Yeah, I’ve looked into this since last night and it will definitely be a fixed roof with a clear center over the playing field - like the Vikings have in their new domed stadium.
Syracuse will also have a mobile jumbotron on tracks that will change locations depending on the sport. That’s certainly an interesting decision.
They are doing it in two different phases as they’re trying to do it without interrupting football, basketball or lacrosse seasons.
The first phase, which will be completed in 2020, will involve the new roof, LED lighting and the new mobile scoreboard.
The second phase will be done by 2022 and will involve the installation of the widening of concourses, affixing it to another building as a way of widening it, as the air conditioning. They are also talking about building a hotel right next to it, but that has not been completely decided yet.
This is a separate project but some are saying that it could serve as the main entrance. At the very least, the two buildings will definitely be attached.
Apparently, a lot of people think these are just the first two announced phases and that there will be another round of changes like improving the lower seating bowl, adding some individual chair back seating, reducing capacity and improving their luxury suites. However, the speculation is they don’t have that money raised yet, so they have not yet announced that aspect of the renovation.
At first, I was skeptical about those claims, but if you look at it closely you realize that those changes would definitely come last – behind putting on a new roof, widening the concourse, adding AC, etc.
Some are speculating that the final cost will be closer to $200 million but they don’t want to announce that all in one chunk. Honestly, that’s not the craziest theory I’ve ever heard.
This is what it currently looks like and yes, it is absolutely this ugly in person. In fact, it’s probably uglier at ground level. If anything, this is a somewhat flattering picture of the dome.
They need to make it look less like a nuclear reactor and more like a welcoming athletics venue. I think they need to put brick and glass all around the exterior - to match the rest of that beautiful little campus - but that would be a fairly expensive superficial change.