Congrats to Penn State on their victory in the attendance Olympics

4th place medal actually.

Ohio State, Nebraska, and Bama all had more.

Ohio State continues to pump it's chest year around and nothing is stopping Urbs.
4th place medal actually.

Ohio State, Nebraska, and Bama all had more.

Ohio State continues to pump it's chest year around and nothing is stopping Urbs.

Penn State has more students and alumni than any of those schools... by the numbers, they should be first, but their fans are weak.
Congratulations are in order, they had a terrific game, attendance, and found many back-Ups for the season, there is no vice in giving Penn State Football Program credit and look forward to playing them at beaver that will be even tougher.
1. Penn State will be ranked in Top Ten in 2017!
2. Penn State increased Season Ticket Sales by 6,000 for 2017!!
3. Penn state Plans to give out Big Ten Championship Rings At Pitt game 2017!!!
4. Penn State will Honor the 1982 National Championship Team at the Pitt game!!!!

There is nothing wrong in Pitt or any Fans being forthright, gracious, and magnanimous towards Penn State's James Franklin's Football Program. It Is Going To Be A Far Tougher Game For Pitt Away in 2017! They are loaded with Talent, Speed, & Experience and Pitt Coach Pat & Staff and Players have to be better prepared than ever for a Game in a White Out Hostile Loud Beaver Stadium with maybe as many as 110,000 in Standing Room! Expectations are sky high for the Nittany Lions!

Penn State Fans Thanks To Give President Erickson & Athletic Director Joyner!

Erickson & Joyner Chose Coach James Franklin & PSU Fans Credit Them Too!
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They have a very loyal, dedicated fanbase, of which they should be commended. They do have a tremendous number of fans due to their large enrollment, which obviously accumulates over a period of time. They also have had a successful program for much of their history, which makes football an easy sale. However, attendance doesn't win on the field, as shown in the past by Miami, USC, and a few others who won NCs without selling out. PSU will be formidable in the future, and will recruit well, but as MSU proved to Michigan in the recent past, we hope that coaching trumps talent. PSU will be a big favorite this fall, but Pitt will show up and compete.
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Why does Pitt eveb list attendance for the Spring Game? The number is 100% made-up since there were no tickets or turnstiles though I did think there were 7K-8K there.

Seems better if they just didn't announce.
My neighbor's kid just got accepted at Penn State. He is pretty happy, but sad. Because at the same time, he was not accepted at Pitt. But he is fine with that. See, while he wanted to go to Pitt first and foremost, he also applied to Penn State. He thought it would be a good safety school, which he was correct.
My neighbor's kid just got accepted at Penn State. He is pretty happy, but sad. Because at the same time, he was not accepted at Pitt. But he is fine with that. See, while he wanted to go to Pitt first and foremost, he also applied to Penn State. He thought it would be a good safety school, which he was correct.
Both are fine schools. No need to act like many of their fans and disparage another school.

The thing that's weird is how so many of them seem to validate themselves via aspects of the football program...the attendance, recruits and of course the twin pillars of marketing and mythology...Success with Honor and The Grand Experiment.
My neighbor's kid just got accepted at Penn State. He is pretty happy, but sad. Because at the same time, he was not accepted at Pitt. But he is fine with that. See, while he wanted to go to Pitt first and foremost, he also applied to Penn State. He thought it would be a good safety school, which he was correct.

I was in the same boat when I applied. Turned out okayish. Should have listened to the admissions guy at Pitt.
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Penn State has a built in advantage with the community college system they have with their branch campuses and a much smaller percentage of the population attended all four years at State College. This provides a big population of students and alumni to pull from. Also, State College is pretty much surrounded by nothingness and the town doesnt exactly have much going for it either. So the only memory of people who went to PSU State College is football and dirty frat house parties.

And while not a surprise, but man is the PSU football crowd pretty much made up exclusively of old white men. Like 99%. I think Pitt had more minority fans in the stands within our 7000 than PSU did in their 70k.
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Penn State has a built in advantage with the community college system they have with their branch campuses and a much smaller percentage of the population attended all four years at State College. This provides a big population of students and alumni to pull from. Also, State College is pretty much surrounded by nothingness and the town doesnt exactly have much going for it either. So the only memory of people who went to PSU State College is football and dirty frat house parties.

And while not a surprise, but man is the PSU football crowd pretty much made up exclusively of old white men. Like 99%. I think Pitt had more minority fans in the stands within our 7000 than PSU did in their 70k.

Very similar description to Notre Dame. Many of my friends who went to ND said that "we all study abroad in the spring because there's nothing else to do."
"pittguy81, post: 1880205, member: 5984"]Both are fine schools. No need to act like many of their fans and disparage another school.

;)The thing that's weird is how so many of them seem to validate themselves via aspects of the football program...the attendance, recruits and of course the twin pillars of marketing and ;)

:mad::confused::eek:mythology...Success with Honor and The Grand Experiment.o_O:eek::(
Very similar description to Notre Dame. Many of my friends who went to ND said that "we all study abroad in the spring because there's nothing else to do."

Exactly. I got accepted into Notre Dame and applied just for shits and giggles. Went and visited and could not imagine being stuck there for four or more years. Just felt, as many of these rural colleges do, an extension of a small town high school.
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Exactly. I got accepted into Notre Dame and applied just for shits and giggles. Went and visited and could not imagine being stuck there for four or more years. Just felt, as many of these rural colleges do, an extension of a small town high school.

Agreed. My first time there, for the 2008 game, I walked around for about five minutes and my first thought was "what a great looking campus". My second thought was, "I could never go here, this place is boring".
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Agreed. My first time there, for the 2008 game, I walked around for about five minutes and my first thought was "what a great looking campus". My second thought was, "I could never go here, this place is boring".

