Agree - Canada call on the qb sneak did not work, but I don't know that is was a bad call. I did not see too many bad calls (would have liked to have seen an attempt over the top sometime while we had one of those 14 point leads - Weah would probably have dropped it anyway).
Penalties really hurt (Bisnowaty down field on would be 1st down pass to Aston) and of course Conner's fumble deep in our end.
I thought PSU had an obvious hold on a big play they had that got them down the sideline. That penalty was not called.
PSU would probably have won or at least tied if they we willing to be more patient. Fortunately, Franklin is too arrogant (he wanted a dramatic victory) to play it the smart way.
I think what made the QB draw call a bad one was the formation and the personnel on the field at the time. We made it obvious what we were going to do. We had both Conner and Ollison in the backfield and both motioned out wide into a 5 wide empty set. If we're going to throw out of a 5 wide set, why would we have two 230 lb running backs lined up as WRs? I guarantee that as soon as PSU saw this, everyone was yelling to watch the QB draw. I know I was from the stands.
if we ran another 5 wide set earlier with those two guys in and threw the ball, maybe you confuse the defense with a draw. But we didn't. In fact, it's the only 5 wide empty backfield set I can remember from the game (that being said, I had a lot of beer before the game so there could have been other times we lined up like this and I just don't remember them).