I know this has been mentioned before, but the font used on L'ville's.....

It's pretty difficult to read unless the name is pointed directly at the camera. Going with no name on the jersey would likely be a better option.
They look like they have patches of aluminum foil on their jerseys. The font for the names on the jerseys is too small and old English style. Why bother
Actually it is a perfect design. The players like having their names on their jerseys and the cops can't read it if you are the passenger on the back of a motorcycle.
I have come to learn that recruit become positively giddy over ugly ye olde English scribe combined with ugly uniforms that only loosely incorporate the school's dominant colors.
jersey's players names is 100% ridiculous looking.
I am 50 now so I don't know a lot of these new hip phrases you youngsters use....Is "ridiculous looking" a good thing (ala "bad" means good, "tight" means good etc...)? In my day we would say things like "neato" and "23 skidoo"... Personally, I thought the lettering was 100% neato (of course when it was at the rare correct angle where it could actually be deciphered).....
What the deal is now seems to be, to be DIFFERENT, whether good, bad, or ugly. And to change it up frequently, all the time.

I blame the Kardashians, including Caitlin. Doesn't matter if you're good, in fact being good is DETRIMENTAL, it just seems to invite scorn, or worse, being ignored altogether.

Get your puss out there doing outrageous, annoying things, looking crazy, and the cameras will turn your way. And attention = success, even if negative. Oddly, in today's world, being repulsive, if it garners attention, perversely seems to gain you admirers (to be fair I personally haven't reaped these benefits yet though).

Orange aside (always a polarizing color), Clemson's unis looked fantastic. Probably could have put their 1978 team in them and looked the same. Classic. Has anyone mentioned THEIRS (well, until I did?). No. Just Louisville's. Yes, in denigrating terms, but theirs got ALL the commentary. For whatever that is worth, that's considered a "win" nowadays.
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Part of it is a Nike/Adidas thing too. Nike's stuff is typically clean and sleek looking. Adidas' gear is often a hot mess. They are ill-fitting, the numbers are too low in the back and look screen printed. I just think Adidas does a poor job overall.

Louisville's uniforms were a disgrace last night. The calligraphy on the nameplates - which were also too low and often crooked - looked like they stopped off at a local mall and had them applied just before the game. JUst horrible looking all the way around.
I like nice, clean, straight forward unis. Even in the NFL, you have the Bucs, Jaguars, Browns, Seahawks, etc, with all the crazy colors, and lines all over the place. Weird font, etc. I think they look stupid.

I like the Steelers, Packers, Cowboys, Giants, etc type unis. Clean, traditional and to the point. Blackhawks and Red Wings in the NHL as well.
That's thing, study after study shows that human beings inherently like cleaner, simpler design over cluttered busy design. The cleaner looks are easier for your brain to process and are therefore more appealing to the vast majority of us. The best selling jerseys are always guys who play for "traditional" teams.

However, multi-billion dollar corporations need to sustain themselves and they have to pay a hell of a lot of people. Therefore they are constantly trying to convince everyone that simpler is boring and busy is where it's at. For their plan to work, schmoes like you and me can't own just one Pitt football jersey, they need to own several.

Then next year or the year after, a different type of busy jersey will be even better than this busy version and in the name of currency - take that how you wish - people will need to update their look. Then a few years later an even more insanely busy jersey will be so much better than the original replacement or the jersey it succeeded. Then a few years later, they will go old school and clean it all up so they can re-start the carousel.

This is ALL about marketing. Anyone telling you anything different is either trying to manipulate you or they have already been manipulated and are parroting the company line.
Yeah it's not that important really, but I can't wait to see our new unis next season. Pitt script and Nike should make a pretty sweet, classic looking uniform. They're pretty solid already, I think a few minor tweaks and we might go back to having one of the more recognizable looks in football.
I think we could see something like this (but in Pitt's colors) - at least for the home unis.
