I guess the Blue and White cult is still healing after all

"Al Lord’s comments are personal and do not represent the opinions of the board or the university," Ira M. Lubert, the chairman of Penn State’s Board of Trustees, said in a statement to the publication. "The sentiments of the board and university leadership were expressed in the very first line of the statement released by Penn State: First and foremost, our thoughts remain with the victims of Jerry Sandusky."

OK, Lubert, so how about YOUR board take a censure action against YOUR member.
There are like 6-7 crazy loons who defend PSU in these comment sections.

You have the Millersville St guy, the Clarion St guy, a few old teachers in Pennsyltucky, and some guy named JE Case. What gives
"Al Lord’s comments are personal and do not represent the opinions of the board or the university," Ira M. Lubert, the chairman of Penn State’s Board of Trustees, said in a statement to the publication. "The sentiments of the board and university leadership were expressed in the very first line of the statement released by Penn State: First and foremost, our thoughts remain with the victims of Jerry Sandusky."

OK, Lubert, so how about YOUR board take a censure action against YOUR member.

Karma to his family.
The Trustee Al Lord had his own Business Problems being Head of Sallie Mae and Spanier asked him if he should file a Lawsuit against Louis Freeh and Al Lord was helping Spanier with the Legal Costs to do so.

Now that Spanier was found Guilty by Emails found by Louis Freeh not the PAOAG, that Lawsuit has been hurt to proceed and why Louis Freeh that has 8 Children of his own went on the attack on the current Penn State Leadership. All Lord with some other elected Trustees demanded all of the Freeh Report but President Barron and Trustees Leadership explained it can't be all revealed because it reveals Whistle-blowers among the 400 Employees Louis Freeh Interviewed and led to Evidence like the Emails and Statements of Intimidation the Penn State Three thought were deleted. If that comes out they all have Whistle Blowing Lawsuits like McQueary!

The Paterno Lawsuit is also in great trouble and Jim Clemente, Dick Thornburgh and Sollers all have a big problem now since they claim mush of Freeh Evidence from those 400 employees and Emails meant Paterno Estate was Defamed Commercially.

However, the Tim Curley Testimony.....
"Joe Paterno, Penn State’s Legendary Football Coach, Looms Large In The Background Of The Trial, Five Years After His Death. In Testimony, Mr. Curley Confirmed That Elliptically Worded Emails Mentioning "Coach" Were Referring To Mr. Paterno, Who Was Not Comfortable With A Plan That Included Reporting Mr. Sandusky To The Authorities."

This pretty much destroys much of The Paterno Report that was used to file a Lawsuit and throw in PMA-PSU Children Victim's Depositions Under Oath that say Joe was Told back in 1970s & 1980s on top of 1998 Grigar Investigation and of course in 2001 will be used as the Truth being an Absolute Defense now.

Even though Franco and Lubrano and some others feel Penn State Leadership made grave mistakes by over compensating when they took corrective action to fired Paterno & Spanier, because they pretty much ignore oversight on them And now over reacted, and some were in business with Paterno in prior dealings......Franco and Lubrano care about Penn State and that is to be expected to be fair, BUT Attacking Victims?

However what Lord said about the victims and equating them with seven figures, has greatly undercut what the PS4RS Lord founded, Franco pleas for Due Process, and other Trustees efforts to protect Penn State Past reputation and Paterno's return to any kind of world respect, in most people's views..

I said to wait and let the Courts determine the Criminal Trials are over to be fair and get clear what actually happen. They are over and now Lord's Statements have divided PSU Leadership again.

Now the Civil Trials will proceed or settled or dismissed great damaged has been done by PMA Insurance Rulings & Revelations, Curley & Schultz Testimony on Paterno was the coach in Emails that the Paterno Paid Experts Report said was Circumstantial Evidence is now Direct Evidence, and the Convictions along with Lord's comments once gain blaming Victims, Lawyers, Trustees, and PSU Interim Leadership, NCAA, and looking dimmer more every day.

I'll say it again and again, The Best & Brightest at Penn State will one day be recognized as saving Penn State and making it better and when they are Honored one will know that Penn State Football Culture has changed....and that is Sara Ganim, Victims, Sandusky Son, President Erickson, AD Joyner, and Trustee Frazier.

