James Franklin dresses like the easter bunny

Oh come on. Franklin was mocked here for dressing up for his own family. I've never ripped a Pitt coach or player. And yeah, I read the book and it was done before Franklin. Furthermore, it was based on Joe's life history. You have many here that still believe the sanctions had no impact. I know because I read the statements.

The changes made? They are a joke and wouldn't have prevented anything. All crap from the Freeh report. And just what is the protocol from the NCAA today? The exact thing Joe did, report to your supervisor just like in every corporation in America. For the record, Joe is the one who didn't want kids on campus. That is a fact which is in writing. Joe also wasn't friends with Jerry, yet many simply state they were because they worked together. They didn't even like each other, and were never together at outings. Joe did not support the 2nd Mile or promote it. Player cards given out to needy kids is a big deal to you? You probably believe Vicky Tripponey is honest as well as Sarah Gannon. Info garnered from a Grand Jury leak yet no one has a problem with that? Bullocks. People are going to fall and it won't be the three. It will be members of the BOT and they already know it. Finally I don't rip posters, just totally unfounded statements.

I don't know how anyone can trust the system at all in PA. How many judges have resigned? Look at the last two AG's. One of which, you guessed it, praised Joe. Both sides want the current one gone, even her own parties governor. Look at the mess in Philly. So Jerry goes from arrest to conviction in 7 months, and 4 years later, we still don't have a simple perjury trial? It's called corruption, and PA's at the top of the pile.
You are right on one thing:

The changes made would not have prevented these crimes from happening.

Properly reporting the crimes to the police would have prevented subsequent crimes!
That's not protocol in any corporation, nor the NCAA. So Joe was supposed to report what as a non witness? They didn't even know who the kid was or his name. If anyone should have, it would have been McQuery, but no one seems to have a problem with him not reporting. He was an adult with a degree. But let's blame the guy with a name to make ourselves feel better. You know, the guy that had no involvement. That's right, I forgot, everyone knew. That's just like the Catholic Church where everyone knew everything, even parents of all the victims knew. Right?

This is why these people get away with it all the time. People look for monsters where there aren't any. They aren't monsters, but your next door neighbors, leaders of the community or church. I guarantee you if you did a search in Pittsburgh, you'd see them listed and never even know. Why don't you ask Bobby Bowden or Lou Holtz if they knew about Jerry. They knew him and sat on the board of The 2nd Mile. They also went to the fundraisers for Jerry, that Joe never did...Even McQuery went to fundraisers after he reported the incident. Yeah, let's blame Joe, I think not.
"Hotshoe, post: 1187484, member: 6356"]The wow is about you jumping from Franklin to the 2nd Mile giving out cards. I want the 2nd Mile investigated as well. Believe me, you will not educate me on the situation.
We agree! Yet, I just agree to disagree on Egg Hunting over Coaching? Franklin can be Father but PSU Fans want a Great Elite Coach! While Pitt Fans today want a better Search Firm Head Hunter than Buddy Egg Hunter!

Like I stated previously. Court cases all wins, NCAA loses, and leaders proven liars.
Well, let those cases play out is all i asking, I see settlements more than Trials, but respect to agree to disagree.

Yet you believe Freeh and a media that didn't do their job.
No, I believe the Penn State Reforms that were put in 2012 that are doing the job and shows the difference between a University and Football Program that was not in full compliance of following rules and laws and today is a model for Compliance since 2012. How and why it happen that way can be fought out in the courts.

Still believe the media, Sharpton, Duke and the DA regarding Duke? How about the former governor of NC who said UNC was clean?
Well, I agree again, and now now add Joe Nocera and Ben Strauss's new book argue that athletes are being exploited in a corrupt system that treats them like indentured servants and there will be court cases on that too.

Funny, not a single NCAA violation regarding Penn State listed by the NCAA.
Even more funny is you trying tos ay it never happen, Yet, a quick google search and seeing the Settlement agreement that reduced the Sanctions due to the PSU Reforms of 2012 under a NCAA Monitor, never removed the 2 Year Sanctions at all. Those Sanctions are still quoted by NCAA President Emment
go google it, so they happen?

