If Miller is still in the mix, hire him

Are you serious about this? His job is scotch taped to a 100 lb barbell. He knows it, we know it, and zona is only holding on to him hoping not to waive the buy-out
So, again-
I’ll ask- why would he voluntarily leave zona when he’s not fired?

He is still interested in coming back to Pgh for personal / family reasons. Not disclosing but the interest is real and different from 2 years ago.
If the investigation shows that Ayton got paid $100,000, I'll bet you $100,000 that they go after Ayton for tax evasion.

You can't be so stupid as to think they won't, so why are you arguing?
Call're a dreamer. No, I'm not as stupid as you...correct!
No, you aren't AS stupid, you are much, much stupider than me if you think that the Feds and the IRS are simply going to turn their back on $100,000 of tax evasion. And you keep arguing that, so...
Still laughing at you...the guy who thinks he's an authority on the law, the IRS and every other subject...your views are beyond hilarious.
They aren't going to indict him, they are going to turn him over to the IRS. The IRS gets plenty of mileage every year going after lots of people who don't declare a hell of a lot less than $100,000 on their taxes.
Since we’re such buds you give me a bag with $100 ,000 in cash and I’m smart enough not to put it in the bank and I don’t buy anything out of the ordinary with the cash how do you prove that you ever gave it to me ?
If you got busted and ratted on me I’d just say your nuts if the IRS came calling .
Think they video or voice recorded the payoffs or made them sign a receipt ?
People who get caught for small amounts of unreported income 100k or less seem to forget that the IRS gets reports with your SS # from the people who paid you and the numbers need to add up .
Still laughing at you...the guy who thinks he's an authority on the law, the IRS and every other subject...your views are beyond hilarious.

You have to be a complete moron to think what you are posting. And since you really aren't it makes me wonder just what you think you're getting out of posting and the defending something so stupid.
Since we’re such buds you give me a bag with $100 ,000 in cash and I’m smart enough not to put it in the bank and I don’t buy anything out of the ordinary with the cash how do you prove that you ever gave it to me ?
If you got busted and ratted on me I’d just say your nuts if the IRS came calling .
Think they video or voice recorded the payoffs or made them sign a receipt ?
People who get caught for small amounts of unreported income 100k or less seem to forget that the IRS gets reports with your SS # from the people who paid you and the numbers need to add up .

Yeah, but if there is a case against Ayton there's going to be just a little more evidence than I said I gave you a bag of cash and you said I didn't.
They didn't turn their back on me owing $57 from 2012. I am sure $100K would draw some attention.
I was just going to post this same exact thing. I got divorced in the middle of 2011. Forgot to change my w4 to single and didn't withhold enough federal taxes. I didn't pay it the next year or the year after. Then, the next tax season they withheld my return to pay the balance I still owed. If they looked at me and my several hundred dollars - you and your $57 dollars...then Del really is as stupid as Joe the Panther says if he thinks they will look the other way over $100,000. Del - you look like a fool for continuing an argument that is so completely wrong and off base, just because your emotions are getting the best of you. Just stop replying to Joe on the subject. You look dumb
He is still interested in coming back to Pgh for personal / family reasons. Not disclosing but the interest is real and different from 2 years ago.

Perhaps this is the reason its taking so long.......IF Miller is interested and Pitts interest is mutual, Im sure the details of how Miller gets out of his contract and his compensation at PItt as well as clauses to cover Miller getting in trouble with the NCAA would take a while to figure out. Just speculation on my part
My reasons for not wanting Miller have nothing to do with being puritanical, or being unwilling to take a risk on a guy who may be hammered by the FBI. Its this:

Miller's biggest strength is his recruiting. But, his days of paying off players to come play for him are over. That's not just the case if he came to Pitt, but anywhere. How good would his recruiting have been without the bag man? We don't know. Maybe it would still have been good, maybe not. We don't know.

What I do suspect is that his recruiting going forward is going to suck. He's tainted. He's lost his entire recruiting class at AZ. Maybe Pitt fans are willing to take a chance on Miller right now, but it appears recruits are not.

Other coaches are going to recruit against Miller's tainted rep, big time.

Beyond recruiting, his W/L record in big games with the big time talent he's had isn't impressive. How's he going to do with lesser talent, possibly much lesser talent given what he is up against reputation wise?

No thanks.
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Call me when they go after Ayton for tax evasion...

They will turn this over to the IRS, who unless they're on a political witch hunt which they're not supposed to be, work by the numbers and regs, aren't supposed to and don't use judgement, and they will go after those involved. They don't consider consequences or recovery potential at this point that comes later in the process.

All they have to do is go after a few players, players families whomever accepted the money, and the parties who arranged and facilitated the payments and this will end!

If they let it go why shouldn't other players accept money since it appears there's no penalty??

The IRS is short thousands of agents and overwhelmed with all kinds of regs, so chasing down stuff like this is easy money. If they let it go attorneys for other crooks can use it as part of their defense.

I say they will go after the player, players family whomever accepted the money and all of those who signed the tax return where the money should have been reported.

