Future fb opponents? Did Heather

If it makes more sense financially to do a home and home than buying a home game from an FCS or non P5 great. But it isn’t like a home game against Marshall or Akron is bringing out more of a crowd than Albany or YSU.

I’d rather the non P5 home and homes be with Temple, Cincy, Navy or Florida schools like USF. At least there is some traditional interest and / or it is a trip to an area the staff can double on recruiting.

Playing at Marshall is zero upside. What recruits has Pitt pulled out of there in our lifetime? Truck, next season’s walk-on FB? Maybe some prep school kids from Linsly School like Dan Stephens or maybe Tez Morris or someone?
Lol. Tez Morris, forgot him. The blueprint for Dennis Briggs :D
It's almost like they value the wins over entertaining their fans.
they value getting that extra home game to increase revenue over everything. cant say I blame them.. pay 600k to get 3-4 million back, that's a nice return..
they value getting that extra home game to increase revenue over everything. cant say I blame them.. pay 600k to get 3-4 million back, that's a nice return..

They don't have to pay anyone to fill the stadium. They will draw more for their spring game than most and still charge for parking and concessions. They could run another glorified practice in the fall and their fan base would still show up. It's the win they covet.
I actually looked it up and it was Ty Gilliard, not Tez, who was from WV.
Indeed. From Princeton WV I believe? I only remember this because my buddies and I stopped there on the way to Blacksburg on a VT road trip. Stopped at this freaky, even for WV, convenience store off the interstate. It turned out to be a convenience store on one side, porn store on the other, with a liquor store all throughout. No separation. Kids are mingling among the ... patrons of the other. But that was not the weirdest... just feet from the entrance was an overflowing dumpster with dozens of yowling feral cats.
I have info on some ongoing negotiations but I received a stern email this morning telling me to not divulge info because it will jeopardize ongoing negotiations..

Wow am I funny, I crack myself up.. in all seriousness, I don't think anything has been released recently.. wvu in '22 25. '21 is shaping up to be cupcake central, we have Tennessee but to get another P5 team, we have to return favor and I don't see any spots until '24 and I doubt a respectable team will agree to play at Heinz in '21 and not expect us to come back for another 3 years..

all you guys screaming for mickey mouse OOC scheduling, take a bow because your wishes have come true..
OLSH in 2024. A nod to The Mouse.
Worst game I ever attended lol. What an absolute weather disaster lol.
Just to refresh your memory. For those who weren't there, that is water rushing down the upper deck stands from all the rain.
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