Now we're all supposed to wait for the facts regarding KY, UNC, and all sports figures. Yet the perjury case still hasn't gone to trial and many charges have been dropped.
I hear you loud and clear....Talk to USC Fans and see how unfair they think they got it when Reggie Bush would not cooperate?

Funny that they are already guilty here and haven't had their day in court because you just know what the truth is.
You are mixing up many things again, like you did the coaching and egg hunting confusion between being a great father and below overpaid coaching? So, I'll offer a mutual concession, Franklin's Father Egg Hunting was superb and caring, but his coaching has been hidden like some eyes he might have missed on Game Day? When Franklin can win 10+ Games he can wear anything he want is what PSU's want to see.

You know this because you believe a man like Freeh who has become a laughing stock time after time, as well as a known liar.
Nope, I know it because the majority of his report was 119 Recommendations of which 116 PSU Reforms he put in and brought PSU into 2012 Compliance. Are you suggesting Penn State remove the New Director of Ethics and Compliance? Remove Code of Athltic Conduct? AIA Officer? PSU Arrests Reporting stop? And Treating Athletes different from Students? Freeh did not put in those reforms Penn State did with NCAA Monitor and some are still waiting for fines and Investigations to be made public! Is this the Grand Experiment of Success With Honor or was that a slogan or untruth like WE ARE Cheer was created? Did any of this not happen under Paterno A.D. & Coaching? Or PSU Former Player Alumnus Assistant Coach was falsely convicted by a Penn State Majority Jury? Are all the Victims lying PSU Grad Sandusky's Son or PSU McQueary that had no job until after he reported what he saw to Paterno? This all happen but the cases are still sorting some of it out, but the Reforms are Real and Required by Law! Or do you have proof otherwise??? Are you saying nothing ever happen?

So everyone else gets their day in court but these three. Well then what's the delay?
They are entitled to defend themselves and have good lawyers doing it and are using the legal system rules in doing it, like all Americans entitled under the Constitution.

You've had a AG from both parties in charge and still no trial 4 years later. Don't you wonder if they have a case?
I wonder why the child's predator unit was not brought in to handle the cases in the first place? Why AG emails and notes were erased as well as PSU replaced in 2004, but found anyway? Why I agree the Staute of Limitations should be extended and The Second Mile should be investigated and some employees convicted of theft of services be reversed for using state computers on state time if they are ethical violations for judges and prosecutors?

Now the question for you, if the Criminal or Civil Legal Cases reveal or/and The Second Mile is investigated and evidence is found NCAA Violations that Penn State was breaking NCAA Recruiting Rules, should there be a NCAA Investigation on New Sanctions? Or if more Children Victims are allow to file Lawsuits beyond the Statue of Limitations?
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Omg this went from the Easter Bunny to Joe should of done more!This is great I quit watching Cheyenne to reading this stuff!You guys are grown adults aren't you.
Absolutely there should be no questions asked. if anything comes out regarding Joe, I'll be the first to admit he did wrong. My point is, that people should stop believing a lying media before real facts and court cases are resolved. I don't understand why people are in such a rush to judge others when they weren't there and don't have the facts. Duke was a prime example. 4 students wrongly accused and a coach fired for no wrong doing. Yet, they had to put their lives back together and spend thousands to defend themselves for something they didn't do. The irony is look at that accusers life and what she ended up doing.
Omg this went from the Easter Bunny to Joe should of done more!This is great I quit watching Cheyenne to reading this stuff!You guys are grown adults aren't you.

I don't care WHAT the starting topic is. It could be Donald Trump, Velociraptors, Riemann's hypothesis, the origins of the universe or the current wildfires in Kansas.

