Yep. Ethics have always been a huge thing for me. I didn’t want to win if it meant winning the wrong way. It’s just how I am wired. With Dixon, I was happy with the way we did things. But at the end of the day, we got the virtual death penalty (Barnes/Stallings) anyway.
And what exactly is the right way when the NCAA has shown that it’s nothing more than the lawless wild Wild West. So is it unethical to cheat when everyone does it? Just accept the sport for being the dirty business that it is. No one in the media cared when Bruce Pearl cheated his way to the Final Four. He was praised for being a great coach. It’s the same way with steroids in baseball. When your livelihood is at stake and everyone else does it, are you going to be the only one who doesn’t do it when the powers that be turn the heads? Do you want to be a player who loses your job to a roided up AAA player or are you going to level the playing field and fight?
as @pitt-girl said though, the culture here would have to change. We don’t seem to even have a network, while others are well established.
It seems that the "culture" of collegiate sports is going in one direction while the "culture" of Pitt sports is in the opposite direction, at least until recently. I've always been for strong ethics and doing things the right way. That's what I liked when Dixon was here. But as the landscape of college basketball continued to devolve into the garbage dump it is now, look where it has left Pitt. I'd rather see Pitt drop major college sports like football and basketball if it means having to be in bed with a bunch of dirty low-lifes and trying to compete with that. Look at schools like PSU who have coaches engaging in the most disgusting things we can imagine, but all they get is a little slap on the wrist while the NCAA looks the other way and PSU and their boosters believe they didn't do anything wrong.
The ethics of college sports today is beyond warped. This is a lot of the reason I've lost a lot of interest in what is happening with any college teams or with Pitt, for that matter. I will always be a Pitt fan; over 50 years of being a fan does that to you. Now we'll see if college sports can be fixed or if it continues on the path of schools like PSU, O$U, LSU, UNC, and many others.