You liked it better than I did then. I thought their campus was "meh" unless you were super religious. Their stadium is pretty dumpy with their only saving grace being TD Jesus which is unique. But their bleachers are rotting.

I would compare it with some of CMUs older buildings which are just not pretty.
Attendance counting is an obsession of theirs mainly started be Joe (and mostly brought up with regard to Pitt and Temple along with Rivals stars). But they actually won something last year so its not ringing as hollow as much now.
4th place medal actually.

Ohio State, Nebraska, and Bama all had more.

Ohio State continues to pump it's chest year around and nothing is stopping Urbs.

On a side note, did Rutgers win their spring game or did they even manage to screw that one up?
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3. Penn state Plans to give out Big Ten Championship Rings At Pitt game 2017!!!

'We're never going to talk about the Big Ten championship again,' James Franklin says

'We're not discussing 2016 again,' Penn State coach James Franklin says

Penn State coach James Franklin discusses what happens after the Blue-White Game.

Mark WogenrichContact Reporter Of The Morning Call

'We're never going to talk about the Big Ten championship again,' James Franklin says.

What happened during Penn State's Blue-White spring game Saturday wasn't nearly as important as what followed.

After the game, Franklin invited his players and coaches and their families to a picnic, at which everyone received their 2016 Big Ten championship rings. They were a sparkly sight, glinting in the sunlight that arrived late to Beaver Stadium.

And then, Franklin told his players to put them away. Linebacker Koa Farmer sent his home to California with his mom Shirley, who thought it would look good in the living room. Then, Farmer said, he was onto Phase 4 of the 2017 preseason, which is summer workouts.

"We're never going to talk about this Big Ten championship again," Franklin said after the game. "It's over. We enjoyed it and we appreciated it. It was awesome. But once they get the rings and walk out of the building, we're fully onto 2017, and we're not discussing those things again."

Brent Pry, Penn State's defensive coordinator, would love to steal Tommy Stevens to play for him. Pry called the 6-4, 224-pound quarterback Stevens a tough and aggressive "gamer" who would be a defensive asset.

That Stevens plays alongside Trace McSorley places Penn State in an enviable position...

Brent Pry, Penn State's defensive coordinator, would love to steal Tommy Stevens to play for him. Pry called the 6-4, 224-pound quarterback Stevens a tough and aggressive "gamer" who would be a defensive asset. That Stevens plays alongside Trace McSorley places Penn State in an enviable position...(Mark Wogenrich)

Franklin's Penn State roster broke new ground this spring, entering drills as a preseason contender for the College Football Playoff. Franklin quickly dismissed that idea — "Look at our preseason ranking last year," he said — but knows he has the roster to make a run.

Look no further than the Blue-White Game, in which more than a handful of starters didn't play. Franklin loaded his first- and second-team players onto the Blue unit, which scored three second-half touchdowns in a 26-0 win.

Though quarterback Trace McSorley took the offense for a half, he didn't have running back Saquon Barkley or tight end Mike Gesicki with him. Defensively, linebacker Jason Cabinda and defensive backs Marcus Allen and Grant Haley, all established starters, enjoyed the day from the sideline.

Barkley, in fact, didn't take a contact rep all spring. Instead, he ran routes against linebackers, participated in 7-on-7 drills and scouted practice alongside position coach Charles Huff.

"Obviously we're being smart about hits on his body," Huff said.

But Franklin had to balance those roster-management moves with a tone about the importance of practice. Penn State certainly soared on some unexpected wizardry last fall, but the season's core was established during the installation slogs of spring.

Thus, Franklin acted as though those rings awarded Saturday didn't exist.

"We are going to treat this team, coaches and our players, as if we have not accomplished anything," Franklin said. "Our workouts will be that way, our meetings will be that way. We will install formations like they've never heard them before. We will install plays as if they have never heard them before. This 2017 team has not accomplished anything yet, so we are not going to talk about these things."

The reflection Penn State's coaching staff engaged with players concerned areas of improvement. The Lions scored just 37 percent of their points last season in the first half but rallied for wins from four double-digit deficits.

Defensive coordinator Brent Pry said, in the offseason, Penn State studied its first-half tendencies, deciding the lapses came from a blend of execution and, occasionally, mindset. This spring, the coaches actively pressed players to start practices and scrimmages with more energy.

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"There might be a little bigger bull's-eye on us than there's been in the past," Pry said. "But we've got more competition on our team. We're producing a better product ourselves."

Among the legion of former players who returned Saturday was linebacker Tim Shaw, who is battling ALS. Shaw spoke to the team Friday, a session Franklin recorded and intended to show his daughters.

Shaw told the team that dealing with ALS has given him the "gift of perspective," which Franklin wanted it to remember more than the rings.

"I think it's a great message, just to be present and be the best that you can possibly be in everything you do," Franklin said. "We'll probably be searching for that goal the rest of our lives, but I still think we can get closer to it."
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"pittengineer75, post: 1880381, member: 2512"]Penn State has a built in advantage with the community college system they have with their branch campuses and a much smaller percentage of the population attended all four years at State College. This provides a big population of students and alumni to pull from. Also, State College is pretty much surrounded by nothingness and the town doesnt exactly have much going for it either. So the only memory of people who went to PSU State College is football and dirty frat house parties. And while not a surprise, but man is the PSU football crowd pretty much made up exclusively of old white men. Like 99%. I think Pitt had more minority fans in the stands within our 7000 than PSU did in their 70k.
Saw Chancellor Gallagher at HLH Friday Funeral in Shadyside with Ridge, Corbett, Peduto in VIP Guest Section and some over talk later outside and Pittsburgh Golf Club.
Henry played a big role in bringing his Silicon Valley Investments to Pittsburgh and big on Innovations. One Eulogy talked about how he wanted advance copies of Apple Devices and Elsie never turned down a Shoping Assignment. One Person said, if Elsie was The Queen of Pittsburgh Henry was he Pope!