Until that day, the world has moved on and no question now that Spanier, Schultz, Curley, shamed Penn State Name in many ways!

Paterno did report it and told the truth what he was told at the Grand Jury and why he was not Indicted but Louis Freeh put it best all along and found all the evidence that caused pleas and conviction....FREEH REPORT BACK WHEN-"Taking into account the available witness statements and evidence, the Special Investigative Counsel finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the University — Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley — repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky's child abuse from authorities, the University's Board of Trustees, the Penn State community, and the public at large."

FREEH Comments This Past Week:
"Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz and Timothy Curley were the most powerful men who ran the Pennsylvania State University. Today, they are convicted criminals. And Joe Paterno's once iconic legacy is forever marred by his own decision to do nothing when he had the chance to make a real difference."

Louis Freeh Comments Criminal Pleas & Conviction At Trial By A Jury Proved:
"After Spanier, Schultz and Curley initially agreed to report the pedophile to the Department of Child Welfare, Curley “talked it over with Joe”[Paterno] and their plan took a dramatic, and criminal turn. The men now agreed instead to meet with the pedophile, and to advise him of the information received, as well as their awareness of “the first situation," a certain reference to the 1998 “shower” incident and criminal investigation. Spanier readily agreed to this approach, calling it the “humane and a reasonable way to proceed.”But Spanier ironically warned that the “only downside for us is if the message isn't ‘heard’ and acted upon, and we then become vulnerable for not having reported it.” Today Spanier was finally held accountable for "not having reported it," after years of false denials, personal attacks on the fact-finders, and over-dramatic role-playing, including a phony, emotional New York Times interview. Instead of acting like leaders and rescuers, Spanier, Schultz, Curley and Paterno stood by silently and left an unknown number of child victims on their own. As Paterno advised McQueary, his assistant coach: “I said you did what you had to do. It’s my job now to figure out what we want to do.” They did nothing."

Clearly, they truth prevailed in the end and will do the same in Civil Lawsuits. The Penn State Cult Dolts have been proven wrong again and again and that is another Truth they cannot admit to being Honorable People, until they do, it is on them!
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"Al Lord’s comments are personal and do not represent the opinions of the board or the university," Ira M. Lubert, the chairman of Penn State’s Board of Trustees, said in a statement to the publication. "The sentiments of the board and university leadership were expressed in the very first line of the statement released by Penn State: First and foremost, our thoughts remain with the victims of Jerry Sandusky." OK, Lubert, so how about YOUR board take a censure action against YOUR member.
This is the kind of remarks that can cause the Children Victims & their Lawyers to seek more Unsealing of the Confidential Settlements Documents that would bring far more Publicity Damage by way of Books, Documentaries, and Movies and Children Advocates can point out how the Penn State Children Protective Center is a hypocrisy of arrogance from such Trustees making such a statement. Three men came forward and told police that they were abused in the 1970s or 1980s by Sandusky. They are the first men to allege abuse before the 1990s.

The Freeh Report states that although the "avoidance of the consequences of bad publicity" was the main driver in failing to protect child abuse victims and report to authorities, the report outlines other causes as well, among which were: "A striking lack of empathy for child abuse victims by the most senior leaders of the University"; a failure of oversight by the Board of Trustees; a University President "who discouraged discussion and dissent"; "a lack of awareness of child abuse issues"; and "a culture of reverence for the football program that is ingrained at all levels of the campus community"

Trustee Lord has provided added damaging publicity now and once again the Trustees turn their Heads and this is not good for Penn State University in anyway.

This is undoing the goodwill that the Penn State Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms, creation of the Penn State Chldren Protection Center and National Blueprint for how universities that must confront Scandal can pass Policies that will prevent future Abuse and insure Compliance.

This is what got the NCAA Sanctions reduced but instead of being proud of those accomplishments some Penn State Trustees seem to have an odd sense of choosing justice and not caring about victims, while demanding Due Process & Justice for seeking a Truth that they can't prove in the face of facts now proven under oath, pleas, and convictions?
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I'm a victim of child sexual abuse. I'm 47, and have been in the healing process for years. He is giving a big middle finger to anyone who has been abused sexually by an authority figure, Hes also giving one to their loved ones.

