Another absolutely delusional, bat-shit insane thread on BWI is currently attracting Cultists like a moth to the flame.
DrJC: "Last night I once again was embroiled in a little heated discussion with a man who was espousing hatred towards JoePa and calling him a pedophile! It used to be "pedophile enabler," but it seems to have escalated to pedophile. There was hardly a mention of JS - just Joe Paterno.
I made a brief attempt at bringing some facts to his attention - all of which were quickly dismissed. I have come to the realization that we have lost the narrative on what happened, and I think we cannot regain it (if we ever had it), as the media does not seem to be receptive to hearing, printing or discussing some of the very complex issues and facts that have emerged in the past few years. They simply will not entertain another, differing narrative."
After the OP bitches about how complex an issue the scandal is, he then rants that the media narrative happened because the world was jealous of PSU and what Joesus stood for.
DrJC: "I am also of the opinion that much of this is fueled by jealousy of what Penn State and Joe Paterno did and stood for, and they welcome the opportunity to smash the program, University and of course Joe Paterno REGARDLESS of the evidence that at least places into question their opinions. I am also left to wonder, with the exception of Franco, why the alumni, alumni association and others have not demanded an airing of a different narrative? For a University that has one of the largest alumni bases - if not the largest, it amazes me that we don't have individuals that can influence the media and promote the need for a fair and open discourse on the events at Penn State. I know Zeigler has attempted (not an alumnus) to expose another narrative to the public, but with questionable results."
More classic replies from that thread:
ThePennsylvaniaOracle: "
IMO, this whole sordid ordeal hasn't changed people's opinion on Penn State. Those who have always hated PSU now hate us more, and those that who love PSU or are friends of PSU still do. The rest just don't care or have strong enough feelings one way or the other."
21Guns: "The National narrative, now, has become Jerry Sandusky, having free reign over the children of central pennsylvania...raping children one after the other, while Joe and his assistant coaches view the heinous crimes, smoking cigars and drinking scotch.
This is the average moron's viewpoint of what happened. Why try, is correct, and I's pointless, we will not change the narrative, and nobody involved will ever speak."
Lion84: "I agree - I can tell within 5 seconds into a discussion with someone where they are going with this and if they start with the whole Sandusky stuff I immediately respond with "I am not familiar with that" and stop talking to them. These a-holes are just looking to give you their self righteous, ill informed lecture on how guilty we all should feel about being PSU fans or Alumni and I won't give them to chance to do it."
Ian: "Nothing will change. That boat sailed when Joe passed on and was unable to defend himself. A sad story all around as there are no winners, none. Most not associated with the university don't care and have moved on. It is ironic how it reads like a modern day Greek Tragedy...."
StinkStankStunk: "Our "leadership" (an unholy, unauthorized "leadership") has been the SINGLE BIGGEST enemy to "us"........not the "media"
Try to find a similar situation in the history of would be hard to find one.
That is why it is SO IMPORTANT to keep our eyes on the true genesis of evil (and to focus our efforts there).
It is not Mark Emmert, Louis Freeh, the MSM, etc is our own "leadership."
Aoshiro: "The Penn State Alumni Association is an arm of Old Main. Ironically, that means that the alumni association will never represent the alumni of Penn State."
kentuckycb: "PSU could have moved on and at the same time defended the core culture of the university including the legacy of Joe Paterno."
Oblivax: "Honestly, I'd have been fine with a "move on" strategy. But it was a "move on, and burn St. Joe at the stake" part that pisses me off. Any idiot could have seen that Joe, like it or not, was the icon of Penn State and not that stupid squirrel thingy. When they did that, they killed Penn State for several decades. It cost the university well over $200m and will harm the university, its students, players and alumni for the rest of their lives. And why did they do it? Personal gain."
Oblivax: "I always get the 'well they all had to know...they had to' message once I've batted down their foolish misconceptions."
m.knox: "To me, the key is not to change the public's perception of anything. They can choose to ignore or accept the facts, and all the facts are not out. That's precisely what the BOT wants. Sweep it under the rug and move on. I want the facts.
I still maintain that anyone who thinks a half dozen individuals all came together and said, 'hey, we can't let it get out that Jerry is sodomizing and fellating young boys in our locker room or it will screw up the football program' is certifiably nuts. Yes, mistakes were made. No doubt, but the narrative that 'everybody knew' is laughable, and anyone who says it deserves to be laughed at."
kharp1: "I hope one day a good 30 for 30 can be made on this situation but that is probably far down the road."