Hamilton Gets Ext at FSU

It's funny how the opinions on him have changed over the last decade or so. People in Tallahassee love him because he's built a contender out of a team that hasn't been relevant since the early 90s.
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Good for him. On a side note, I would’ve never guessed he’s 72.

Also: Check out his first three seasons. 14, 19, and 12 wins. Didn’t make the NCAA Tournament until his 7th season. Obviously it’s not an exact comparison to our predicament, but the point I’m getting to is that progress isn’t linear! Some programs turn it around right away and others take some time... that’s OK.
and deservedly so! He will be 77 when this ext is over!

Hamilton should have just went the Jeff Capel route. Finish in last place 2 Straight years, don’t even bother recruiting in 2021 and sit back with a fat extension.. why waste all that time winning and recruiting???!

Jeff Capel- The Model of Consistency, too bad that’s Last Place
He kept his job at Florida state while Pitt, NC State, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech have had multiple coaching changes and are nowhere.
Was always the good recruiter bad coach wrap-
Until having really sustained succeed the past 8!years or so

It took a long time to build that program. Not a traditional basketball school and the facilities were woefully outdated (though recently renovated). But they stuck with him and it has paid off.