Missing Leggett, get behind by 16 and come back to lead by 17 before winning by 12.
Very very impressive given the circumstances!!!
Very very impressive given the circumstances!!!
After cal had a 9-2 margin in offensive boards at one pointCal with only 2 offensive boards in second half and Pitt only 1 turnover
Lowe, Leggett and Dunn may be our best 3 players although that may be up for debate.If Lowe is our best player, and I believe he is,
then Leggett and Dunn are 2 and 3 IMO. Having
them both out today ironically gives this team a
boost in morale and confidence. Cal isn't Duke
obviously, but they had enough to beat us today.
Lowe was true to form incredible in the second
half, but everyone else truly helped. G Diaz hit
the few shots he took. Cummings played a very
solid 37 minutes with 15 pts, 4 rebounds and a
A/TO ratio of 3/1. It looks to me like some of his
1st yr. mistakes are a thing of the past. Lowe,
Austin, and Corhen were great as we expect. The
very positive impact of the others, while two of
our better players were absent is real big for us
right now. Once everyone is back healthy...LOOK OUT!
In the game thread, I said I expected Lowe and Austin to carry us yesterday because I didn't think Corhen had it in him to put up the stats he did. Hopefully Corhen can step up on a more consistent basis during conference play. We're going to need it for sure on 1/7.Lowe, Leggett and Dunn may be our best 3 players although that may be up for debate.
In any case, I have to give big props to Austin, we wouldn’t have the success and record we have so far this year without his GLF.
As far as yesterday goes, Corhen’s shooting throughout the game contributed a good bit to the win along with some clutch 3-ptrs from a few different Panthers, something we haven’t seen all year.