If Penguins Game Runs Long


Jul 5, 2001
I have Directv and since I live on the other part of the state I never get blacked out of any programing on ATT - the old Root Sports on Channel 659. Little concerned about not seeing the first part . of the game because the Penguins are on at one and the their post game show follows.If the game and the post game run beyond four they are contractually obligated to show it in its entirety therefore we miss however long it takes (hope its not ot). However if you have Directv channel 686-1 has it listed to be televised so try switching over to there. Also is you are interested in a replay the YES Network (channel 631) will show it at 10PM tonight. Hope this helps.

Lets go Pitt.
Well one good thing is they don't have the playoff OT format. But best bet is to have game end in regulation. I am not sure how the post game show is contracted or how long it is.
I have Directv and since I live on the other part of the state I never get blacked out of any programing on ATT - the old Root Sports on Channel 659. Little concerned about not seeing the first part . of the game because the Penguins are on at one and the their post game show follows.If the game and the post game run beyond four they are contractually obligated to show it in its entirety therefore we miss however long it takes (hope its not ot). However if you have Directv channel 686-1 has it listed to be televised so try switching over to there. Also is you are interested in a replay the YES Network (channel 631) will show it at 10PM tonight. Hope this helps.

Lets go Pitt.
The game would only last over 3 hours if there is some actual delay, like a power outage or something. I doubt the post game show running over would be shown over the football game.
There is a 659-2. It is a second channel for AT&T Pittsburgh. It might be on there if Pens run over.
No one should be worried about the Penguins going long. NHL games last 2:30 and even if it goes all the way to the shootout that’s 20 more minutes tops. Unless there is some prolonged injury delay or broken glass or something unusual, the Pitt game shouldn’t be missed.