Its Feb 2022 and you are put in charge of the USA's stance on Russia/Ukraine, what do you do?

Sean Miller Fan

All P I T T !
Oct 30, 2001
Back then I posted what I would do, in real time. I said that a deal should be negotiated where Russia gets all the land East of the Dnipro River, but Ukraine (really Western Ukraine) joins NATO. Eastern Ukraine to Russia. Western Ukraine to NATO. Russia, in a sense, wouldn't have NATO "on its doorstep" because they just gained, essentially a whole country as Eastern Ukraine is larger than most European nations. So "legacy" Russians would still be protected with the Eastern Ukraine "buffer." Would this have worked? Who knows.

So would you

a) tell Ukraine, no help, good luck but you are going to become part of Russia

b) get Ukraine to sell most of their country to us (ie mineral deals) in exchange for aid

c) do what we in $200 billion in aid (with a lot of that money staying in the US as payments to American weapons manufacturers, who are getting rich off this war).

d) something else. Having a hard time figuring out another option. Its either let Putin take Ukraine, give aid to Ukraine, or buy their country so that even if they "win" the war, they'd never recover financially. However, maybe buying Ukraine could get us into UEFA? FK?
Back then I posted what I would do, in real time. I said that a deal should be negotiated where Russia gets all the land East of the Dnipro River, but Ukraine (really Western Ukraine) joins NATO. Eastern Ukraine to Russia. Western Ukraine to NATO. Russia, in a sense, wouldn't have NATO "on its doorstep" because they just gained, essentially a whole country as Eastern Ukraine is larger than most European nations. So "legacy" Russians would still be protected with the Eastern Ukraine "buffer." Would this have worked? Who knows.

So would you

a) tell Ukraine, no help, good luck but you are going to become part of Russia

b) get Ukraine to sell most of their country to us (ie mineral deals) in exchange for aid

c) do what we in $200 billion in aid (with a lot of that money staying in the US as payments to American weapons manufacturers, who are getting rich off this war).

d) something else. Having a hard time figuring out another option. Its either let Putin take Ukraine, give aid to Ukraine, or buy their country so that even if they "win" the war, they'd never recover financially. However, maybe buying Ukraine could get us into UEFA? FK?
SMF. Really good post. I don't know. Basically because I have the advantage of 20/20 hindsight.