Involve Penn State and Pittsburgh fans, and there is a 100.000000% chance the discussion eventually turns into a debate about "Joe should of done more!"
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Shoe if Joe would of followed the new NCAA protocol on such matters all would be good in State College right now!That's where he screwed up not following protocol!
Oh no. Only Pitt fans are perfect. Nothing wrong ever occurs on the Pitt campus and never has. We're talking about Easter and a father, but what really matters? No not a father and his family, but an attention whore. I guess everyone else is as well because not one single Pitt fan posted anything with their families yesterday. Would you like another shovel to dig faster?

And please show me how saintly y'all are here. Already ripping your AD and new BB hire while trashing every coach y'all have had recently. Give me a break. Show me where I trashed a QB, or coach? The problem as is on all boards is the generalities people make about others. Furthermore, you pick and choose just like you did with Scrap. He was Joe's right hand man, yet he comes and visits Pitt and that's mostly okay.

Ha ha, such utter hypocrisy. Just like I've stated before, believe what you want, but every court case has been won and the NCAA conceded. That is a fact. Plus there is much more to come. The problem here is you would rather rip people down than want the truth. Curious, do you blame Duke for their inappropriate actions in which the media and DA were completely wrong? Many have come down on the NCAA and Freeh as nothing but liars. We factually know they lied and it's public information. We know Freeh and Emmert lied as is public knowledge. Yet, hate prevails over truth. We also know that Erickson acted without authority as has been released. I've seen people here blasphemy entire counties of Pennsylvanians as child molesters and ignorant people, not even realizing they are probably related to those same folks or have family living there. This is nothing but a glass house. You do the same to West Virginian's calling them backward and ignorant. Why I ask? Do you really believe you're better than them? I thought college was to help educate and reduce bigotry?

I post a link of your coach in a bunny suit and you turn this into a Freeh report diatribe
Shoe if Joe would of followed the new NCAA protocol on such matters all would be good in State College right now!That's where he screwed up not following protocol!
You obviously do not know the protocol. He absolutely followed protocol. I did not start the thread regarding Joe.
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"michnittlion, post: 1189056, member: 5996"]I don't care WHAT the starting topic is. It could be Donald Trump, Velociraptors, Riemann's hypothesis, the origins of the universe or the current wildfires in Kansas. Involve Penn State and Pittsburgh fans, and there is a 100.000000% chance the discussion eventually turns into a debate about "Joe should of done more!"
We have looked passed that and sometimes it comes up, i said it once and over and over Joe is a Great Coach and i can separate his Coaching from what happen at PSU. Others can differ. Joe loved coaching and building PSU Football.

What happen at PSU is a tragedy but it now comes down PSU will keep finding it tougher to move on until this Scandal is gone and all Lawsuits are over and PSU unites.

O'Brien had troubles and Franklin is beset by them too.

I think all 3 Programs have much to improve on too, not just PSU, but WVU and Pitt too!
You obviously do not know the protocol. He absolutely followed protocol. I did not start the thread regarding Joe.
Shoe, I enjoyed reading and discussing and know this is in my opinion, no matter what happens.......Penn State Football Program is on solid ground now. Here is how and why I say it.

If Franklin shows he can win 10+ games in 2016-18 and keeps recruiting in the Top 25, he will stay and compete with the Best Coaches in the Big Ten. I would take every recruits Franklin has brought to Penn state and so would most Coaches. There is big talent there so let it play out!

If Franklin fails even in 2016 and goes 6-6 or 7-6 in 2016 and then only 8-5 in 2017, and is let go. PSU will be in position to bring in a Top Coach like Michigan did after firing Hoke. The Talent will still be there for a Great Coach in Rhule, Munchak, Golden, or Shoop to take over.

The Football Program survived the Sanctions and is now strong and will just get stronger. The University is handling many other aspects that are still there Money Payouts Legal Defenses, Fines, New Costs for those Reforms, but the Big Ten Revenues, Students, Alumni and Contributors are strong too?

Penn State will be strong with or without Franklin now or in the future due to Franklin's Recruiting, and if he adds better Coaching like he did at Vandy, they will still be strong.

