Funny how we are infested with cult members on our board but no one outside of the cult can post on their site........can you say paranoid ~
Funny how cultists call others intellectually dishonest while employing straw man arguments in defense of inane statements from morally questionable individuals. What a bunch of cowardly losers, in addition to the obvious paranoia and unbelievable insecurity demonstrated by their running to and fro attempting to defend the image of their shattered self-anointed nobility, which apparently is the only thing that gave meaning to their vapid lives.
The quote, "I'm not defending PSU"...posted on a Pitt football message board by a known defender of the culture of happy valley, is not only is one of the most startling examples of intellectually dishonestly you could conjure, but also a astonishingly clear example of the mindbogglingly complete lack of self-introspection and awareness by cult members.
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