This is absolutely appalling at every level.
He was elected with about 9500 votes out of 650000 alumni that's about 1.5%. When you spend a lot of time on a message Board it may seem like it but he doesn't represent penn states views(atleast younger generations).
He actually is refreshing in the twisted sense that he's admitting openly what the great majority of their alumni (Franco a typical example) and fans (and that includes media like Micco, Smizok, Cook, Junker, et al) truly have thought all along: Nothing wrong happened. Penn state coaches and players are gods. There are no rules for them. If any of them want to take sexual liberties with anyone, be it a coed or 9 year old boy, it's their privilege to do so, period.

It also proves that the thinking that allowed Sandusky to run wild is absolutely in place there right now, that nothing has changed. The "bad people" are not gone. New bad people replaced them.
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He was elected with about 9500 votes out of 650000 alumni that's about 1.5%. When you spend a lot of time on a message Board it may seem like it but he doesn't represent penn states views(atleast younger generations).

He certainly does represent their views, as anyone with any experience with them clearly understands. That is why troglodytes like him and Lubrano were elected overwhelmingly by your alumni. Until your alumni displays enough courage or motivation to actually throw these horrifying examples of humanity off your board, your comments ring both naive and hollow.
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He certainly does represent their views, as anyone with any experience with them clearly understands. That is why troglodytes like him and Lubrano were elected overwhelmingly by your alumni. Until your alumni displays enough courage or motivation to actually throw these horrifying examples of humanity off your board, your comments ring both naive and hollow.
How is 1.5 % "overwhelming".The school quickly put out a statement condemning what this sick guy had to say. We're far from perfect but the overwhelming majority of penn state people don't support this guys views. The craziest people tend to be the loudest.
He was elected with about 9500 votes out of 650000 alumni that's about 1.5%. When you spend a lot of time on a message Board it may seem like it but he doesn't represent penn states views(atleast younger generations).
We are sorry to paint with a broad brush, but HES ON YOUR BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND HE IS FUNDING SPANIERS DEFENSE. I don't care how many people didn't vote for him.
How is 1.5 % "overwhelming".The school quickly put out a statement condemning what this sick guy had to say. We're far from perfect but the overwhelming majority of penn state people don't support this guys views. The craziest people tend to be the loudest.

Your evidence is voter turnout? All of your alumni can vote. This is who you've elected based on their platform of 409 and justice for Joe. It is the VAST majority of your alumni and fan base. If you want to change the impression of the world about who you associate yourself with, maybe your tribe should start rejecting similar ideas and decisions to publicly honor "men" like Joe Paterno or voice some sort of opposition to the repainting of halos over his head. Why don't your run along for another scoop of Peachy Paterno, or do not believe there is actually endemic cultural issues at your institution when it would celebrate such a man with an ice cream flavor sold to children? Or perhaps you see no issue with a the culture of a community that would place a statue of him on a bench on a public street or light candles or continues to lay flowers at his missing statue? Or maybe you have no issue that your school refused to thoroughly clean house of a football program in the midst of the worst scandal in athletic history and subsequently hired a university president and football coach both coming off of their own rape scandals. Yeah, you may be embarrassed by this board member's heinous comments when they are so obviously inappropriate, but where was your voice on September 17th? This is a school where students have no problem protesting all manners of things except, apparently, when it comes to the school championing someone who actively covered up child rape for decades. Where are your posts on your own board decrying very similar statements continually being espoused, or in the comment sections of papers when people are lobbying all sorts of threats and insults at people like Sarah Ganim? No, you are here on a Pitt board defending your the culture of your hideous institution. You, like a fraud like Mitchlion, hide behind facades of outrage at things obvious to the most amoral of individuals, things such the disparagement of victims of child rape promulgated by your own alma mater, in some veiled attempt to exonerate the Penn State Way, but you have no willingness to speak up on the true issues when it dare threatens your pigskin god.
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There's a culture problem or a cult like mentality amongst a group of alumni who tend to be older and unfortunately have money and some influence. I'm not a paterno supporter. Was embarrassed by the paterno day didn't go to the game. the board here is an embarrassment so I try and stay away lions247 is much more sane to say the least. Most penn state people just want to move forward but a group of people like lubrano are holding us back. My only point is the average penn state person is nothing like the people you see on this message board.
There's a culture problem or a cult like mentality amongst a group of alumni who tend to be older and unfortunately have money and some influence. I'm not a paterno supporter. Was embarrassed by the paterno day didn't go to the game. the board here is an embarrassment so I try and stay away lions247 is much more sane to say the least. Most penn state people just want to move forward but a group of people like lubrano are holding us back. My only point is the average penn state person is nothing like the people you see on this message board.

