Future of 93.7 the Fan

Problems with the fan:
Non-stop commercial breaks
Over the top Steelers coverage in and out of season
Mundane Penguins talk - as we saw last year, most of these regular season games are meaningless and the interviews and game analysis is just too much
Personalities - Some want to discuss their personal lives a lot, that's fine sometimes but these guys lives are not very interesting and I do not care about the goings on of the North Hills (strip malls, two lane roads and chain restaurants are not something that everyone can relate to or cares about). Miller is just kind of there and doesn't serve much purpose, Cook is such a know-it-all, Poni is a whiner, and the afternoon show just doesn't have any flow. The weekend fill-ins aren't much better. Zeise is pretty good he gets into different topics that are not covered during the day (Pitt and national sports topics).....too bad it's at night.

Good idea in theory, but I can't listen to this station for more than 15 min, I don't know how some can listen all day to the same things being said over and over again
Problems with the fan:
Non-stop commercial breaks
Over the top Steelers coverage in and out of season
Mundane Penguins talk - as we saw last year, most of these regular season games are meaningless and the interviews and game analysis is just too much
Personalities - Some want to discuss their personal lives a lot, that's fine sometimes but these guys lives are not very interesting and I do not care about the goings on of the North Hills (strip malls, two lane roads and chain restaurants are not something that everyone can relate to or cares about). Miller is just kind of there and doesn't serve much purpose, Cook is such a know-it-all, Poni is a whiner, and the afternoon show just doesn't have any flow. The weekend fill-ins aren't much better. Zeise is pretty good he gets into different topics that are not covered during the day (Pitt and national sports topics).....too bad it's at night.

Good idea in theory, but I can't listen to this station for more than 15 min, I don't know how some can listen all day to the same things being said over and over again
I agree with this up until your last part. Your statement about their personal lives is exactly what Zeise's show is, 100%.. I mean at first it's kind of funny but then you realize it is literally 20 minutes that he's talked about his drive to charlotte and you haven't heard a thing about the actual pitt game and wonder what the hell you just listened too.
Nothing beat when I was growing up on 1250 WTAE radio Myron from 6-8 pm and Stan Savarn from 8-9 pm, 5 days a week. I was a kid and I listened all the time. Then we all used to prank George Von Benko from 9-11 pm about Harold Carmichael.

Sigh, those were the days....
I have admired your work from afar. the Harold Carmichaels stuff was pure genius and one of your posse members was a neighbor. lol.
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I enjoy listening to Paul Zeise. Pony is pretty knowledgeable but I can't listen because I dislike Cook (Paterno Worshiper) so much I can't listen for more than 10 minutes. Starlet and M. - please, the whole thing is so juvenile.

I switch to NPR or go to 94.5 for music. Listen to Stan Savran and Michael Todd too.

You must admit that these guys have a really tough job - rehashing the same sports stories all day long makes it tough to make it interesting...

Go Pitt
When I hear the Buffalo Bills song played on Starkey Show I want to drive to the station and confront the producer. Every day they play that thing in reference to anything Buffalo sports related. I get it Starkey. You are from Buffalo.

Myron's callers were mini-celebs in their own right. Zivko. Sarcastic Sword. CB Savage. Cookout. Hanging Judge. They either knew their stuff or were entertaining, playing off Cope.
I used to work with The Hanging Judge. What a character. FWIW, he was a psychiatrist.
Glad I don't have to listen to Savran. I remember his interviews with Paturno, the softballs he lobbed in there were more like beachballs. He was always afraid Paturno would turn him down like he did to anyone who pressed him on any subject.
Well, I am 40 and a lot of my friends that live in Pittsburgh in my age bracket listen to the fan a lot. I would guess for sports fans that live in Pittsburgh, the fan is the first choice on the dial, so I am a little shocked the ratings are so low.
Um Carphone Tommy?

How about, From Coast to Coast, like Butter on toast, the Ghost of Tradition??