Talk was of ALCOA return and most valuable part of the Company back in the City of Pittsburgh.

Ridge brought Homeland Security based in Pittsburgh and CMU and PITT playing being part in Cyber-Info Innovations and Protection. Westinghouse Bankruptcy by Chinese Stolen Cyber Technology of all Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant and half completed plant in Georgia. China wants to buy up Westinghouse Assets in bankruptcy.
Westinghouse $9.8 Billion Debt and no more overseas Business and CMU-PITT caught the Hacking but they have all information and ALCOA split too over China taking over Mining, Smelting, and Raw Production and why ALCOA split and came back to Pittsburgh.

Corbett set up system whereby 4 to 6 New Chemical Plants for Natural Gas By Products will be built in the Region. Shell completing Beaver County First one built in East for over 50 years. All will provide 40% US Production by 2030 and within 700 miles of where it will provide Gas for Power Planst, great place for future jobs, and will provide 6 additional jobs for every plat job.

Pitt with being into MEDS & EDS & INNOVATION is in far better position than Penn State, WVU, and Bigger Universities in Curriculum's Old Industrial & Agricultural that will be replaced by Medical Genetics, Robotics and other Innovations.

UPMC is the New USS STEEL, GULF OIL, and ALCOA replacing them with USA & Worldwide Medical Expansion including with superior competing with Hershey Medical in Central Pennsylvania run by Penn State. Heinz possible hook up talk with Hershey as well controlled by Hershey Trust hook up to save it from Nestle eyeing it. Penn State MEDS & EDS are near Penn or Pitt and Cmu with Pitt have other advantage in High Tech!

Chancellor Gallagher, CMU Suresh, and Penn Gutmann are so more qualified and so far ahead of PSU & WVU President Barron and Gee it not close. Gee was brought in to fix WVU Academic and work on downzing, PSU Barron brought in on the Athletic Scandal that have to deal with many oncoming retrenchment and growth is problems. While pitt, CMU, and Penn havbe no such problems and so are working on MEDS, EDS & INNOVATION Expansion. PSU and WVU have to deal with the microeconomics, economies of scale of the challenge on cost advantages that educational obtain due to size, output, or scale of operations with decreasing while dealing with increasing scale as fixed costs that can't keep up.

Bigger is no longer better and actually a Liability for the Future as New York and Pennsylvania State college System is finding out in cutting back and tough time dealing with Innovations exceeding changes at geometric not arithmetic rates.

Smaller Universities like Stanford, Northwestern, Georgia Tech, MIT, Duke, John Hopkins, Wake Forest, PENN, CMU and Pitt are far better shape to more today then Old Agricultural & Industrial Universities set up for yesterday's industries that are shrinking.

The PITT-CMU Campuses & Shadyside mirror Silicon Valley with Relationships with various cultures, innovators, and brain attractions far exceeds anything in Happy Valley or The Morgantown Mon Overlook that have a tougher time in changing.

This is the talk I heard when these subjects were brought up, and it was not coming from Educational or Political Sources but Investment Venture Capital Sources that make it happen where it can happen easier and faster.

The Community Colleges will play a bigger part in adaption and updating a shrinking workforce, but it will be the Smaller Innovation Business doing the coming and merging and faster than ever in an ever cultural melting and mending process of innovation cooperation.

So, the Pitt Football Program Rebuilding with the right people behind it is a priority now in the ACC but the goal is build a steady and stable Program once and for all, but not looking to grow as big as the other Universities that ID themselves based on their winning. It is actually just beginning but you will see Pitt Football will be with a stable Stanford, TCU, Northwestern, Georgia Tech that are and have been top 25 Teams and a few Times Top 15 to Top 10.

Will know more Friday when an event at The William Penn gathers and can hear more on the same subject heard this weekend from a more political perspective.

In any event, Penn State is just happy as it can be at this time expecting 12 Win Season or more. Last years 11-3 won't cut it, but another loss to Pitt on the day they are Planning should motivate Pitt Coaches & Players, but Pitt is really going up against a Top Team!

We shall see!
Attendance counting is an obsession of theirs mainly started be Joe (and mostly brought up with regard to Pitt and Temple along with Rivals stars). But they actually won something last year so its not ringing as hollow as much now.

Not sure winning the Big10 was much of an accomplishment last year. The conference got killed in meaningful bowl games and PSUs in and out of conference schedule would have made CUSA teams blush for not playing anyone.
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I just read this and have one comment........You crack me up Cap. You have some serious energy! Give 'em hell brother!

"pittengineer75, post: 1880381, member: 2512"]Penn State has a built in advantage with the community college system they have with their branch campuses and a much smaller percentage of the population attended all four years at State College. This provides a big population of students and alumni to pull from. Also, State College is pretty much surrounded by nothingness and the town doesnt exactly have much going for it either. So the only memory of people who went to PSU State College is football and dirty frat house parties. And while not a surprise, but man is the PSU football crowd pretty much made up exclusively of old white men. Like 99%. I think Pitt had more minority fans in the stands within our 7000 than PSU did in their 70k.
Saw Chancellor Gallagher at HLH Friday Funeral in Shadyside with Ridge, Corbett, Peduto in VIP Guest Section and some over talk later outside and Pittsburgh Golf Club.
Henry played a big role in bringing his Silicon Valley Investments to Pittsburgh and big on Innovations. One Eulogy talked about how he wanted advance copies of Apple Devices and Elsie never turned down a Shoping Assignment. One Person said, if Elsie was The Queen of Pittsburgh Henry was he Pope!

