How about movies most people love but you hate?

Wolf of Wallstreet
Citizen Kane
La La Land
Silver Linings Playbook
The Hangover
Back to the Future
I HATE all the Star Wars movies, I tried to like them, but I'm so hard core Star Trek, that I can't stand them. TO ME, Star Trek almost can seem somewhat believable, compared to Star Wars which is too much like a fairy tale. Live Long and Prosper.

And I pretty much hate all Marvel and Super Hero movies, I loved the Batman TV show, and all the movies disappointed me, I wanted them to be comedic, with the slanted camera angles and the "BAM", "POW" etc.
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Wolf of Wallstreet
Citizen Kane
La La Land
Silver Linings Playbook
The Hangover
Back to the Future
back to the future? once again, ski absolutely offends me in every way, shape and form with his posts..

good call on wolf of wall street, avatar and hangover though.. cant agree more with Anchorman and i actually kind of like Will Farrell too..
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Last 10 years I've really liked:
It Follows
Drag me to Hell
Get Out
The Cabin in the Woods
You're Next
The Witch
Green Room
Under the Shadow

A lot are sort of neo-Carpenterish. Which I love. There has also been a lot of found footage and torture movies, all of which I seem to hate. A lot of them have also explored feminist themes which probably won't be as appealing to dudes on a football message board, but just saying.
The Cabin in the Woods was very very well done. Completely unexpected ending. Plus some Chris Hemsworth does my heart good. ;)
Wolf of Wallstreet
Citizen Kane
La La Land
Silver Linings Playbook
The Hangover
Back to the Future
I think La La Land is a terrific movie with some great original music that was literally (and figuratively) robbed of Best Picture. But I can see where it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.
The Cabin in the Woods was very very well done. Completely unexpected ending. Plus some Chris Hemsworth does my heart good. ;)
it was on last night, never heard of it. was watching parts but i turned it off. i'll give it a shot.

I was expecting a govt operation, killing room like torture movie and i didn't want to do it. there was a movie like that a few years ago where they get some people in a room and basically do tests on them til they die, all govt operation run and it actually made me sick so i was expecting something like this. Timothy Hutton was in it. Actually i think it was called "The killing room."
GASP. You aren't Italian, are you?

One movie I hate is the Sound of Music. For some reason I could never stand Julie Andrews.

Agreed! The Sound of Music is ALMOST enough to make me root for the Nazis.
I love 80s movies more than anyone on this planet and I hate the breakfast club. I like John Hughes movies too.

I completely agree. I never wanted to smack a bunch of kids as much as I wanted to while watching that movie.
I can let myself enjoy most movies. Some of the picking that happens over these movies drive me crazy. I don't even care that they could have just had the eagles take the stupid ring to drop it in the volcano and Lord of the Rings is over in ten minutes. But the one movie that is critically acclaimed (and that people allegedly like) that I don't get and absolutely hate is 2001: A Space Odyssey.
I can let myself enjoy most movies. Some of the picking that happens over these movies drive me crazy. I don't even care that they could have just had the eagles take the stupid ring to drop it in the volcano and Lord of the Rings is over in ten minutes. But the one movie that is critically acclaimed (and that people allegedly like) that I don't get and absolutely hate is 2001: A Space Odyssey.

"I'm sorry to hear that Dan, but I can't allow you to jeopardize the mission."
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- Any newer superhero movies, to me the genre is now way overplayed.
- Any Star Wars movie after the Empire Strikes back.
- Any of the "new rebooted" Star Trek movies. Star Trek is William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.
- As mentioned here and actually reminded me how annoying Tom Cruise really is- any of his movies.
- One more, as a classic horror movie buff, any of those "Hammer studio's in England" Dracula and Frankenstein remakes.
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Get Out. I remember people raving about it so I was looking forward to it. I thought it was over-extended sketch comedy shtick. It was basically MacGruber with some underpinned social justice metaphor and everyone fell all over themselves to praise it.
I think La La Land is a terrific movie with some great original music that was literally (and figuratively) robbed of Best Picture. But I can see where it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.

Yes- Loved this film- Terrific movie and a terrific soundtrack. As a matter of fact, I’m going to go listen to the soundtrack now.
The book is about that.

the movie is about Jack Nicholson, who single-handedly carries it.

the best scene is when he rejoins the therapy group after supposedly having a lobotomy. he comes shuffling in like a brain dead, drooling zombie. The guys are all looking at him in horror, then he sits down and shoots a wink at one of themto let him in on the put-on.
I actually was going to mention how brilliant Jack Nicholson was in the movie. I consider Nicholson the best actor of the era.
Wolf of Wallstreet
Citizen Kane
La La Land
Silver Linings Playbook
The Hangover
Back to the Future
Jesus dude--there's a lot of quality on that list. Some garbage, but some of the all-time greats.