Great memories. From his shirt pocket notes to Monday's wash day sessions. "How do you're first in the store". Always had "little birdies" whispering in his ear. Jocko was another caller, right? The Counselor. Myron always had things rolling around on his cranium.

Still remember his last show talking about his wife, the dear Mildred, who had passed. Wow, that guy was an absolute legend. Wrote for SI, did WTAE news, analyst for the Steelers forever, his own radio show.
Well, I am 40 and a lot of my friends that live in Pittsburgh in my age bracket listen to the fan a lot. I would guess for sports fans that live in Pittsburgh, the fan is the first choice on the dial, so I am a little shocked the ratings are so low.
its really the only option as far as sports radio. Madden has a show in drive home but that's mixed with music so not really the same. ESPN radio left 1250am. im starting to think this market cant sustain an all sports radio station. Maybe 105.9 is doing it right by mixing music with sports content..
Great memories. From his shirt pocket notes to Monday's wash day sessions. "How do you're first in the store". Always had "little birdies" whispering in his ear. Jocko was another caller, right? The Counselor. Myron always had things rolling around on his cranium.

Still remember his last show talking about his wife, the dear Mildred, who had passed. Wow, that guy was an absolute legend. Wrote for SI, did WTAE news, analyst for the Steelers forever, his own radio show.
The Diego Chargers. The Cleve Brownies. The Dallas Cryboys. The Wash Dirtyskins. The Denver Yonkos. The Cincy Bungles...
Great memories. From his shirt pocket notes to Monday's wash day sessions. "How do you're first in the store". Always had "little birdies" whispering in his ear. Jocko was another caller, right? The Counselor. Myron always had things rolling around on his cranium.

Still remember his last show talking about his wife, the dear Mildred, who had passed. Wow, that guy was an absolute legend. Wrote for SI, did WTAE news, analyst for the Steelers forever, his own radio show.
Those were the Golden Years of Pittsburgh SportsTalk. Who doesn't remember Myron's rendition of "Deck the Halls"? "Deck the Broncos, they're just 'yonkos'..." Yoi, indeed!

And his excitement when he'd announce Johnny Majors' recruits...making it sound as though Majors and his staff were galloping around Western PA and grabbing the best recruits - like cavalry on horseback.
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OR because we usually shit the bed.

Most of the time, the criticism (or mostly, the lack of attention) is richly deserved. We don't win enough, and even off the field we often shoot ourselves in both feet and arms. Like with our dumb coach hires especially. That's on the administration, not the media.

I agree a number of them do have personal dislike for Pitt mainly due to their personal college allegiances. Pitt might cure your cancer (pshaw!) but doesn't put out many smarmy sports broadcasting or "journalism" hacks unfortunately. They have the pulpit, they use it to their pleasure ... but can only get away with that if we lose.

Win, and they will kiss our ass too

Well honestly who would call the hosts they have (besides Zeise) to talk about pitt? Most of them are clueless or downright negative about the us. I don't need to listen to a homer, but I also don't care to listen to Ron Cook wax poetic about Paterno for 2 hours. That doens't "drive calls"
Sometimes in radio, ratings aren't as important as demographic. Also, a talk radio listener is more coveted by advertisers because of the level of attention that they are paying to listening. Just think about it, what would you prefer, advertising to a group of 3 people who listen intently to the hosts so that they don't miss anything or 9 people who have Happy Together by the Turtles on in the background while they do other things?

I'm not saying that 93.7 is good. Hard to argue that (although outside of Cook & Poni, the hosts aren't as bad as many make them out to be). But what I am saying is that sports talk fills a great advertising niche. I also believe that there aren't enough formats available in radio for Pittsburgh to not have a sports talk station.

They have alot (and I mean ALOT) of advertising. So I imagine that counts for something.

People here are too provincial to have a more rounded, sports talk show.