The Trials, Appeals, Lawsuits, will end someday and Trustees will come together when it comes time to put it in all in the past, and the Program will be even stronger.
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Shoe don't you recognize sarcasm when it's written?
Here is how I would end it:

If Munchak, Narduzzi, Harbaugh, Meyers, Rhule, Ferentz, and Dantonio all won 10+ games and dressed in Bunny Suits every one would laugh and few would make fun about them on Game Week or Game Day, because they won 10+ games and good coaching gains respect no matter what one's wear, that is why.

Until Franklin wins 9 to 10 games and gets an Extension, he is going to be ribbed until he wins more games, not as much as he is wearing a Bunny Suit for Children?

Once Franklin wins 10+ Games he may be more formidable even more than he predicted, but if he does not focus on that first, no Bunny Suit will release of pressure will save him?

Right now this very instant all PSU Fans have to do is ask this question and in the answer in one's Heart will define PSU fans Hearts too...

Chose Right Now If You Can Make Such A Change (No need to reveal it either keep it to yourself if you prefer)....

Choice of a Head Coach starting 1 April 2016 at Penn State in 3 Days:


You know now why the Bunny Suit no longer matters but coaching is the only thing that matters. Your choices shows what Franklin is up against with, without or within you?
Sorry man. Sometimes it's hard to see. Look forward to the game this year. It's about damn time.
Now you are talking Turkey are you is going to be a great unpredictable Toss Up Game, New OC's New DC, Pitt young Defensive Backfield facing PSU speedy Wideout's talent, one mistake and game changes in a second, one will then have the Bragging Rights and Banter and then hate will fester for another year...God Help the Head Coach & Staffs that lose that game, and it won't be from other fans, but from the Fans whose Team loses it!!!! Forgiveness will be tough!

By the way, the person that put that Bunny Suit up on Franklin may not be a Fan of Franklin, who really knows why it was important to be even posted?

Looking forward to the game too!
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Captain and Shoe I can't wait for the game either,it should be a good one.I just hope everyone in attendance realizes its just a game and not a life or death situation.I'll be there in my WVU Pressvirginia shirt!!!!Sarcasm again but I do have one!I'm now a season ticket holder at three fine Universities!
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The guy who put the pinata together should have done more
My long ears friends called me last night, told me Franklin hurt his Shoulder attacking the Pinata, he was suppose to let the children hit it with a bat.

Maybe some of our PSU Posters can confirm if that happen?

Certainly, brings a whole new meaning to The Angry Bunny!
You obviously do not know the protocol. He absolutely followed protocol. I did not start the thread regarding Joe.
Anyone who takes the time to come to a Pitt message board to defend the phony named Joe Paterno needs serious help. You've got waaay too much time on your hands.
You have 22,000 posts on a message board and that guy has too much time on his hands?
First of all, Skippy, if you really must know - I'm retired. So when it comes to time, I've got plenty.

Second, I don't go to other fans' message boards to proclaim that a guy who (for many years) enabled a child predator to molest young boys is innocent and didn't know.

So why are you defending him? Maybe you're one of those sickos who's sympathetic to his cause?
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Who posted the video? I ask because I really do not know. If it was Franklin or his publicist or agent or something, then, IMO, it was done to garner attention to say "Aw, what a great dad. I want my kid to play for him."

If done by a family member of one of the kids there, giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was done and meant to be a private moment for family and friends and the friend/family posted without his knowledge.

However, the way video is choreographed, it looks like a staged media event, that was to appear private for just family and friends. Also, does anyone else think it was just a little creepy, weird seeing the Easter Bunny hammer a pinata?
Who posted the video? I ask because I really do not know. If it was Franklin or his publicist or agent or something, then, IMO, it was done to garner attention to say "Aw, what a great dad. I want my kid to play for him."

If done by a family member of one of the kids there, giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was done and meant to be a private moment for family and friends and the friend/family posted without his knowledge.

