How about movies most people love but you hate?


Sep 28, 2010
The discussion about Forrest Gump in the fave movie thread made me think of this as a subject. I'll start:

Gone With The Wind - I know it's easy to dunk on now as being racist, but I've always hated this film. Four hours and she has learned nothing, with a terrible ending. Also, when the yankee soldier comes to Tara, I am rooting for him to cause those people as much mayhem as possible.

Field of Dreams - Sentimental schlock, if you ask me.

Love, Actually - I hate, HATE this movie, and can't for the life of me understand why anyone likes it. The interwoven stories are stupid, the characters are terrible people, they do terrible things, and there is damned little actual, non-cringey love to be seen.

Anything with Adam Sandler in it.
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower......terrible.

And I agree on Love, Actually. Also terrible.

I also can't stand Nightmare Before Christmas. I appreciate the stop-motion and all the work that goes into it, but I HATE musicals. And the fact that every fat girl has that skeleton dude tattooed on them somewhere somehow makes me hate it even more.
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MASH - hated the TV show also. Apocalypse Now. Taxi Driver.

And....a movie I don't "hate" but saw it once and no desire to ever see it again.....wait for it.....The Godfather.

Let the gasping begin. LOL
The discussion about Forrest Gump in the fave movie thread made me think of this as a subject. I'll start:

Gone With The Wind - I know it's easy to dunk on now as being racist, but I've always hated this film. Four hours and she has learned nothing, with a terrible ending. Also, when the yankee soldier comes to Tara, I am rooting for him to cause those people as much mayhem as possible.

Field of Dreams - Sentimental schlock, if you ask me.

Love, Actually - I hate, HATE this movie, and can't for the life of me understand why anyone likes it. The interwoven stories are stupid, the characters are terrible people, they do terrible things, and there is damned little actual, non-cringey love to be seen.

Anything with Adam Sandler in it.
Great potential with this thread. The responses should be interesting. Nothing comes to mind for me and I am one who likes Love Actually and loves Christmas Vacation. And since I consider those both Christmas movies, And now that I think about it, A Christmas Story has to be up there as one for me. I never understood the popularity and the fascination with that one. I’ve never sat down and watched it from start to finish and can give it no more than 10-15 minutes at a sitting. I’ll try again this year.

And not that I dislike the film, but I never understood how Avatar was the top grossing film of all time until just recently. The movie was blah....
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I could never find anything about a mental institution entertaining.
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The Hurt Locker is absolutely the worst war movie I have ever seen. Just insane Hollywood hysteria about life at war. The sneaking off base and extrajudicial killing (from an EOD troop no less) was so off-putting and gross.

Huge Star Wars fan but I didn't see Spaceballs until the early 2000s and really didn't think it was funny.

Every Pirates of the Caribbean movie except the 1st one. Actually, most Johnny Depp movies are really overrated IMO.
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MASH - hated the TV show also. Apocalypse Now. Taxi Driver.

And....a movie I don't "hate" but saw it once and no desire to ever see it again.....wait for it.....The Godfather.

Let the gasping begin. LOL

I've always enjoyed your posts. But this....gasp.
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Any Star Wars outside of the original 3. Even those are just OK the second time around.
Daniel Craig Bond films
Any Avengers movie, though I liked some of the individual movies, especially the Captain America movies and Ragnarok. Spiderman movies are the worst.
Top Gun
I agree about the Godfather films. Decent once but not great on subsequent viewings
I never cared for the original Jurassic Park. Some of the lines are memorable but otherwise I never got into it.
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I never cared for the original Jurassic Park. Some of the lines are memorable but otherwise I never got into it.

Forgot about that one. I actually like the second one much better, mainly because it focuses on the only interesting character from the first one.
MASH - hated the TV show also. Apocalypse Now. Taxi Driver.

And....a movie I don't "hate" but saw it once and no desire to ever see it again.....wait for it.....The Godfather.

Let the gasping begin. LOL
You just named 4 of what I consider to be all-time classics.


I'll concede this--those are all movies that I would expect to appeal more to men than women.

I'd be interested in hearing your faves.
MASH - hated the TV show also. Apocalypse Now. Taxi Driver.

And....a movie I don't "hate" but saw it once and no desire to ever see it again.....wait for it.....The Godfather.

Let the gasping begin. LOL
You're a chick. We are different ya know. Despite the attempts by the Prog left, we are wired different. And that's okay.
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There have been many good ones--but many bad ones as well. A couple of quick examples:

Vanilla Sky
Eyes Wide Shut-Kubricks worst movie ever
Young Guns
Days of Thunder-i enjoyed it but it's garbage
Far and Away-schlock
Agree with all of these.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (I have tried to like it)
Once Upon a Time in the West (and basically all westerns)
MASH - hated the TV show also. Apocalypse Now. Taxi Driver.

And....a movie I don't "hate" but saw it once and no desire to ever see it again.....wait for it.....The Godfather.

Let the gasping begin. LOL
GASP. You aren't Italian, are you?

One movie I hate is the Sound of Music. For some reason I could never stand Julie Andrews.
You're a chick. We are different ya know. Despite the attempts by the Prog left, we are wired different. And that's okay.
I am but I love Tarantino movies. I love Boogie Nights. I'd say my tastes are very....eclectic. A couple friends dragged me to see Downton Abbey a few weeks ago. I promptly fell asleep. I don't think I'm tied to any genre (except I really don't enjoy horror which is a shame because there have been some terrific releases the last 4-5 years). I just either like a movie or I don't.