Talk was of ALCOA return and most valuable part of the Company back in the City of Pittsburgh.

Ridge brought Homeland Security based in Pittsburgh and CMU and PITT playing being part in Cyber-Info Innovations and Protection. Westinghouse Bankruptcy by Chinese Stolen Cyber Technology of all Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant and half completed plant in Georgia. China wants to buy up Westinghouse Assets in bankruptcy.
Westinghouse $9.8 Billion Debt and no more overseas Business and CMU-PITT caught the Hacking but they have all information and ALCOA split too over China taking over Mining, Smelting, and Raw Production and why ALCOA split and came back to Pittsburgh.

Corbett set up system whereby 4 to 6 New Chemical Plants for Natural Gas By Products will be built in the Region. Shell completing Beaver County First one built in East for over 50 years. All will provide 40% US Production by 2030 and within 700 miles of where it will provide Gas for Power Planst, great place for future jobs, and will provide 6 additional jobs for every plat job.

Pitt with being into MEDS & EDS & INNOVATION is in far better position than Penn State, WVU, and Bigger Universities in Curriculum's Old Industrial & Agricultural that will be replaced by Medical Genetics, Robotics and other Innovations.

UPMC is the New USS STEEL, GULF OIL, and ALCOA replacing them with USA & Worldwide Medical Expansion including with superior competing with Hershey Medical in Central Pennsylvania run by Penn State. Heinz possible hook up talk with Hershey as well controlled by Hershey Trust hook up to save it from Nestle eyeing it. Penn State MEDS & EDS are near Penn or Pitt and Cmu with Pitt have other advantage in High Tech!

Chancellor Gallagher, CMU Suresh, and Penn Gutmann are so more qualified and so far ahead of PSU & WVU President Barron and Gee it not close. Gee was brought in to fix WVU Academic and work on downzing, PSU Barron brought in on the Athletic Scandal that have to deal with many oncoming retrenchment and growth is problems. While pitt, CMU, and Penn havbe no such problems and so are working on MEDS, EDS & INNOVATION Expansion. PSU and WVU have to deal with the microeconomics, economies of scale of the challenge on cost advantages that educational obtain due to size, output, or scale of operations with decreasing while dealing with increasing scale as fixed costs that can't keep up.

Bigger is no longer better and actually a Liability for the Future as New York and Pennsylvania State college System is finding out in cutting back and tough time dealing with Innovations exceeding changes at geometric not arithmetic rates.

Smaller Universities like Stanford, Northwestern, Georgia Tech, MIT, Duke, John Hopkins, Wake Forest, PENN, CMU and Pitt are far better shape to more today then Old Agricultural & Industrial Universities set up for yesterday's industries that are shrinking.

The PITT-CMU Campuses & Shadyside mirror Silicon Valley with Relationships with various cultures, innovators, and brain attractions far exceeds anything in Happy Valley or The Morgantown Mon Overlook that have a tougher time in changing.

This is the talk I heard when these subjects were brought up, and it was not coming from Educational or Political Sources but Investment Venture Capital Sources that make it happen where it can happen easier and faster.

The Community Colleges will play a bigger part in adaption and updating a shrinking workforce, but it will be the Smaller Innovation Business doing the coming and merging and faster than ever in an ever cultural melting and mending process of innovation cooperation.

So, the Pitt Football Program Rebuilding with the right people behind it is a priority now in the ACC but the goal is build a steady and stable Program once and for all, but not looking to grow as big as the other Universities that ID themselves based on their winning. It is actually just beginning but you will see Pitt Football will be with a stable Stanford, TCU, Northwestern, Georgia Tech that are and have been top 25 Teams and a few Times Top 15 to Top 10.

Will know more Friday when an event at The William Penn gathers and can hear more on the same subject heard this weekend from a more political perspective.

In any event, Penn State is just happy as it can be at this time expecting 12 Win Season or more. Last years 11-3 won't cut it, but another loss to Pitt on the day they are Planning should motivate Pitt Coaches & Players, but Pitt is really going up against a Top Team!

We shall see!
'We're never going to talk about the Big Ten championship again,' James Franklin says 'We're not discussing 2016 again,' Penn State coach James Franklin says....
"I think it's a great message, just to be present and be the best that you can possibly be in everything you do," Franklin said. "We'll probably be searching for that goal the rest of our lives, but I still think we can get closer to it."

Hmmmnnnn, a lot of Diatribe of Talking again coming from a lot of talking about playing Pitt & Big Ten that no one is allow to talk about, but did anyway last year on whom is Penn State Rivalries when their Motto now is "UNRIVALED" hushing up would be better, but sure looks like lots of leaks that sink Players on ScholarSHIPS.

Poor Pitt Players must be shaking in their Boots & Jock Straps like last year....NOT!....must be a different approach but sound like last year more and more?

Penn State's Terry Smith on his Pitt-PSU days, the way the Lions are approaching Saturday, and more....

On what he told the team earlier this week:
"My message was just simply, find consistency in our approach to a game, and find consistency to how we play come Saturday. There's a lot of media hype around this game, and just trying to deliver the message that, this is the most important game because it's the next game up. We have to come out even and can't have a roller coaster of emotions. We have to play with consistency."
On the team's approach this week:
"We look at is as, it's the next game up on the schedule. One thing that Coach [James] Franklin drives home to us is, the next game is the most important game. We prepare for the next opponent. This is the biggest game of the season because it's the current game. Our message to our guys is find consistency, let's improve from last week, and go out and win a football game."................!!!


