They will turn this over to the IRS, who unless they're on a political witch hunt which they're not supposed to be, work by the numbers and regs, aren't supposed to and don't use judgement, and they will go after those involved. They don't consider consequences or recovery potential at this point that comes later in the process.
All they have to do is go after a few players, players families whomever accepted the money, and the parties who arranged and facilitated the payments and this will end!
If they let it go why shouldn't other players accept money since it appears there's no penalty??
The IRS is short thousands of agents and overwhelmed with all kinds of regs, so chasing down stuff like this is easy money. If they let it go attorneys for other crooks can use it as part of their defense.
I say they will go after the player, players family whomever accepted the money and all of those who signed the tax return where the money should have been reported.
Most people don't understand that part. If you sign a tax return with another party who committed tax fraud you are in as much jeopardy as the person who actually committed the tax fraud.
"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go Pitt & CSU Rams!