Very false. How many of your fans and alumni stayed at home on Paterno day? How many turned their backs in protest?

Either you don't know your own alumni and fan base, or you are a giant bunch of cowards.
There are like 6-7 crazy loons who defend PSU in these comment sections.

You have the Millersville St guy, the Clarion St guy, a few old teachers in Pennsyltucky, and some guy named JE Case. What gives

I don't know if pnnylion/John Tratur is one of the aforementioned, but he seems to appear in every comment section and rage over every negative PSU/Paterno article.
People might've went to the game because they paid for tickets and want to support the team doesn't mean they were happy about honoring paterno. I think most psu people thought it was incredibly tone deaf at best. Their was an article in the student newspaper denouncing the decision. The girl who wrote it was then called out (putting it mildly) by the cult group of older alumni.
People might've went to the game because they paid for tickets and want to support the team doesn't mean they were happy about honoring paterno. I think most psu people thought it was incredibly tone deaf at best. Their was an article in the student newspaper denouncing the decision. The girl who wrote it was then called out (putting it mildly) by the cult group of older alumni.

That was the editorial over which BWI trashed the student who wrote the editorial for being a lesbian and claimed she hated Paterno because he was a strong conservative.
That was the editorial over which BWI trashed the student who wrote the editorial for being a lesbian and claimed she hated Paterno because he was a strong conservative.
Yes my point is the people on bwi aren't representative of the current student body and most of the alumni. Lunatics tend to be loud.
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Yes my point is the people on bwi aren't representative of the current student body and most of the alumni. Lunatics tend to be loud.

I never visit BWI, which would have all of the benefit of watching a snuff film. What I see all the time is the convictions of people in actual conversation... otherwise reasonable, educated people, people that are educators themselves and pillars of communities... until the topic of Paterno or Penn State's role comes up. By your measure lunatics tend to be everywhere in Central PA. It is absolutely far from a minority. I'm glad the current student base may think differently. It is the only hope that something may actually change there eventually.

I challenge you to walk through the tailgate fields outside of Beaver on Saturdays this fall and see how you are received if you promote the idea that Paterno's statue shouldn't be re-erected or his named dropped from the university's ice cream. Then come back and tell me how it is a minority.
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There's a culture problem or a cult like mentality amongst a group of alumni who tend to be older and unfortunately have money and some influence. I'm not a paterno supporter. Was embarrassed by the paterno day didn't go to the game. the board here is an embarrassment so I try and stay away lions247 is much more sane to say the least. Most penn state people just want to move forward but a group of people like lubrano are holding us back. My only point is the average penn state person is nothing like the people you see on this message board.

Why does it have be a Peddstate person, sad to so laddie... your full of $hit !
I never visit BWI, which would have all of the benefit of watching a snuff film. What I see all the time is the convictions of people in actual conversation... otherwise reasonable, educated people, people that are educators themselves and pillars of communities... until the topic of Paterno or Penn State's role comes up. By your measure lunatics tend to be everywhere in Central PA. It is absolutely far from a minority. I'm glad the current student base may think differently. It is the only hope that something may actually change there eventually.