I do think one thing the Fan does wrong and it is led by a couple of people, they try and be too negative. They try and take the counter view. You already got that in Madden, and Madden trolls better than any of them. I think the Fan could do better if they had some more locals who are a bit more positive.
yep, be careful what you wish for. 93.7 goes away, any pitt related content on the radio will be the 1 hour a week show that Hillgrove runs from the south side that is nothing but commercials... That or podcasts, nothing else... 93.7 talks a lot of pitt, especially in the morning, you guys are nuts if you don't think so.. So many times they've had a segment on pitt and no one calls in, ever, so the next segment, it's back to the steelers or pens..

the public dictates the content with these shows, not the hosts..

Oh christ. That show should be banned. Don't have a coaches show. It is boring and pointless. And with Hillgrove, it is more boring, more pointless and just a 60 minute commercial. And by the way, time to put Dick Groat out to pasture. And Hillgrove too. Time to move on, get some younger blood involved with Pitt.

Pitt fans holding onto the Script, Dorsett and Green eras are 10 times worse that dem Stiller fans holding onto Lambert and Franco.
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Those were the Golden Years of Pittsburgh SportsTalk. Who doesn't remember Myron's rendition of "Deck the Halls"? "Deck the Broncos, they're just 'yonkos'..." Yoi, indeed!

And his excitement when he'd announce Johnny Majors' recruits...making it sound as though Majors and his staff were galloping around Western PA and grabbing the best recruits - like cavalry on horseback.

I remember Cope, who didn't like or understand hockey, was playing the song "tradition" after a short Penguin losing streak going into the trade deadline. He was laughing at the Pens for what looked like another lost year. Mario came back, got healthy, the Pens traded for Ulf and Ron Francis and certainly a new "Tradition" was ushered in the Pittsburgh sports scene that year.
They have alot (and I mean ALOT) of advertising. So I imagine that counts for something.

People here are too provincial to have a more rounded, sports talk show.

I do think one thing the Fan does wrong and it is led by a couple of people, they try and be too negative. They try and take the counter view. You already got that in Madden, and Madden trolls better than any of them. I think the Fan could do better if they had some more locals who are a bit more positive.
I've posted this before, and The Fan should take note:

The three most popular sportscasters in Pittsburgh history were/are (in no particular order):

*Myron Cope

*Mike Lange, and

*Bob Prince

These three guys had one thing in common: they were/are all blatant homers. That's what the majority of Pittsburghers want - not what we've got now.
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But most of you guys still listen...

I'm a big believer in that if you want to get rid of something (for example a coach), you also need to say what you would do.

So what replaces it? An oldies station? What personalities do you put on it that are better?

I think it has good moments and some shaky ones. But it's generally a good station, and more importantly the best we got
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The morning show was great with Greg Gianotti.

Dunlap as his replacement has bombed. His Schtick is ripping Jim Colony and trying to be funny. He was better on late night by himself

Cook and Poni are simply terrible. Neither is good. Cook would say the world is flat just to be different.

Poni and Mueller are one in the same. Both guys who like themselves too much for how little they know and how big of dorks they are

Starkey and Miller are good. They should be the morning show.

Paul Zeise I enjoy
CBS Radio just merged with another huge company. It will be interesting to see what changes might follow based on costs and ratings. But overall the ratings really are NOT terrible for this format.

I agree that the hosts on the morning show are on the weak side. I think Dunlap would be a good #2, the entire Jim Colony thing is just over for me, I'm tired of having him forced down my throat every day as a "thing". He's a nice guy but let's allow him to be the worker bee he was intended to be and find a stronger voice. He's basically that dude you see at Wal-Mart on Sunday morning pushing the cart for his wife in dad jeans and a sweatshirt making sure she buys some ketchup and curly fries.

The Fan needs a stronger #1 to drive the show, but Dunlap would be a great second opinion/fan-flamer who drives reaction. He's good at it now but his primary schtick is kind of lame. Miller sucks. I can't even remember the last time he said something I cared about or wanted to react to.

