, then it comes out. There are very few in Central PA with a humanly credible reaction to the scandal. Don't take my word for it, try it out. There's still a big, blind, cult bubble there and a huge emotional reaction to impinging on Paterno or the school for how anything was handled, or has been handled since.

Anyway, the whole thing makes my skin absolutely crawl. I really wish my alma mater wasn't involved with that institution at all, on the field or otherwise.

Well again, the article itself today indicates this. It wasn't a devout few, message board posters, it was the jury, the judges, the lawyers and most of all, the general public that the prosecution feared alienating and then having them turn against them if they implicated Joe and PSU along with Sandusky. They (rightfully so) knew the most important thing was getting a conviction and putting the monster behind bars.

However what is says about the area, and those in charge (politicians, judges, lawyers, community leaders) is pretty condemning on its own merit.
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