I challenge you to walk through the tailgate fields outside of Beaver on Saturdays this fall and see how you are received if you promote the idea that Paterno's statue shouldn't be re-erected or his named dropped from the university's ice cream. Then come back and tell me how it is a minority.
It would be a mix of some agreement and some disagreement. Problem is there's no way to change the paterno people's mind.
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Yes my point is the people on bwi aren't representative of the current student body and most of the alumni. Lunatics tend to be loud.

I can respect that. I feel sorry for the quality PSU people whose university has been hijacked by crazy, soulless conspiracy peddlers whose mission in life is to try and defend what happened in State College. Unfortunately, for every sane, well-adjusted PSU grad/fan posting online, there seems to be about 10 crazies trying to convince the world that Paterno was the real victim and everyone from ESPN to the PSU BoT to Louis Freeh to the NCAA to the Big 10 to Sara Ganim all conspired against Penn St.

The crazies that speak loudly and remain all wrapped up in restoring Paterno to sainthood is why the rest of the country has the universally negative view of all things Penn St. five plus years after the scandal broke.
He was elected with about 9500 votes out of 650000 alumni that's about 1.5%. When you spend a lot of time on a message Board it may seem like it but he doesn't represent penn states views(atleast younger generations).
So are the members of the younger generation and the others going to demand his resignation? The on-campus Nits rioted to protest the firing of their enabling football coach; will they show such passion in an effort to get rid of that bum?
It would be a mix of some agreement and some disagreement. Problem is there's no way to change the paterno people's mind.

And the mix would be something along the lines of 90%. You don't need to change their mind, just do an actual, honest sampling of the tailgate lots: Should Paterno's name be removed from the Creamery's ice cream flavor?

The 10% are the people that I really feel for. They're also the ones that get spit on and assaulted if they open their mouths. 10% is probably being generous.
He was elected with about 9500 votes out of 650000 alumni that's about 1.5%. When you spend a lot of time on a message Board it may seem like it but he doesn't represent penn states views(atleast younger generations).

When paturdo was fired and the students rioted are those cult members a good sample of younger generations ?? Be careful... the tread mill is greasy..
We are sorry to paint with a broad brush, but HES ON YOUR BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND HE IS FUNDING SPANIERS DEFENSE. I don't care how many people didn't vote for him.
One small correction, Al Lord did Not pay for Spanier's Criminal Defense that was cover under protests by PMA and will be dealt with later between them and Penn State and Penn State looks like they will be footing the Bill, and Al Lord if Re-elected as a Trustee will have a Conflict of Internets problem and should abstain.

What did help fund was Spanier's Civil Defamation Lawsuit against Louis Freeh and has big Republican and Democratic connections in Pennsylvania and Washington, this is where Children Advocacy Protection Groups can really hurt Penn State if Lord remains on the Board.

The Civil Lawsuits Discovery are nearly over and as more comes out real trouble is brewing among Trustees and Lawmakers and other Parties of Interests! I am advocate for Constitutional Rights for all people and that includes Victims and anyone accused of a Crime.

No question Spanier made the wrong choice to ignore Sandusky when Schultz wanted it reported and Curley wanted to talk to Paterno that now the world knows was against reporting it on humane purposes??? All 3 of them said in Hindsight they wish they did more now known more Children were abused after 2001.

I would like to know to be fair why the child predator unit was not called in 2008 when the first Child Abuse case was reported and investigations began and did not come to action until one week after 409 Victory? How many children were abused between 2008-2011 is a fair question as well. I do know part of the problem in cases of initial Child Abuse Reporting it does take time because Children are so ashamed and feel all alone keep Recanting or stay silent with Bribes and Threats and that needs to be found out if Sandusky was doing that too.

There is also the Legislature ignoring the other 80 to 150 Abused Children that PAOAG say are beyond the Statute of Limitation dating back to 1970s and 1980s. Albert Lord's Comment re-ignited that debate that was settled. This no longer needs to remain that way and the Children Victims can be an exception by a Legislative Action demanding they have there day in court too while Sandusky is still alive.

