"mcm265, post: 1567401, member: 10992"]Joe Paterno is dead. Your not changing your opinion on him. I'm not changing mine. And the Joe-Bots aren't changing theirs. So what is the debate? This is what I don't understand.
You hit on it the first time, Joe's Coaching was Great, preaching how Joe was running some kind of Superior Moral Program grated on many Top Coaches knowing that was untrue, but still respected Joe's Coaching.
Yet, it was the University that gave Joe his opportunity to Coach & Build a Great Program but had to put in 2012 Reforms to correct many things that wrong during the Paterno Era, due to Sandusky lying to Joe and others, but Joe's Program had to be corrected on many levels within PSU too?
So, there is good and bad and every Poster, Person, and Media Pundits have their own values and views too, and some find it disgusting there was so much silence and secrecy, and others like me can see how Joe did many great things but caused his own problems too, to be fair, and therefore mixed views by everyone all the time.
Moreover, it is still not over, until Lawsuits & Trials are resolved and even after that Victim's Voices will come out later into Publications, Media and Movies, and more will come out and back, for another Decade.
What do the non-PSU folks want to get out of these types of discussions? If they are waiting for PSU supporters to say all PSU is scum and Joe Paterno is the devil, that's never going to happen.
I agree it can't happen because Joe help build Penn State Football that helped build the University, but Joe himself got bigger than the University, and the University had to pass, approve, and implement 2012 Reforms that proved that the University allowed Joe was not running a Program within NCAA, Big Ten, Educational Laws on Athletic Integrity, while claiming Joe's own Athletic Integrity was superior, and it came crashing down when Sandsuky's Crimes (Not Any Joe's Crime) exposed a badly flawed Program of Success but not Honor in anyway.
All PSU Alumnus have to accept those Facts too, and they are Facts, not Views?
"But JoePa is an enabler" is the response I would expect to this question. That's why PSU folks like myself get frustrated.
Joe with his own Attorney actually told a Grand Jury Under Oath he was told Sexual Inappropriate Conduct, Touching, etc but the all 3 Penn State Spanier, Curley, and Schultz said they were told it was just Horse Play? This is part of the problem still be resolved in the Courts.
You are frustrated as many because this happen over 40+ Years and not just 14 Years before it all came out, and still not all resolved or Information out either? Even the current Penn State Administration and Coach Franklin are just as frustrated and have to live and address it in someway every day, until it is all over.
I'm not going to detest my love for the university and it's history. I don't have another alma mater.
I Agree, you should not especially since the University implemented many Policies & Reforms that have Penn State Athletic Integrity corrected as well as recognized by the NCAA and making sure it won't happen again under any one person or coach.
However, once the Unsealed Records came out and still not fully disclosed, the Court of Public Opinion and many others may never forgive what happen in their own personal value views to children based Sandusky Crimes that did exposed the flaws and failed laws of PSU FB Program during the Paterno's Run Era?
Just like Baylor is dealing with there own problems and even art Briles admits mistakes just the other day, it is what it is, and will never go away, but we can move on as FB Fans for this and all Future Game.
Unfortunately, Joe can't speak or write his own history, but Sandusky was lying to many people and threatening and bribing children victims no one wanted to believe, and lying to Joe, but to be fair!
Unfortunately, at some point, Joe did know and and before 1998 and it is my contention Joe did not believe it in the 1970s but it was coming little by little as more Children complained, but to be fair too, Joe did little to nothing after 2001?
Until the Media gains access to all Unsealed and Sealed Documents and Lawsuits Discovery are over, and Criminal Trials are resolved, not knowing all Info is what is frustrating too. It is what it is too until that day it all ends!
In the meantime, Game On, even the Scandal Lingers with Unknown Info not decided on the Grid Iron, and still in Courts, but the Court of Public Opinion as already weighed in, and they say Paterno should not be Honored, and PSU felt the other way?