Penn State assistant Smith downplays Pitt rivalry:

Terry Smith is a fiercely loyal Penn Stater, a graduate and former football player and now an assistant coach. If nothing else, he knows to follow the boss's lead and the company line. So when Smith was asked Thursday whether Saturday's Penn State-Pitt game is the renewal of a long-standing rivalry, he quickly responded, “For me, personally, no, it is not.”
Fair enough. Penn State coach James Franklin said as much earlier in the week, and so did some players. Athletic director Sandy Barbour has suggested the university doesn't need a rival. The team slogan, splashed everywhere, is “Unrivaled.” Regardless of the emotions attached to the schools' first meeting in 16 years and the boiling anticipation that accompanies it, “I look at it as the next game up on the schedule,” Smith said. He explained, “One thing that coach Franklin drives home to us is that the next game is the most important game.” Smith also said, “It's the biggest game of the season because it's the current game.”

Occasionally, however, the former Gateway player and coach perhaps revealed his true nature. He sounded less like a cornerbacks coach and defensive recruiting coordinator and more like the player who in 1991 said, “I am shocked it would end like this” after it was announced the annual series was over by the next season. “I can remember growing up and watching this game and obviously all the greats that played at Pitt and the greats that played at Penn State, and it's exciting,” the present-day Smith said. Smith called the game, “a great atmosphere,” and reminded reporters, as he reminded his players — according to linebacker Brandon Bell — that he was 3-1 against Pitt. He said he loved playing at late, often-lamented Pitt Stadium even with its “bad turf.” He described the place as “historic.” “The memories are fond and great, and they were very competitive games,” Smith said...................???


Pittsburgh, September 9: Keystone Classic Presented by Peoples Natural Gas; "2016" Suite Unveiling; 1982 Team Presentation:
1. Penn State will honor the 2016 Big Ten Championship team with the unveiling of `2016' on the Beaver Stadium suites pre-game.

2. The 1982 National Championship team will be honored at Halftime when the Penn State Nittany Lions take on the Pittsburgh Panthers in the Keystone Classic presented by Peoples Natural Gas.

3. Nearly 6,000 new season tickets have been sold for the 2017 campaign. For information on joining the Nittany Lion Club and purchasing new 2017 season tickets, as well as club seating in Beaver Stadium, fans can visit, call 1-800-NITTANY weekdays from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. or visit the Bryce Jordan Center ticket office weekdays from 10 a.m-6 p.m.


As stated, sounds like a lot of talking about not talking but the only quiet silence is coming from Pitt Players, a sign they are trying to work on their own Self-improvement, while Penn State Players are not allow to talk, but saying they can't talk, is still talking?

We shall see?
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I just read this and have one comment........You crack me up Cap. You have some serious energy! Give 'em hell brother!
1. I just ask good questions to Great Accomplished People way higher up and then sit back and listen to the discussions, and when able share it with the Lair.

2. I have been to Silicon Valley and Stanford all of lasts December and PITT-CMU Shadyside Campuses Cultural Life and Students, and I have been at WVU & PSU and they don't, and that is a simple observation!

3. In addition, UPMC is Meds & Eds and Innovations! WVU & PSU have nothing like it nor equal to it! But Northwestern, Duke, & Stanford Does!

4. President Gee was hired temporarily to clean up WVU Academic Scandal after being let go by Ohio State and decided to stay at WVU permanently after the clean up. Quick Google Check proves it not me and Gee talks about growing costs hard to chnage not me.

5. President Barron was hired to help Penn State overcome the the Penn State Football Athletic Integrity Scandal with his experience at FSU, and bragged about how much more money he is making, again can google the facts.

6. Chancellor Gallagher was formerly the 14th director of the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and had served as the Acting United States Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He did not have to clean up any Academic or Athletic Scandal! One can Google that too!

Innovations seeking and building is better focus than Scandal Cleaning Duties!

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I just ask good questions to Great Accomplished People way higher up and then sit back and listen to the discussions, and when able share it with the Lair.

I have been to Silicon Valley and Stanford all of lasts December and PITT-CMU Shadyside Campuses Cultural Life and Students, and I have been at WVU & PSU and they don't, and that is a simple observation!

In addition, UPMC is Meds & Eds and Innovations! WVU & PSU have nothing like it nor equal to it! But Northwestern, Duke, & Stanford Does!

The difference is more just in total number of students/alumni more than anything. Not opportunities surrounding campuses, quality, etc. Just raw numbers of students that then become alumni. Unlike PSU where branch campuses are feeder systems for first 2-3 years and then students transferring to main for only a year, where as Pitt has Bradford/Johnstown/Greensburg/Titusville but they are pretty much four year schools on their own.
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The difference is more just in total number of students/alumni more than anything. Not opportunities surrounding campuses, quality, etc. Just raw numbers of students that then become alumni. Unlike PSU where branch campuses are feeder systems for first 2-3 years and then students transferring to main for only a year, where as Pitt has Bradford/Johnstown/Greensburg/Titusville but they are pretty much four year schools on their own.
I don't disagree with you at all that topic.

I just see the difference between Coaches on how they are approaching the upcoming Football Season and Game on a Football Board.

I admire and repeated it over and over on the Football Program built and maintained at Penn State and it should be saluted by Pitt and other Universities when discussing Football.

However, it is hard to accept Cult Dolts Students that decide to Riot to save a Fired Head Coach & Attack Penn State Trustees, Interim President and Interim Athletic Director that had to craete Athletic Integrity under NCAA Sanctions as well as found, approved, and hired James Franklin that has brought them a Big Ten Championship that Franklin does not want to talk about, and has no Rivals anywhere anymore , but the Cult Dolts & Students still Rioted on Winning it and PS4RS still trashes Penn State Leadership & Paterno's too?

