But everyone else sees his legacy as BS and that he was (at best) non-acting for 40+ years while Sandusky raped innocent children. So, any act to honor him is seen as disgusting and completely tone deaf by the rest of the world. So what is your debate? Everyone thinks PSU is trash for doing something like this. His entire legacy is tied to his longevity and total control of a program, which he built on a false premise of a "Grand Experiment" and "Success With Honor" so it is a complete sham and the Sandusky thing let people see it was even worse than everyone in the B1G and close proximity to PSU knew all along. No one else is debating. Everyone else agrees honoring Paterno makes PSU look like a joke and a cult, who hasn't learned a damn thing. PSU fans can't figure out why they would think that.
Love you alma mater. Appreciate the school. Understand EVERYTHING that happened to build your football program was a complete farce, even more tragic and contrived than ever imagined when we all found out about Sandusky and, most importantly, the fact PSU, and specifically Paterno, covered it up for years, so it wouldn't hurt the program or PSU. That is the truth. Nothing Joe Paterno did should ever be honored. Ever.