If you thought the Copa was crazy....

Wait till you see the Olympics....

I happened to be looking at the score when it "went final" at 2-2. So imagine my surprise when I looked later, and it was 2-1!

I do get though why if the fans were essentially already rioting that they wouldn't want to announce to the crowd that the goal was disallowed until they got everyone out of the building.
I happened to be looking at the score when it "went final" at 2-2. So imagine my surprise when I looked later, and it was 2-1!

I do get though why if the fans were essentially already rioting that they wouldn't want to announce to the crowd that the goal was disallowed until they got everyone out of the building.
I turned it off, thinking the game ended in a tie.
Offsides by half of his his foot. I like instant replay in football but in soccer, I wished they'd get rid of it. Too few goals to be disallowing goals based on someone being offsides by an inch or 2, which isnt even advantageous.
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Offsides by half of his his foot. I like instant replay in football but in soccer, I wished they'd get rid of it. Too few goals to be disallowing goals based on someone being offsides by an inch or 2, which isnt even advantageous.
there’s so much corruption in soccer. Combine it with the corruption in France and this is what you get. I hate VAR but I think it does help reduce the likelihood of officials on the take. It just won’t completely eliminate them.
That's like in basketball, when they review a 3 point shot at a later commercial break and then out of nowhere add or subtract a point, even if the change is the "correct call" they shouldn't do it, if there's a doubt, and you feel so strongly about it stop the game and review, from the time it happens until a later review the teams could be making decisions based on that plus/minus point, to keep reviewing way after the fact is stupid, GETTING IT WRONG IS BETTER. If the ref called the game over, the VAR guy at that point should immediately stop.
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Offsides by half of his his foot. I like instant replay in football but in soccer, I wished they'd get rid of it. Too few goals to be disallowing goals based on someone being offsides by an inch or 2, which isnt even advantageous.
100%, I hate replay in every sport it doesn't really get things totally right anyways and really disrupts the viewing experience, and in soccer especially you have a sport where you really don't need less scoring, even if it's technically the right call.
100%, I hate replay in every sport it doesn't really get things totally right anyways and really disrupts the viewing experience, and in soccer especially you have a sport where you really don't need less scoring, even if it's technically the right call.

I like it in every sport but there's too few goals in soccer to have it. If the US gets eliminated by a missed offside call where the other player was 3 inches offsides, I am ok with that because in real time, there is no advantage gained by being only a few inches offsides. Now if he was a full body length offsides and that goal knocked us out, that sucks but it is what it is.
You understand that the ref did not, in fact, say that the game was over, right?

Nah, I didn't think so.
Did he blow a whistle and the play stopped, and everyone left the field, if so then the game was over the end. And if the VAR overruled it, they should have announced it within no more than 5 minutes, even that is too long, not an hour and a half later. Some day soon they'll be reviewing things the next day and changing scores and results to get things right.
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I like it in every sport but there's too few goals in soccer to have it. If the US gets eliminated by a missed offside call where the other player was 3 inches offsides, I am ok with that because in real time, there is no advantage gained by being only a few inches offsides. Now if he was a full body length offsides and that goal knocked us out, that sucks but it is what it is.
So, you actually think it makes football games "right"? Personally, I think they very often don't get it right, and how can you get it right if everything isn't reviewable? The less review the better, the NFL should adopt the review system of the UFL, way less time is spent reviewing and the ref is live on screen explaining the rationale behind his review, far superior and transparent compared to the NFL, but I figure e the NFL doesn't want total transparency at all times.
Did he blow a whistle and the play stopped, and everyone left the field, if so then the game was over the end. And if the VAR overruled it, they should have announced it within no more than 5 minutes, even that is too long, not an hour and a half later. Some day soon they'll be reviewing things the next day and changing scores and results to get things right.

He blew the whistle and cleared the field because fans were storming the field and were throwing stuff at the players from the stands. They left the field as a safety issue, not because the game was over.

They waited to announce publicly that the goal was disallowed until after the stadium was cleared. Because they figured, probably correctly, that announcing to a rioting crowd that they were talking the goal off the board would have only inflamed what was going on.
He blew the whistle and cleared the field because fans were storming the field and were throwing stuff at the players from the stands. They left the field as a safety issue, not because the game was over.

They waited to announce publicly that the goal was disallowed until after the stadium was cleared. Because they figured, probably correctly, that announcing to a rioting crowd that they were talking the goal off the board would have only inflamed what was going on.
an hour and a half later is pretty ridiculous though.