Kind of mixed message is all I am saying, Great Fans but not Great People when trashing Children Victims, Denying Any Athletic Integrity Scandal, Paying Out Millions On Paterno's Legacy, and How Smart can they be Cheering Franklin while trashing Penn State and then saying they have No Rivals!

My point is they have many Alumni like you say and even more fans, but they are dumb as many come by their actions on violence, attacking others, and disrespecting the very people and Penn Staters that fixed the very Worst Scandal In College Football History!!!!

This is on them and just because someone points it out they hate them and think winning football games makes them superior somehow??? When it is a sign of being dumb by ignoring it really hurt the University and Shamed its name but blame the Media and anyone but not Leadership Caught with "Convictions" of their own making!

When Penn Staters, Alumni & Fans Salute and Honor Sara Ganim and others that reported the scandal and caused the courage to clean it up to protect children first over football, instead of demanding a soiled statue get due process somehow when the legacy of ashes is dead and buried, then the World will know the Former Proven Corrupt Penn State Football Culture actually changed!

Until then and when, they are, and "WE ARE" is Unrivaled are such an Athletic Integrity Scandal that is pushing and still punishing paying off its cost and fines for 409!

Alma Mater: Pennsylvania State University (2008)



“Running out of sympathy for 35 yr old, so-called victims with 7 digit net worth,” trustee Albert L. Lord wrote Saturday in an email to the Chronicle of Higher Education. “Do not understand why they were so prominent in trial. As you learned, Graham Spanier never knew Sandusky abused anyone.”.......Penn State trustee Al Lord apologized "for any pain" he may have caused to victims of the Sandusky sex abuse case in a statement referring to comments he made to The Chronicle of Higher Education last week. Lord said the quote was correct, however it was supposed to be "off the record.".............."I will note that from this verdict emerged a 'new' Penn State-- a Penn State determined to consign four honest and honorable men to its politically correct trash heap," Lord said. "The new Penn State is not the Penn State of loyalty and courage where I received the degree which gave me my start in life 50 years ago."

Maybe just maybe it never was and Lord's own mouth of quotes prove it and he needs to support the Reforms not the Convicted!
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'We're never going to talk about the Big Ten championship again,' James Franklin says

'We're not discussing 2016 again,' Penn State coach James Franklin says

Penn State coach James Franklin discusses what happens after the Blue-White Game.

Mark WogenrichContact Reporter Of The Morning Call

'We're never going to talk about the Big Ten championship again,' James Franklin says.

What happened during Penn State's Blue-White spring game Saturday wasn't nearly as important as what followed.

After the game, Franklin invited his players and coaches and their families to a picnic, at which everyone received their 2016 Big Ten championship rings. They were a sparkly sight, glinting in the sunlight that arrived late to Beaver Stadium.

And then, Franklin told his players to put them away. Linebacker Koa Farmer sent his home to California with his mom Shirley, who thought it would look good in the living room. Then, Farmer said, he was onto Phase 4 of the 2017 preseason, which is summer workouts.

"We're never going to talk about this Big Ten championship again," Franklin said after the game. "It's over. We enjoyed it and we appreciated it. It was awesome. But once they get the rings and walk out of the building, we're fully onto 2017, and we're not discussing those things again."

Brent Pry, Penn State's defensive coordinator, would love to steal Tommy Stevens to play for him. Pry called the 6-4, 224-pound quarterback Stevens a tough and aggressive "gamer" who would be a defensive asset.

That Stevens plays alongside Trace McSorley places Penn State in an enviable position...

Brent Pry, Penn State's defensive coordinator, would love to steal Tommy Stevens to play for him. Pry called the 6-4, 224-pound quarterback Stevens a tough and aggressive "gamer" who would be a defensive asset. That Stevens plays alongside Trace McSorley places Penn State in an enviable position...(Mark Wogenrich)

Franklin's Penn State roster broke new ground this spring, entering drills as a preseason contender for the College Football Playoff. Franklin quickly dismissed that idea — "Look at our preseason ranking last year," he said — but knows he has the roster to make a run.

Look no further than the Blue-White Game, in which more than a handful of starters didn't play. Franklin loaded his first- and second-team players onto the Blue unit, which scored three second-half touchdowns in a 26-0 win.

Though quarterback Trace McSorley took the offense for a half, he didn't have running back Saquon Barkley or tight end Mike Gesicki with him. Defensively, linebacker Jason Cabinda and defensive backs Marcus Allen and Grant Haley, all established starters, enjoyed the day from the sideline.

Barkley, in fact, didn't take a contact rep all spring. Instead, he ran routes against linebackers, participated in 7-on-7 drills and scouted practice alongside position coach Charles Huff.

"Obviously we're being smart about hits on his body," Huff said.

But Franklin had to balance those roster-management moves with a tone about the importance of practice. Penn State certainly soared on some unexpected wizardry last fall, but the season's core was established during the installation slogs of spring.

Thus, Franklin acted as though those rings awarded Saturday didn't exist.

"We are going to treat this team, coaches and our players, as if we have not accomplished anything," Franklin said. "Our workouts will be that way, our meetings will be that way. We will install formations like they've never heard them before. We will install plays as if they have never heard them before. This 2017 team has not accomplished anything yet, so we are not going to talk about these things."

The reflection Penn State's coaching staff engaged with players concerned areas of improvement. The Lions scored just 37 percent of their points last season in the first half but rallied for wins from four double-digit deficits.

Defensive coordinator Brent Pry said, in the offseason, Penn State studied its first-half tendencies, deciding the lapses came from a blend of execution and, occasionally, mindset. This spring, the coaches actively pressed players to start practices and scrimmages with more energy.

