What the deal is now seems to be, to be DIFFERENT, whether good, bad, or ugly. And to change it up frequently, all the time.
I blame the Kardashians, including Caitlin. Doesn't matter if you're good, in fact being good is DETRIMENTAL, it just seems to invite scorn, or worse, being ignored altogether.
Get your puss out there doing outrageous, annoying things, looking crazy, and the cameras will turn your way. And attention = success, even if negative. Oddly, in today's world, being repulsive, if it garners attention, perversely seems to gain you admirers (to be fair I personally haven't reaped these benefits yet though).
Orange aside (always a polarizing color), Clemson's unis looked fantastic. Probably could have put their 1978 team in them and looked the same. Classic. Has anyone mentioned THEIRS (well, until I did?). No. Just Louisville's. Yes, in denigrating terms, but theirs got ALL the commentary. For whatever that is worth, that's considered a "win" nowadays.