If you don't like those first 5 you listed, what the hell do you like?
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Agreed! The Sound of Music is ALMOST enough to make me root for the Nazis.


lol. WOW, that is hilarious.. for some weird reason, i really just started kind of liking this movie. i have this absolutely burning desire to drink beer on that back patio of that house.. it is the best "backyard drinking patio" I've ever seen..
- Any newer superhero movies, to me the genre is now way overplayed.
- Any Star Wars movie after the Empire Strikes back.
- Any of the "new rebooted" Star Trek movies. Star Trek is William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.
- As mentioned here and actually reminded me how annoying Tom Cruise really is- any of his movies.
- One more, as a classic horror movie buff, any of those "Hammer studio's in England" Dracula and Frankenstein remakes.
As mentioned here and actually reminded me how annoying Tom Cruise really is- any of his movies.

Obviously you've never seen Tropic Thunder--although not really a "Cruise movie".

As mentioned here and actually reminded me how annoying Tom Cruise really is- any of his movies.

Obviously you've never seen Tropic Thunder--although not really a "Cruise movie".


I am sorry to inform you but you are dead wrong here. One of his best performances. Him signing ludacris steals the movie
I love 80s movies more than anyone on this planet and I hate the breakfast club. I like John Hughes movies too.

If I’m being honest, it’s the amazing soundtrack that got me to feeling the movie was better than it really is.

Adding good music to a mediocre movie is like adding salt to bland food- it’s an easy cheat to make it seem better.
Jesus dude--there's a lot of quality on that list. Some garbage, but some of the all-time greats.

If you don't like those first 5 you listed, what the hell do you like?

I don't like Will Farrell movies where he's the lead. So I don't like Anchorman, but I love Old School. I never really cared for Goodfellas, but I'll always watch Godfather or Heat. I would have enjoyed Wallstreet if it was half as long. But after two hours seeing Leo get high and scream grew tiresome.

Re: Casablanca and Citizen Kane... I treat them the same way I treat the Beatles. I recognize their importance and impact on the medium, but they don't do it for me, personally.
Get Out. I remember people raving about it so I was looking forward to it. I thought it was over-extended sketch comedy shtick. It was basically MacGruber with some underpinned social justice metaphor and everyone fell all over themselves to praise it.
Boy, I bet no one could have predicted this...
I never really cared for Goodfellas, but I'll always watch Godfather or Heat.
Goodfellas is likely a more realistic portrayal of the Mafia, they aren't dignified, educated, sleek elites, they are lowlifes that aren't very educated who just take stuff by beating, killing and threatening people.
Goodfellas is likely a more realistic portrayal of the Mafia, they aren't dignified, educated, sleek elites, they are lowlifes that aren't very educated who just take stuff by beating, killing and threatening people.

I think Godfather and Goodfellas both work on different levels. Godfather series is basically Coppola doing a crime film as an opera, specifically a tragedy of the corruption of an American family (and their son especially) during their Americanization. It's romantic though I wouldn't say it's romanticized; it is clear Michael becomes increasingly corrupted. Goodfellas is the wise guy thugs who commit the crimes and you could imagine actually meeting. With all of Scorsese's faux-documentary fourth wall breaking narration.
I am sorry to inform you but you are dead wrong here. One of his best performances. Him signing ludacris steals the movie
I agree fully--you misread my post.

I was responding to a guy who posted that he finds Cruise annoying in all of this movies. I responded that he must not have seen this one--the Les Grossman character was top shelf.
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The discussion about Forrest Gump in the fave movie thread made me think of this as a subject. I'll start:

Gone With The Wind - I know it's easy to dunk on now as being racist, but I've always hated this film. Four hours and she has learned nothing, with a terrible ending. Also, when the yankee soldier comes to Tara, I am rooting for him to cause those people as much mayhem as possible.

Field of Dreams - Sentimental schlock, if you ask me.

Love, Actually - I hate, HATE this movie, and can't for the life of me understand why anyone likes it. The interwoven stories are stupid, the characters are terrible people, they do terrible things, and there is damned little actual, non-cringey love to be seen.

Anything with Adam Sandler in it.
Fargo... I just can't watch much of it without feeling the need to turn it off
I agree fully--you misread my post.

I was responding to a guy who posted that he finds Cruise annoying in all of this movies. I responded that he must not have seen this one--the Les Grossman character was top shelf.

You're correct I have not seen that one. I'll admit maybe I was wrong in making a blanket statement about all his movies.
Boondock Saints worst movie ever made. When people tell me how awesome it is I know they know nothing about movies.
Last 10 years I've really liked:
It Follows
Drag me to Hell
Get Out
The Cabin in the Woods
You're Next
The Witch
Green Room
Under the Shadow

A lot are sort of neo-Carpenterish. Which I love. There has also been a lot of found footage and torture movies, all of which I seem to hate. A lot of them have also explored feminist themes which probably won't be as appealing to dudes on a football message board, but just saying.

Easy. 2001 A Space Odyssey. Great special effects at the time, but is too long, too boring.