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"There might be a little bigger bull's-eye on us than there's been in the past," Pry said. "But we've got more competition on our team. We're producing a better product ourselves."

Among the legion of former players who returned Saturday was linebacker Tim Shaw, who is battling ALS. Shaw spoke to the team Friday, a session Franklin recorded and intended to show his daughters.

Shaw told the team that dealing with ALS has given him the "gift of perspective," which Franklin wanted it to remember more than the rings.

"I think it's a great message, just to be present and be the best that you can possibly be in everything you do," Franklin said. "We'll probably be searching for that goal the rest of our lives, but I still think we can get closer to it."

You mean except when you have a formal celebration next year during the season. You know when you play....who again? God, imagine the embarrassment if Penn State were to lose that weekend...
'We're never going to talk about the Big Ten championship again,' James Franklin says

'We're not discussing 2016 again,' Penn State coach James Franklin says

Penn State coach James Franklin discusses what happens after the Blue-White Game.

Mark WogenrichContact Reporter Of The Morning Call

'We're never going to talk about the Big Ten championship again,' James Franklin says.

What happened during Penn State's Blue-White spring game Saturday wasn't nearly as important as what followed.

After the game, Franklin invited his players and coaches and their families to a picnic, at which everyone received their 2016 Big Ten championship rings. They were a sparkly sight, glinting in the sunlight that arrived late to Beaver Stadium.

And then, Franklin told his players to put them away. Linebacker Koa Farmer sent his home to California with his mom Shirley, who thought it would look good in the living room. Then, Farmer said, he was onto Phase 4 of the 2017 preseason, which is summer workouts.

"We're never going to talk about this Big Ten championship again," Franklin said after the game. "It's over. We enjoyed it and we appreciated it. It was awesome. But once they get the rings and walk out of the building, we're fully onto 2017, and we're not discussing those things again."

Brent Pry, Penn State's defensive coordinator, would love to steal Tommy Stevens to play for him. Pry called the 6-4, 224-pound quarterback Stevens a tough and aggressive "gamer" who would be a defensive asset.

That Stevens plays alongside Trace McSorley places Penn State in an enviable position...

Brent Pry, Penn State's defensive coordinator, would love to steal Tommy Stevens to play for him. Pry called the 6-4, 224-pound quarterback Stevens a tough and aggressive "gamer" who would be a defensive asset. That Stevens plays alongside Trace McSorley places Penn State in an enviable position...(Mark Wogenrich)

Franklin's Penn State roster broke new ground this spring, entering drills as a preseason contender for the College Football Playoff. Franklin quickly dismissed that idea — "Look at our preseason ranking last year," he said — but knows he has the roster to make a run.

Look no further than the Blue-White Game, in which more than a handful of starters didn't play. Franklin loaded his first- and second-team players onto the Blue unit, which scored three second-half touchdowns in a 26-0 win.

Though quarterback Trace McSorley took the offense for a half, he didn't have running back Saquon Barkley or tight end Mike Gesicki with him. Defensively, linebacker Jason Cabinda and defensive backs Marcus Allen and Grant Haley, all established starters, enjoyed the day from the sideline.

Barkley, in fact, didn't take a contact rep all spring. Instead, he ran routes against linebackers, participated in 7-on-7 drills and scouted practice alongside position coach Charles Huff.

"Obviously we're being smart about hits on his body," Huff said.

But Franklin had to balance those roster-management moves with a tone about the importance of practice. Penn State certainly soared on some unexpected wizardry last fall, but the season's core was established during the installation slogs of spring.

Thus, Franklin acted as though those rings awarded Saturday didn't exist.

"We are going to treat this team, coaches and our players, as if we have not accomplished anything," Franklin said. "Our workouts will be that way, our meetings will be that way. We will install formations like they've never heard them before. We will install plays as if they have never heard them before. This 2017 team has not accomplished anything yet, so we are not going to talk about these things."

The reflection Penn State's coaching staff engaged with players concerned areas of improvement. The Lions scored just 37 percent of their points last season in the first half but rallied for wins from four double-digit deficits.

Defensive coordinator Brent Pry said, in the offseason, Penn State studied its first-half tendencies, deciding the lapses came from a blend of execution and, occasionally, mindset. This spring, the coaches actively pressed players to start practices and scrimmages with more energy.

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"There might be a little bigger bull's-eye on us than there's been in the past," Pry said. "But we've got more competition on our team. We're producing a better product ourselves."

Among the legion of former players who returned Saturday was linebacker Tim Shaw, who is battling ALS. Shaw spoke to the team Friday, a session Franklin recorded and intended to show his daughters.

Shaw told the team that dealing with ALS has given him the "gift of perspective," which Franklin wanted it to remember more than the rings.

"I think it's a great message, just to be present and be the best that you can possibly be in everything you do," Franklin said. "We'll probably be searching for that goal the rest of our lives, but I still think we can get closer to it."

You mean except when you have a formal celebration next year during the season. You know when you play....who again? God, imagine the embarrassment if Penn State were to lose that weekend...
There is no way there was 70k at the PSU Spring Game. That number is grossly inflated.
Hmmnnnn......and you know after two posts????? Wow, what insight! I am always amazed of the low post Posters knowledge all of a sudden awaken by a Pitt Lair Topic Thread! It Smacks of Pique and sounds like a sour Nittany PnnyLiar!
You mean except when you have a formal celebration next year during the season. You know when you play....who again? God, imagine the embarrassment if Penn State were to lose that weekend...
Upsssss.....a factual disassociation with reality and hypocrisy as bad as The Grand Experimenter Painting The Mice!o_O:eek::(:confused:;)
Hmmnnnn......and you know after two posts????? Wow, what insight! I am always amazed of the low post Posters knowledge all of a sudden awaken by a Pitt Lair Topic Thread! It Smacks of Pique and sounds like a sour Nittany PnnyLiar!
How many posts does it take to qualify someone to look at a photo of a 1/2 empty stadium and know there is not 70k in the photo?
Both are fine schools. No need to act like many of their fans and disparage another school.