I actually enjoy Jeff Hathorn when he's on, he's kind of dry and witty. He'd be a great replacement for Colony in the morning.

Cook is better WITHOUT Poni. I hate the guy, but when Poni isnt there he channels Savran a bit and is a lot less irritable and actually has conversations. I enjoy that. So, cut Poni entirely or move him back to evenings where his style is sure to bring reaction. He could be the lead in to Pirates baseball or Pitt basketball when necessary. And then he'd be there for reaction shows when his style really suits the "hot take" mentality.

Overall, the ratings for the Fan when compared to other mid-major markets aren't bad. With some tweaks it could likely perform a little better which makes it a money maker. Until all the silver hairs die off, 3WS and KDKA AM are going to dominate anyways. It's the only all-sports station with a pulse in Pittsburgh so it reaches a demographic that many others do not. That makes it valuable. Small changes would make it more so.
The morning show was great with Greg Gianotti.

Dunlap as his replacement has bombed. His Schtick is ripping Jim Colony and trying to be funny. He was better on late night by himself

Cook and Poni are simply terrible. Neither is good. Cook would say the world is flat just to be different.

Poni and Mueller are one in the same. Both guys who like themselves too much for how little they know and how big of dorks they are

Starkey and Miller are good. They should be the morning show.

Paul Zeise I enjoy

yeah, this sums it up pretty well. The Dunlap thing is getting VERY old. The daily tweeting on Colony...just a dumb schtick. But he is one of the few here who ever say anything negative about PSU so that gets points in my book.

Madden is still the only one that is worth listening to, although his anti-Steeler rants can be a little over the top. But a lot of what he says is true, like calling out the local Steeler/Pirate fanboy media. Why was the Porter incident at North Catholic reported 3 months later in the Indiana Gazette of all places and ignored by the "local" media?
Nothing beat when I was growing up on 1250 WTAE radio Myron from 6-8 pm and Stan Savarn from 8-9 pm, 5 days a week. I was a kid and I listened all the time. Then we all used to prank George Von Benko from 9-11 pm about Harold Carmichael.

Sigh, those were the days....

poker, the carmichael troll would be good against Cook.
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I remember the Carmnichael callers call the bill curry show. I was sick that Saturday afternoon and lying on the couch. Carmichael caller in typical fashion started the call with a legitimate discussion and then asked curry if harold carmichael was a hockey player what position would he play. Really pissed off curry for some reason.
Oh christ. That show should be banned. Don't have a coaches show. It is boring and pointless. And with Hillgrove, it is more boring, more pointless and just a 60 minute commercial. And by the way, time to put Dick Groat out to pasture. And Hillgrove too. Time to move on, get some younger blood involved with Pitt.

Pitt fans holding onto the Script, Dorsett and Green eras are 10 times worse that dem Stiller fans holding onto Lambert and Franco.

I agree. Hillgrove has been very good for Pitt, but it's time to call it a career. He gets corrected on mistakes at least 25 times a game. Listening to Groat is awful. Great kinda mumbles now and I'd really tough to understand.
I agree. Hillgrove has been very good for Pitt, but it's time to call it a career. He gets corrected on mistakes at least 25 times a game. Listening to Groat is awful. Great kinda mumbles now and I'd really tough to understand.

But they are Pittsburgh legends and can't be replaced :eek:

Seriously it is time for Groat to go, not even a Pitt grad. Hillgrove still has the voice, but he was never a good play by play man. And he is only getting worse, much worse. He is a sports anchorman and should have never left that role years ago.

Maybe the Steelers will finally nudge him out, like when they suggested to Cope it was time to retire. I think Fleming may have left voluntarily, not sure though. But Hillgrove shows no signs of fatigue so unless someone says something to him we are stuck for the foreseeable future.

