P PhPanther1 Sophomore Apr 16, 2016 2,500 1,384 113 Jun 27, 2016 #1 How will they affect the scholarship count for the 2017 class?
Q QuitCallingMeWanny All Conference Mar 24, 2005 5,534 565 113 Jun 28, 2016 #2 They are twins, so there is two of them, so they will take up 2.....simple stuff Reactions: PittMan412, steved71 and Jpripper88
9nationalchampionships Chancellor May 21, 2010 21,507 12,455 113 Jun 28, 2016 #3 They are killing it at camps! Here w/Cam
J Jpripper88 Chancellor Jun 1, 2005 23,720 4,328 113 Jun 28, 2016 #4 QuitCallingMeWanny said: They are twins, so there is two of them, so they will take up 2.....simple stuff Click to expand...
QuitCallingMeWanny said: They are twins, so there is two of them, so they will take up 2.....simple stuff Click to expand...