We Thought We Were Safe Again At Penn State....
...Until We Heard The Quotes By Penn State Trustee Albert Lord!

...Until We Heard The Quotes By Penn State Trustee Albert Lord!
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He's running now. Endorsed by PS4RS, even.
Penn St faithful have already made this guy a martyr.
The Paterno Report Jim Clemente has been silent so far when he promised he would change his Expert Opinion if he found out from Direct Evidence of a Cover Up?That comes as a surprise to whom?
Facts are mean.The Trustee Al Lord had his own Business Problems being Head of Sallie Mae and Spanier asked him if he should file a Lawsuit against Louis Freeh and Al Lord was helping Spanier with the Legal Costs to do so.
Now that Spanier was found Guilty by Emails found by Louis Freeh not the PAOAG, that Lawsuit has been hurt to proceed and why Louis Freeh that has 8 Children of his own went on the attack on the current Penn State Leadership. All Lord with some other elected Trustees demanded all of the Freeh Report but President Barron and Trustees Leadership explained it can't be all revealed because it reveals Whistle-blowers among the 400 Employees Louis Freeh Interviewed and led to Evidence like the Emails and Statements of Intimidation the Penn State Three thought were deleted. If that comes out they all have Whistle Blowing Lawsuits like McQueary!
The Paterno Lawsuit is also in great trouble and Jim Clemente, Dick Thornburgh and Sollers all have a big problem now since they claim mush of Freeh Evidence from those 400 employees and Emails meant Paterno Estate was Defamed Commercially.
However, the Tim Curley Testimony....."Joe Paterno, Penn State’s Legendary Football Coach, Looms Large In The Background Of The Trial, Five Years After His Death. In Testimony, Mr. Curley Confirmed That Elliptically Worded Emails Mentioning "Coach" Were Referring To Mr. Paterno, Who Was Not Comfortable With A Plan That Included Reporting Mr. Sandusky To The Authorities."
This pretty much destroys much of The Paterno Report that was used to file a Lawsuit and throw in PMA-PSU Children Victim's Depositions Under Oath that say Joe was Told back in 1970s & 1980s on top of 1998 Grigar Investigation and of course in 2001 will be used as the Truth being an Absolute Defense now.
Even though Franco and Lubrano and some others feel Penn State Leadership made grave mistakes by over compensating when they took corrective action to fired Paterno & Spanier, because they pretty much ignore oversight on them And now over reacted, and some were in business with Paterno in prior dealings......Franco and Lubrano care about Penn State and that is to be expected to be fair, BUT Attacking Victims?
However what Lord said about the victims and equating them with seven figures, has greatly undercut what the PS4RS Lord founded, Franco pleas for Due Process, and other Trustees efforts to protect Penn State Past reputation and Paterno's return to any kind of world respect, in most people's views..
I said to wait and let the Courts determine the Criminal Trials are over to be fair and get clear what actually happen. They are over and now Lord's Statements have divided PSU Leadership again.
Now the Civil Trials will proceed or settled or dismissed great damaged has been done by PMA Insurance Rulings & Revelations, Curley & Schultz Testimony on Paterno was the coach in Emails that the Paterno Paid Experts Report said was Circumstantial Evidence is now Direct Evidence, and the Convictions along with Lord's comments once gain blaming Victims, Lawyers, Trustees, and PSU Interim Leadership, NCAA, and looking dimmer more every day.
I'll say it again and again, The Best & Brightest at Penn State will one day be recognized as saving Penn State and making it better and when they are Honored one will know that Penn State Football Culture has changed....and that is Sara Ganim, Victims, Sandusky Son, President Erickson, AD Joyner, and Trustee Frazier.
Until that day, the world has moved on and no question now that Spanier, Schultz, Curley, shamed Penn State Name in many ways!
Paterno did report it and told the truth what he was told at the Grand Jury and why he was not Indicted but Louis Freeh put it best all along and found all the evidence that caused pleas and conviction....FREEH REPORT BACK WHEN-"Taking into account the available witness statements and evidence, the Special Investigative Counsel finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the University — Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley — repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky's child abuse from authorities, the University's Board of Trustees, the Penn State community, and the public at large."
FREEH Comments This Past Week:
"Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz and Timothy Curley were the most powerful men who ran the Pennsylvania State University. Today, they are convicted criminals. And Joe Paterno's once iconic legacy is forever marred by his own decision to do nothing when he had the chance to make a real difference."
Louis Freeh Comments Criminal Pleas & Conviction At Trial By A Jury Proved:
"After Spanier, Schultz and Curley initially agreed to report the pedophile to the Department of Child Welfare, Curley “talked it over with Joe”[Paterno] and their plan took a dramatic, and criminal turn. The men now agreed instead to meet with the pedophile, and to advise him of the information received, as well as their awareness of “the first situation," a certain reference to the 1998 “shower” incident and criminal investigation. Spanier readily agreed to this approach, calling it the “humane and a reasonable way to proceed.”But Spanier ironically warned that the “only downside for us is if the message isn't ‘heard’ and acted upon, and we then become vulnerable for not having reported it.” Today Spanier was finally held accountable for "not having reported it," after years of false denials, personal attacks on the fact-finders, and over-dramatic role-playing, including a phony, emotional New York Times interview. Instead of acting like leaders and rescuers, Spanier, Schultz, Curley and Paterno stood by silently and left an unknown number of child victims on their own. As Paterno advised McQueary, his assistant coach: “I said you did what you had to do. It’s my job now to figure out what we want to do.” They did nothing."
Clearly, they truth prevailed in the end and will do the same in Civil Lawsuits. The Penn State Cult Dolts have been proven wrong again and again and that is another Truth they cannot admit to being Honorable People, until they do, it is on them!
There are many that went to Penn State and do not accept what happen to their Alma Mater (Adopted Mother) and felt Joe Paterno did indeed pu6t himself ahead of the University, benefited his family at University expense, did not follow the rules, and stayed too long to win 409 and why he remain silent so long for his selfish goals, but in the end did nothing when told way back in 1970s and 1980s.Facts are mean.
Refreshing to find out not everyone in the state of PA defends this crap.