Cue the fanboys in defense any second now...
I love Groat too, but you can't understand what is happening in the game when you listen to those guys. It's like sitting by your grandpa and his buddy in the stands. All they do is watch the game and complain about the officials. I'm sorry, but that's not really what we're loooking for in bigtime college basketball.
they aren't negative though, morning show loves stallings and Duzzi calls in all the time.. They had the new OC on last week for a segment.. Dunlap openly ridicules penn state, colony is a pitt fan and Josh Miller, well josh miller really doesn't care

I will say this, although I do not listen to 93.7 anymore, the only ones I do listen to is the morning threesome (sounds like the ole college days also). They are the only ones who objectively discuss Pitt. All other shows only have segments of bashing, especially Starkey. He is always on Pitt and attendance. I mean everytime he discusses Pitt it is about attendance. Then Cook and Poni, especially when Canada left, where discussing when and whom Narduzzi was going to; N.D., MSU, blah, blah blah. After Canada left I quit listening to the channel altogether, but will give the morning and Zeise alittle of my time.

I do agree, that of all the shows on there, the morning and then Zeise in the evening. The rest are useless, especially towards Pitt. And yes, very few people ever call in when discussing Pitt. When I would call I was usually on within 2 calls, however, you had wait 25 minutes to say your piece due to commercials etc.
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I will say this, although I do not listen to 93.7 anymore, the only ones I do listen to is the morning threesome (sounds like the ole college days also). They are the only ones who objectively discuss Pitt. All other shows only have segments of bashing, especially Starkey. He is always on Pitt and attendance. I mean everytime he discusses Pitt it is about attendance. Then Cook and Poni, especially when Canada left, where discussing when and whom Narduzzi was going to; N.D., MSU, blah, blah blah. After Canada left I quit listening to the channel altogether, but will give the morning and Zeise alittle of my time.

I do agree, that of all the shows on there, the morning and then Zeise in the evening. The rest are useless, especially towards Pitt. And yes, very few people ever call in when discussing Pitt. When I would call I was usually on within 2 calls, however, you had wait 25 minutes to say your piece due to commercials etc.

Pitt is always fair game for attendance but two years ago with the division still on the line in the last week of September against the cardinals the Pirates played them on a weeknight to a 3/4 full house.The biggest regular season game ever at PNC park had plenty of seats available. Yet not a peep from the fanboys at the Fan
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It is a good Radio Reach on FM to be fair to Broadcast Pitt Games, it just needs better Management & changes On Air Personalities! The Fan needs to find the Right People too, in Athletic Entertainment Expanding, just like Pitt in Athletic Rebuilding.

Zeise, Peak, Dickerson, and are around and time to Dump the Program Manager that will replace Baloney, Dunlap, Kook, and a few others.

The Big Problem THE FAN is a Corporate Plan set up in major cities with a Strict Format and few understanding local innovations are required and needed and too big in NYC to see it? CBS Sports just suck on Radio. i listen to them in Cleveland, same Doormat Format with bogus Topics decided by each Producer and Hosts with Time Limits on each and other Caller.

ESPN just went from 100-84 Million Subscriber in one year, and bringing Disney bottom profit lines $15 Billion down.

They too have become more concern with ON Air Personalities and just make it about them, when it is always about the Game, Coaches, Players, and Fans, not about them like Dunlap talking about his family and playing his Head Games, or Baloney & Kooks, and ESPN was hard to watch again this year.

The NCS Game & Bowl Games missing plays of the game to bring on Senile Keith Jackson although greatly well intended are mistakes putting themselves ahead of the GAME!

Way too much overpaid Sports Personalities just like Major Media and People tired of that format, foolish debates, and just want to watch the Games, the Game sells not them? The American People hate Overpaid Major Personalities that make it about ME, is all about ME the "ME"dia. Hey dude and gal can we discuss the GAME, COACH, PLAYER, or PROGRAM???? Not your's Baby name????

The USC-PSU Bowl Game went to a 5 Minute Commercial and when they came back the USC TD taken away was all of sudden back to being a TD, and they missed that entire drama, for commercials?

Stupid Programming and Producers!

