High School Sports Should Adapt Their Calendar


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2019
Play sports like baseball, softball, track, swimming, golf, tennis, etc. that you can socially distance now, and move sports like football to March. Very few people attend the first 4 sports I mentioned. Hopefully we have vaccines by Early 2021.
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Plus you'd have the advantage of getting to see the baseball and softball and track championships outside in late November.
Plus you'd have the advantage of getting to see the baseball and softball and track championships outside in late November.
You would shorten the season, and be done by early November. The temperatures are still in the 50’s. The weather in March is about the same.
The large majority of games would be played in good weather. When exactly do you think Fall Baseball is played?

But the difference is, with baseball in the spring the weather gets better as the season goes on and the games get more important. With baseball in the fall the weather gets worse as the season goes on and the games get more important.

Just so a different group of high school athletes can be catered to.
They're past the point of no return on flipping the seasons. The PIAA would have to come up with sport-by-sport guidelines for the spring sports. Schools would have to offer a new set of physicals for the spring athletes. The WPIAL would have to figure out what the modified seasons would look like for each sport. ADs from each schools would need to adapt the new schedules and update all transportation. Even if they were able to pull this all off in less than two weeks, since official practices were suppose to start on August 17th, it still goes against Wolf's recommendation...
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Why do people keep making these comments like everything happens in a vacuum?

There are a lot of logistics behind the scenes that go into a move pike that. Plus. Just because there was no spring baseball season does not mean there was no baseball season for kids. If you had a kid pitch 20+ games over the summer, then have a HS Baseball season in the fall, that is a pro pitchers workload.

Then this move football to march stuff. Ok so we want football players to start in March finish I assume in late May early June then be ready again for the new season come mid June? Maybe 14 weeks between last game and 1st game? That is hard even on a 16 year olds body.
flipping seasons wouldn't have worked. The Governor still would've shut it down. Remember he put the axe to more than football today. Tell me golf, tennis and cross country aren't just as (probably more) safe than Baseball or Track & Field but they can't play either.
They're past the point of no return on flipping the seasons. The PIAA would have to come up with sport-by-sport guidelines for the spring sports. Schools would have to offer a new set of physicals for the spring athletes. The WPIAL would have to figure out what the modified seasons would look like for each sport. ADs from each schools would need to adapt the new schedules and update all transportation. Even if they were able to pull this all off in less than two weeks, since official practices were suppose to start on August 17th, it still goes against Wolf's recommendation...
What difference does it make if you are transporting your team for football or baseball? You’d actually need fewer busses for sports not named football. Most of these schools play each other in multiple sports. A lot of kids are getting physicals as it is, so that shouldn’t be a major hurdle. Wolf made a recommendation. He didn’t say they could not play.
What difference does it make if you are transporting your team for football or baseball? You’d actually need fewer busses for sports not named football. Most of these schools play each other in multiple sports. A lot of kids are getting physicals as it is, so that shouldn’t be a major hurdle. Wolf made a recommendation. He didn’t say they could not play.

You've got to call the bus company, cancel all of your old events and then schedule the new ones. The new events can't be scheduled until the all of the games/meets/matches are scheduled. Those can't be scheduled until the WPIAL decides if the start dates would need modified or if there will be a limited number of games, and that wouldn't be decided until the PIAA came out with sport specific rules.

You are off on the busing. Depending on the number of students being taken to the game (JV and Varsity?), a normal year that would require one bus could now require two buses. A track team that may take two buses could now need four buses.

If Wolf wanted the PIAA and/or local school districts to play this fall he would not have put out a statement this afternoon.
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flipping seasons wouldn't have worked. The Governor still would've shut it down. Remember he put the axe to more than football today. Tell me golf, tennis and cross country aren't just as (probably more) safe than Baseball or Track & Field but they can't play either.

He didn’t do anything but say he doesn’t recommend playing. It will be up to the PIAA.
They play in 30 degree weather in early March.

The high school baseball season in PA doesn't even start until late March (last year it was the 20th), so no, they don't actually play in 30 degree weather in early March. Another thing that you know that is not true, I suppose,

And as I said, in any event the difference is that in the spring the crappy weather is early and by the time you get to later in the season and the playoffs the weather is better. Starting the season in September and ending in November means that as it gets later in the season and the games get more important the weather is getting worse. Why should the baseball and softball kids have to settle for a sub-optimal season simply so that football can also play a sub-optimal season?

Play football in football season. Play baseball in baseball season. I know, radical idea.
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Play sports like baseball, softball, track, swimming, golf, tennis, etc. that you can socially distance now, and move sports like football to March. Very few people attend the first 4 sports I mentioned. Hopefully we have vaccines by Early 2021.
Why. We won't have a vaccine that is widely distributed during this school year. We may have one and even have a few million vaccinated but we won't have 100 million or more vaccinated so moving things around is a waste. If schools are in person they won't be exposed anymore in football than baseball or track. If the schools are closed then they shouldn't have sports regardless.