Most people don't understand that part. If you sign a tax return with another party who committed tax fraud you are in as much jeopardy as the person who actually committed the tax fraud.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go Pitt & CSU Rams!
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Perhaps this is the reason its taking so long.......IF Miller is interested and Pitts interest is mutual, Im sure the details of how Miller gets out of his contract and his compensation at PItt as well as clauses to cover Miller getting in trouble with the NCAA would take a while to figure out. Just speculation on my part

This would certainly be interesting. On one hand, I don't think Miller is ever coming here to coach. On the other hand this is Pitt and it seems chaos is the norm so maybe something like this is actually crazy enough to happen. Who knows.

And if it did happen, which I still don't think is likely at all, I am not sure how I would feel about it. I would clearly have preferred Hurley, Musselman, Matta(if healthy), and maybe a few others over Miller but if our choices are basically choices off the scrap heap and Miller, then I would prefer Miller.
If we're going to look at a coach in hot water, what's the argument for Miller over Pitino? Pitino is a top 5 coach nationally, Miller is maybe top 50.
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This would certainly be interesting. On one hand, I don't think Miller is ever coming here to coach. On the other hand this is Pitt and it seems chaos is the norm so maybe something like this is actually crazy enough to happen. Who knows.

And if it did happen, which I still don't think is likely at all, I am not sure how I would feel about it. I would clearly have preferred Hurley, Musselman, Matta(if healthy), and maybe a few others over Miller but if our choices are basically choices off the scrap heap and Miller, then I would prefer Miller.

Agree. Other than the "you can never predict what Pitt will do" Miller is not a typical Pitt hire and I dont believe this is highly likely. I'd also prefer a Musselman type guy over Miller but Miller is far better than Sheyer or some other high risk assistant.

I was simply trying to piece together the Miller rumor and why its taking so long to hear something after the Hurley attempt. Hiring Miller would for sure be a complicated agreement which would take time.

of course it simply could be SOP as well.
They will turn this over to the IRS, who unless they're on a political witch hunt which they're not supposed to be, work by the numbers and regs, aren't supposed to and don't use judgement, and they will go after those involved. They don't consider consequences or recovery potential at this point that comes later in the process.

All they have to do is go after a few players, players families whomever accepted the money, and the parties who arranged and facilitated the payments and this will end!

If they let it go why shouldn't other players accept money since it appears there's no penalty??

The IRS is short thousands of agents and overwhelmed with all kinds of regs, so chasing down stuff like this is easy money. If they let it go attorneys for other crooks can use it as part of their defense.

I say they will go after the player, players family whomever accepted the money and all of those who signed the tax return where the money should have been reported.

Most people don't understand that part. If you sign a tax return with another party who committed tax fraud you are in as much jeopardy as the person who actually committed the tax fraud.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go Pitt & CSU Rams!
They won’t mess around with this piddly stuff..
They will turn this over to the IRS, who unless they're on a political witch hunt which they're not supposed to be, work by the numbers and regs, aren't supposed to and don't use judgement, and they will go after those involved. They don't consider consequences or recovery potential at this point that comes later in the process.

All they have to do is go after a few players, players families whomever accepted the money, and the parties who arranged and facilitated the payments and this will end!

If they let it go why shouldn't other players accept money since it appears there's no penalty??

The IRS is short thousands of agents and overwhelmed with all kinds of regs, so chasing down stuff like this is easy money. If they let it go attorneys for other crooks can use it as part of their defense.

I say they will go after the player, players family whomever accepted the money and all of those who signed the tax return where the money should have been reported.

Most people don't understand that part. If you sign a tax return with another party who committed tax fraud you are in as much jeopardy as the person who actually committed the tax fraud.

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go Pitt & CSU Rams!
The IRS is severely undermanned , they’re not going to waste time chasing down some poor kid and his family for money that they have probably spent and no longer have and most likely could ever pay
back. The IRS job is to collect taxes not enforce ncaa or even the laws of the land . You can pay taxes on money illegally gotten and they don’t care just pay the taxes . The man hours involved in chasing down some kids under the table money is just a waste of time and money otherwise there wouldn’t be an underground ecomony which dwrafts any money paid to college athletes and is thriving .
they’re not going to waste time chasing down some poor kid and his family for money that they have probably spent and no longer have and most likely could ever pay back

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Really soon DeAndre Ayton is going to have more than enough money to pay the back taxes and penalties on $100,000 of undeclared income if the day comes that the IRS determines that he took the money.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Really soon DeAndre Ayton is going to have more than enough money to pay the back taxes and penalties on $100,000 of undeclared income if the day comes that the IRS determines that he took the money.
But unless they can prove he actually took the money , which if handled correctly would be very hard to prove , he’ll have nothing to worry about.

Seems like everyone involved from the player , his parents to Miller all deny the accusations . If Miller is shown to have lied he’ll never work again.
Perhaps this is the reason its taking so long.......IF Miller is interested and Pitts interest is mutual, Im sure the details of how Miller gets out of his contract and his compensation at PItt as well as clauses to cover Miller getting in trouble with the NCAA would take a while to figure out. Just speculation on my part
Or maybe Arizona is standing firm on a buyout. Pitt might be waiting for AZ to fire Miller. I see Mussleman going there IF Miller ends up here.
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For the sake of clarity...

The "$100,000" figure has been linked to Brian Bowen since September; not Ayton. The latter has been cleared twice. Miller said that he spoke on the phone with Dawkins. Dawkins made an offer about a player and that "$100,000". The player is most likely Bowen (if it wasn't him, it was Nassir Little). Miller obviously said no. Hence, why Bowen did not go to Arizona.

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