Franklin Comment

Funny how we are infested with cult members on our board but no one outside of the cult can post on their site........can you say paranoid ~

Funny how cultists call others intellectually dishonest while employing straw man arguments in defense of inane statements from morally questionable individuals. What a bunch of cowardly losers, in addition to the obvious paranoia and unbelievable insecurity demonstrated by their running to and fro attempting to defend the image of their shattered self-anointed nobility, which apparently is the only thing that gave meaning to their vapid lives.

The quote, "I'm not defending PSU"...posted on a Pitt football message board by a known defender of the culture of happy valley, is not only is one of the most startling examples of intellectually dishonestly you could conjure, but also a astonishingly clear example of the mindbogglingly complete lack of self-introspection and awareness by cult members.
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Barbour is kind of an idiot. I'm sure Nebraska hasn't scheduled OK, and Texas isn't scheduling A&M etc., because their ADs realized their fans aren't always so nice to one another. Wouldn't want a nice, friendly, totally non-violent game be ruined by a few fans being rude to each other. Because that might make the games be part of a rivalry, and PSU certainly doesn't want one of those.
Does anybody besides me think that Franklins comment in the Trib ( is talking trash on Pitt.
Here is his quote " “Western Pa. (talent) historically, and I would even say the last couple years, has been really strong,” Franklin said. “For certain kids and certain families, Pitt's a really good option, as well"
Well, it does sound condescending. Where does he think he is coaching ? Harvard ???
Definitely throwing subtle digs Pitt's way. I think this quote was telling: “For us to go where we want to go, we want to keep all the best players in the state and all the best players in this region home. When I say home, that's Penn State. That's the land grant university. That's the state school.”. I don't fault him for saying it, he needs to. But I think he is trying to lump Pitt in the category of Temple and not as a legitimate threat. Will be an uphill battle this year w/ all of the new starters but I can only imagine how he spins it if we win again.

Barbour's quotes about not continuing the series because of the way fans treat each other are ridiculous. I didn't hear many complaints about over the top stuff after the game last year. Does she even know what a rivalry is supposed to look like?
She ought to hear about the old rivalry stories from Michigan and Ohio State.