I have to admit I was pretty upset most of today and last night seeing how this whole thing went down and that we ended up with Stallings , he has had some questionable things happen in his career and what he did to Jeter was just wrong ,he hasn't had to much success as a coach either , I stated I thought a lot of our returning players would be gone and while I still think some will move on , I've realized the ones who do quite possibly would have left anyway even if Dixon had remained here , he is clearly a step down from Dixon however. I have been searching around for things on Stallings and by all accounts have gathered that he is in fact an ok guy and runs a clean , high character program , he also is a better recruiter who gets talent but doesn't really win with it , I still hate the hire but it's not Stallings fault , it's all on SCOTT BARNES ! I have come to the conclusion that I love Pitt Hoops to much to keep trashing the guy without seeing what his first moves will be , I will give him a chance . I love This program to much not to ..