The thing that's weird is how so many of them seem to validate themselves via aspects of the football program...the attendance, recruits and of course the twin pillars of marketing and mythology...Success with Honor and The Grand Experiment.

I don't judge myself or my worth based on my sports teams success or lack of success.
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I judge myself or my worth based on my sports teams success or lack of success.
I don't mind that at all, the Program was built upon Great Coaching, Vision, and Belief they were doing the Rights Things and in many factors they were doing it, and I have always accepted them as Top 15 Program because it is factual correct and that is to be admired, others can differ. Joe in my opinion did far more things right then wrong, but made a grave mistake of misjudgments as well staying too long, growing too big of ego, Penn State had a tough time figuring out when to let him go, and others can differ with that too. But it is over even if the Civil Lawsuit is pending.

The problem is not the past anymore, but what is happening now and in the future that has been corrector by Sanctions 2012 Athletic Reforms and payments of fines and settlements and costs. Franklin is under that too, as seen how he suspended 2 important players for the Rose Bowl USC Game Loss. His Recruiting is actually better than Paterno's too.

The only issues left are about a Penn State Past where many insists nothing went wrong, and some alumni want that recognized by the world that they are the victims when that is just plain lost of reality. Leave it go, move on, PSU has Atoned, but memories once thought pristine in pride is gone with the legacy of 409 being a clean up and time to let it go, one can't go back in Hindsight and make it pretend it never happen?

If Self-Worth does come from Winning Football Games, so be it, I agree to disagree it is not needed, Franklin and Penn State has a strong future and like USC, Bama, and OU will and did recover, and just be judged more today and tomorrow then what happen yesterday. Fans that think they can be proud of yesterday also must accept many can't agree with them anymore.

See September and beating Pitt should rightfully be a priority and no shame in saying it.

70k at their spring game, which is good for them because Attendance Counting is actually their 2nd favorite sport.
And their first favorite sport is bragging about recruiting rankings?

Which is also meaningless. When Narduzzi was at Michigan State, Michigan out-recruited Sparty every single year according to the rankings. On the field, State won 7 out of 8 seasons.
I don't mind that at all, the Program was built upon Great Coaching, Vision, and Belief they were doing the Rights Things and in many factors they were doing it, and I have always accepted them as Top 15 Program because it is factual correct and that is to be admired, others can differ. Joe in my opinion did far more things right then wrong, but made a grave mistake of misjudgments as well staying too long, growing too big of ego, Penn State had a tough time figuring out when to let him go, and others can differ with that too. But it is over even if the Civil Lawsuit is pending.

The problem is not the past anymore, but what is happening now and in the future that has been corrector by Sanctions 2012 Athletic Reforms and payments of fines and settlements and costs. Franklin is under that too, as seen how he suspended 2 important players for the Rose Bowl USC Game Loss. His Recruiting is actually better than Paterno's too.

The only issues left are about a Penn State Past where many insists nothing went wrong, and some alumni want that recognized by the world that they are the victims when that is just plain lost of reality. Leave it go, move on, PSU has Atoned, but memories once thought pristine in pride is gone with the legacy of 409 being a clean up and time to let it go, one can't go back in Hindsight and make it pretend it never happen?

If Self-Worth does come from Winning Football Games, so be it, I agree to disagree it is not needed, Franklin and Penn State has a strong future and like USC, Bama, and OU will and did recover, and just be judged more today and tomorrow then what happen yesterday. Fans that think they can be proud of yesterday also must accept many can't agree with them anymore.

See September and beating Pitt should rightfully be a priority and no shame in saying it.

Sorry, I meant I "DON'T judge myself....
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Sorry, I meant I "DON'T judge myself....
I am not sure but was it a family weekend and an alumni weekend. All activities shut down for a period of time and the only thing to do during that time is to go to the game . It used to be that way. Not sure know
Sorry, I meant I "DON'T judge myself....
We all have a favored Team with passionate support and whether a city, community or university bragging rights is part of it and accepted banter that matters and many get caught up with that reality. I had a close friend that told me most of best memories was his Penn State winning and doing it with what he thought was the right way and very proud of Paterno and just can't accept Joe ever knew. We abandon him when he started to say the Children just want money after years not being believed.

He kept professing the Paterno Report and blaming Freeh and PSU Trustees but after the Trials he now admits he went overboard thinking PSU Football was something superior and special and just wants it treated back as any Program that went wrong. His memories are now mixed with some regret!

Now the Trial is over and it all came out Joe did know as proven in the Emails and some more children were abused he accepts that something went wrong, and is happy it is over and backs Franklin now. Just glad Pitt and Psu play again, but many no longer want to do it as much in the future.

Each fans can deal with it like they wish and change or stay the same, So be it!
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this is from right at the beginning of PSU Spring Game '17 as the teams were taking the field
As stated, I stand corrected and take it up with Penn Live!

Some found on google and here are few too, but when taken not posted and they still had more than Pitt and and congratulate PSU they have fans that come out to Spring Games expectations as stated are high and wide:

2017 Penn State Blue-White spring game: TV info, live stream, game ...
Gridiron Now700 × 425Search by image
Beaver Stadium


Taken 4 days ago before the Spring Game? Lots of Cars In Parking Lots?
Fans reminded of Blue-White Game parking changes and details ...
Penn State News - Penn State University780 × 438Search by image
Beaver Stadium Parking Lots. Image: Penn State Athletics