Let’s win this game against a school whose name consistently sounds like announcers have their balls in their mouths when they pronounce it..” Looouuaavulle… Looraalvole… Looahhvullle”….
It’s Lewy-Ville.
It’s Lewy-Ville.
They are better.But 14th in the country? The best example is the 2007 wvu game.Talk about the ultimate spoiler.They are better than us … but… If PITT is known for one thing it’s being a spoiler… don’t walk in thinking you’ll get killed… don’t think “you got this”…. No…
Plan on f@cking up their season to this point…
Do it … play the spoiler role PITT
There hasn’t been a enough time to capitalize on those “championships”Louisville playing a JV team. How did it get this bad in less than 2 years?
Hes so off you can tell its jitters.We need to do something to get Veilleux situated. Get him an easy completion or two. A quick screen pass to the boundary should help, not a slip screen that relies on timing and the play developing.
And non existent on the other side of the ballTalent on defense is incredibly over rated
Yabba dabba do!Yarnell bang Wilma Flintstone?
No-after what we’ve seen so far I believe you have to get Nate out there to start the first possession of the 2nd quarter and see if he can do anything. He probably can’t, but he needs to get a shot at it.Can Nate be any worse. At least he didn’t look like a deer in the headlights