The Penn State Board of Trustees Can also settle a Class Action of those Victims waiving those Statute of Limitations and settle too. Penn State gave Spanier, Paterno, Curley, and Schultz buyouts in the Millions as well that should be subjected to to Children Victim Lawsuits as well now. Penn State Confidential Settlements Sealed Documents that prevents Victims from further Legal Proceedings need to waived, Null & Voided and open the Trustees, Spanier, Paterno, Curley, and Schultz to accountability and responsibility now that Trustees challenge " So-Called Victims of Seven Figures", they can go after Penn State even more publicly and do want the PS4RS demand release all Documents and allow all 400 Employees become Whistle Blowing Lawsuits too. This should go on for another 5 years to seek the full truth and uncover what and how it all happen with compensation to many more now.

None of this Money to cover Defense and make Settlements should not come from Penn State general Fund that includes Taxpayers Dollars, they should come from the Penn State Endowment Fund of over $3.6 Billion!

Finally, Spanier Contract with National Security Agency should be terminated immediately too, Taxpayers should not being paying for a convicted felon on the Payroll and any Contracts can be Null and Void under the Moral Clause. The media needs to investigate if this is happening now?

Louis Freeh Report is solid now and I will do an analyzes of why The Paterno Report has been discredited by Curley & Schultz Testimony. I will welcome all challenges from anyone to agree, disagree, and point out where I am mistaken.

I do not hate Penn State, I hate what happen at Penn State, and also want all the truth to come out now and Penn state has to be more accountable and responsible now more than ever, not circle the wagons again like Spanier, Paterno, Curley and Schultz weer allow to do with little to no Trustee oversight and in being business with some Trustees, just like Al Lord is close friend of Graham Spanier, Convicted McCord, and Convicted Congressman Fattah.

Time For Penn State Alumni to Live Up & Stand by the words in the Alma Mater Song by Fred Lewis Pattee.......

For The Glory Of Old State,
For Her Founders Strong And Great,
For The Future That We Wait,

Raise The Song, Raise The Song.

Sing Our Love And Loyalty,
Sing Our Hopes That, Bright And Free,
Rest, O Mother Dear, With Thee,
All With Thee, All With Thee.


When We Stood At Childhood's Gate,
Shapeless In The Hands Of Fate,
Thou Didst Mold Us, Dear Old State,

Dear Old State, Dear Old State.


May No Act Of Ours Bring Shame,
To One Heart That Loves Thy Name,

May Our Lives But Swell Thy Fame,
Dear Old State, Dear Old State.

Al Lord can defend himself and his comments but this is a problem no Public Corporation would accept in anyway let alone any University anywhere.

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You would like to think but then someone on your BOT lets his feelings known about how he feels about the victims and that cult mentality comes out again. He is in a leadership position and represents your school!

You are a disgusting and sick group of people.

There's a culture problem or a cult like mentality amongst a group of alumni who tend to be older and unfortunately have money and some influence. I'm not a paterno supporter. Was embarrassed by the paterno day didn't go to the game. the board here is an embarrassment so I try and stay away lions247 is much more sane to say the least. Most penn state people just want to move forward but a group of people like lubrano are holding us back. My only point is the average penn state person is nothing like the people you see on this message board.
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He was elected with about 9500 votes out of 650000 alumni that's about 1.5%. When you spend a lot of time on a message Board it may seem like it but he doesn't represent penn states views(atleast younger generations).

Yes, but for some reason, all of the outrage from the PSU community is a little muted on this one. How about instead of telling us it's not that bad, why don't you start a movement to have the guy run out on a rail? The shady banking stuff doesn't bother you but maybe this does?
How is 1.5 % "overwhelming".The school quickly put out a statement condemning what this sick guy had to say. We're far from perfect but the overwhelming majority of penn state people don't support this guys views. The craziest people tend to be the loudest.
I bet that when this guy run's for his seat again that his foul statement will have touched a base w/ many of St Penn Alum to increase his vote total. Too many St Penn Alum his statement was an overdue attack against the masses who constantly want St Penn to fail.

H2 PITT !!!
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I bet that when this guy run's for his seat again that his foul statement will have touched a base w/ many of St Penn Alum to increase his vote total. Too many St Penn Alum his statement was an overdue attack against the masses who constantly want St Penn to fail.

H2 PITT !!!
One of the reasons he probably submitted that piece was to get the votes of those types of alums.
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