How about movies most people love but you hate?

I am but I love Tarantino movies. I love Boogie Nights. I'd say my tastes are very....eclectic. A couple friends dragged me to see Downton Abbey a few weeks ago. I promptly fell asleep. I don't think I'm tied to any genre (except I really don't enjoy horror which is a shame because there have been some terrific releases the last 4-5 years). I just either like a movie or I don't.

Did you see Midsommar? I feel like it's a "horror" movie a lot of non horror fans can like. Personally loved it. Also think a lot of the dudes here would hate it but can't spoil it.
Did you see Midsommar? I feel like it's a "horror" movie a lot of non horror fans can like. Personally loved it. Also think a lot of the dudes here would hate it but can't spoil it.
I came *this close* to seeing it but chickened out. I do not enjoy being scared. I heard it's terrific.
I love 80s movies more than anyone on this planet and I hate the breakfast club. I like John Hughes movies too.
American beauty was bad. Gay Pedophile Kevin spacek (I called that years ago btw) is in love with teenage girl and weird daughter hangs out with weird neighbor. Painfully bad movie.
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Understood. I didn't find it scary, just intense. but everyone is different (I find stuff with Satan scary maybe bc I was raised Catholic.)
Digressing but there's a new network show on Thursday nights that is really well done but kind of scary - Evil. It has a very strong Catholic undercurrent (I'm Catholic too.)
Anything with Jim Carrey in it.

I've never watched a movie with Jim Carrey in it, but if it were forced to, it would be by far the worst movie I had ever seen.

For some reason, the way he moves his jaw around when he talks is like finger nails on a chalk board to me.
Anything with Jim Carrey in it.

I've never watched a movie with Jim Carrey in it, but if it were forced to, it would be by far the worst movie I had ever seen.

For some reason, the way he moves his jaw around when he talks is like finger nails on a chalk board to me.
Peggy sue got married was ok and he was in that.
I am but I love Tarantino movies. I love Boogie Nights. I'd say my tastes are very....eclectic. A couple friends dragged me to see Downton Abbey a few weeks ago. I promptly fell asleep. I don't think I'm tied to any genre (except I really don't enjoy horror which is a shame because there have been some terrific releases the last 4-5 years). I just either like a movie or I don't.
Boogie Nights is fantastic. Another movie anytime it is on.....have to watch a bit. Maybe that is another thread. Movies with great soundtracks that reflect the time/age of when they were set. Boogie Nights is definitely one of them.
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Anything with Jim Carrey in it.

I've never watched a movie with Jim Carrey in it, but if it were forced to, it would be by far the worst movie I had ever seen.

For some reason, the way he moves his jaw around when he talks is like finger nails on a chalk board to me.

Pet Detective with Dan Marino was good
So, so many on this list. The first one to jump to mind was the Blues Brothers.

I know it is a beloved movie by everyone and is just universally accepted as a classic film, but it’s terrible! It’s not funny, it’s not entertaining, it just sucks! In fact, I will go so far as to say that 70s comedy by and large sucks!

However, the Blues Brothers is particularly bad. I honestly don’t get it at all. I’ve tried multiple times and it just never gets any better.
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I am but I love Tarantino movies. I love Boogie Nights. I'd say my tastes are very....eclectic. A couple friends dragged me to see Downton Abbey a few weeks ago. I promptly fell asleep. I don't think I'm tied to any genre (except I really don't enjoy horror which is a shame because there have been some terrific releases the last 4-5 years). I just either like a movie or I don't.
There have been some good horror movies out the last few years?

That’s news to me.
It's not about the mental institution. It's about the abuse of authority in the institution.
The book is about that.

the movie is about Jack Nicholson, who single-handedly carries it.

the best scene is when he rejoins the therapy group after supposedly having a lobotomy. he comes shuffling in like a brain dead, drooling zombie. The guys are all looking at him in horror, then he sits down and shoots a wink at one of themto let him in on the put-on.
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So, so many on this list. The first one to jump to mind was the Blues Brothers.

I know it is a beloved movie by everyone and is just universally excepted as a classic film, but it’s terrible! It’s not funny, it’s not entertaining, it just sucks! In fact, I will go so far as to say that 70s comedy by and large sucks!

However, the Blues Brothers is particularly bad. I honestly don’t get it at all. I’ve tried multiple times and it just never gets any better.
Sorry but I don’t think I’d want to drink a beer with a guy who neither likes nor understands the Blues Bros. At a minimum it means you didn’t watch SNL in its Belushi-Ackroyd heyday, you don’t have a proper appreciation for some of the best music of its time, and you don’t have much familiarity with one of the truly great and down to earth big cities in this country, or the people that live in it.

on top of that, bashing 70s comedy (if we’re lumping the early 1980s films into that category) )means you don’t like Caddyshack, Animal House, Slapshot, etc.

that’s messed up.
The Harry Potter movies. Did nothing for me and they were a world wide phenomenon
There are pretty much no movies that I like. I do not have the attention span nor energy to watch most of them to completion.

I don't remember the actual movie, but Hugh Grant was in it. Went to it with my wife, and we weren't even through the opening credits. We turned to each other and simultaneously said "This sucks" and got up and left and went to the pub to drink. Anytime we consider going to the movies, we just agree to avoid the disappointment and just go to the pub instead. I much rather would go out and have drinks with her than see any movie.
So, so many on this list. The first one to jump to mind was the Blues Brothers.

I know it is a beloved movie by everyone and is just universally excepted as a classic film, but it’s terrible! It’s not funny, it’s not entertaining, it just sucks! In fact, I will go so far as to say that 70s comedy by and large sucks!

However, the Blues Brothers is particularly bad. I honestly don’t get it at all. I’ve tried multiple times and it just never gets any better.
Im with you Doc. Me too.
There have been some good horror movies out the last few years?

That’s news to me.

Last 10 years I've really liked:
It Follows
Drag me to Hell
Get Out
The Cabin in the Woods
You're Next
The Witch
Green Room
Under the Shadow

A lot are sort of neo-Carpenterish. Which I love. There has also been a lot of found footage and torture movies, all of which I seem to hate. A lot of them have also explored feminist themes which probably won't be as appealing to dudes on a football message board, but just saying.