People are dropping off like dead flies from ESPN Corporate & Personalities Mismanagement and Subscribers saying Bye Bye, and even NFL Football Ratings are a big concern and Pop Warner Football are way down.

Good luck for when Viewers leave it is harder to get them back. Did these guys hire Pederson?
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The Big Problem THE FAN is a Corporate Plan set up in major cities with a Strict Format and few understanding local innovations are required and needed and too big in NYC to see it? CBS Sports just suck on Radio. i listen to them in Cleveland, same Doormat Format with bogus Topics decided by each Producer and Hosts with Time Limits on each and other Caller.

Spot on. Yesterday Dunlap on the Fan was talking about the Penguins. I can't remember how the topic came up, but he started discussing how Matt Murray's weakness is with his glove hand and in particular the high side of his glove hand. Then right after he said it, he said something like "this is too deep for our audience". That in essence perfectly demonstrates the problem with the format. How the heck can player strength/weakness discussion be too deep for the audience of sports talk shows? Finally they talk about something that I find interesting (and I'm only a so-so hockey fan) instead of the same old discussion about whether Fluery should be traded or not and they squelch it because they think it is too deep for their audience.

Love or hate his point of view, you have to give credit to Howard Stern. He realized that audiences don't really want short superficial discussions on the topics of the day and the time and weather every 7 minutes. So when he left terrestrial radio, you'd think the industry would wake up and change to give the audience what Howard proved that they want. Instead, they've doubled down on foolishness and seem to just be milking it for as much money as they can until if ends up failing. I find myself getting more and more into podcasts. Serial was the first one I got into. Now I'm finding a lot of great content. Maron, Reveal, Revisionist History, Detective. All good stuff and 100 times more interesting than regular radio.
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Spot on. Yesterday Dunlap on the Fan was talking about the Penguins. I can't remember how the topic came up, but he started discussing how Matt Murray's weakness is with his glove hand and in particular the high side of his glove hand. Then right after he said it, he said something like "this is too deep for our audience". That in essence perfectly demonstrates the problem with the format. How the heck can player strength/weakness discussion be too deep for the audience of sports talk shows? Finally they talk about something that I find interesting (and I'm only a so-so hockey fan) instead of the same old discussion about whether Fluery should be traded or not and they squelch it because they think it is too deep for their audience.

Love or hate his point of view, you have to give credit to Howard Stern. He realized that audiences don't really want short superficial discussions on the topics of the day and the time and weather every 7 minutes. So when he left terrestrial radio, you'd think the industry would wake up and change to give the audience what Howard proved that they want. Instead, they've doubled down on foolishness and seem to just be milking it for as much money as they can until if ends up failing. I find myself getting more and more into podcasts. Serial was the first one I got into. Now I'm finding a lot of great content. Maron, Reveal, Revisionist History, Detective. All good stuff and 100 times more interesting than regular radio.
Been doing Podcasts for last few years but they are even better today. They are the Meteor that will kill off Major Media Dinosaurs that are Overpaid and Out of Touch since come from just NYC, DC, Chicago ,and LA. Print Media never thought they could be replaced, Major Media are now in the same place.

Soon, Average Fans and People like Chris Peak and Zeise can do a YouTube Show and they will be followed due to their Superior Knowledge of Pitt, and Alumni & Fans grave Knowledge about their Colleges, it s the Learning they are Sharing, and why wait doe 11 News, or Sunday Night KDKA old 93.7 Personalities, or every night Channel 19 10:30 Sports Show.

Once you take Callers that bring up great subjects and keep them on far longer because they are completely destroys the Format of Today's Sports shows with Time Limits, Commercials, and Limited Topics.

Right now nothing Beats Peak's Into Pitt Podcasts as i call them. Chris so much more knowledgeable and when he brings on Guests he ask far better Questions that have longer answers and not limited by a 2 minute limit.

This is how i see it, others can differ! But I learn for Rivals Lair Podcasts and they play while doing other work.
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