However, the way video is choreographed, it looks like a staged media event, that was to appear private for just family and friends. Also, does anyone else think it was just a little creepy, weird seeing the Easter Bunny hammer a pinata?

The gentleman that posted it is in charge of public relations for football. You may draw your own conclusions.

Take a look at the comments on the article. I think many people reached the same conclusion.
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Who posted the video? I ask because I really do not know. If it was Franklin or his publicist or agent or something, then, IMO, it was done to garner attention to say "Aw, what a great dad. I want my kid to play for him."

If done by a family member of one of the kids there, giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was done and meant to be a private moment for family and friends and the friend/family posted without his knowledge.

However, the way video is choreographed, it looks like a staged media event, that was to appear private for just family and friends. Also, does anyone else think it was just a little creepy, weird seeing the Easter Bunny hammer a pinata?
Whatever, if it was a staged event and Franklin wanted to do it, that is up to him and his family. If he hurt his shoulder on attacking the Pinata that will make him think twice before diving on it instead of allowing the children hit it, so be it. Franklin is a good father, husband and person!
Who posted the video? I ask because I really do not know. If it was Franklin or his publicist or agent or something, then, IMO, it was done to garner attention to say "Aw, what a great dad. I want my kid to play for him."

If done by a family member of one of the kids there, giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was done and meant to be a private moment for family and friends and the friend/family posted without his knowledge.

However, the way video is choreographed, it looks like a staged media event, that was to appear private for just family and friends. Also, does anyone else think it was just a little creepy, weird seeing the Easter Bunny hammer a pinata?

The gentleman that posted it is in charge of public relations for football. You may draw your own conclusions.Take a look at the comments on the article. I think many people reached the same conclusion.
Well, then that means it was a Penn State Public Relations Stunt and once again, will join the Grand Experiment Success With Honor as Mythical Made Up We Are Cheer....Penn State Way that misled many Students, Alumni, and Fans based for image not character?

If true, it may be the reason why the Bunny was so upset and attacked the Pinata to get it all over with and get out of that Bunny Suit???

It also shows the Football Thread was relevant and it is fair to make comments on Penn State Franklin's Focus on being a Football Coach for public judgment. Especially since it was claim he was defended that he was just being a Father for Children but used for publicity???

If that is is how Penn State Football and the University want to to spend their money, so be it.
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Whatever, if it was a staged event and Franklin wanted to do it, that is up to him and his family. If he hurt his shoulder on attacking the Pinata that will make him think twice before diving on it instead of allowing the children hit it, so be it. Franklin is a good father, husband and person!
I don't know whether he's a good father or husband. But as a person, his public persona is downright creepy.

Let's go back to his behavior with the young lady at Vandy who was assaulted. Or his inappropriate public comments about his assistant coaches' "hot wives". And that photoshopped pic of his face as half-lion/half-human. The guy seems to rank high on the Weird Scale.
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Really? Even on Easter Sunday? A father shouldn't spend it with his family and children, and spread joy to others? Wow I know y'all hate Penn State, but come on.

Question for those about Easter Sunday...
The biggest day in the Faith, Church anyone ?
Question for those about Easter Sunday...
The biggest day in the Faith, Church anyone ?
IMHO, the basis of Christianity is Christ's resurrection, so I'd say that the most important day is Easter.

Some people might want to debate that; I dunno.
Sorry man. Sometimes it's hard to see. Look forward to the game this year. It's about damn time.

Some of you PSU guys are the biggest hypocrites in the world. You hang out on BWI, where they talk crap about anybody and everybody. Being the pansies that you are, McAndrew has to keep the place a safe space so as to not upset the delicate snowflakes.

Let something be said on someone elses boards, and along come several of you needle dicks to whine.

Props to Cap for calling your BS out.
Oh come on. Franklin was mocked here for dressing up for his own family. I've never ripped a Pitt coach or player. And yeah, I read the book and it was done before Franklin. Furthermore, it was based on Joe's life history. You have many here that still believe the sanctions had no impact. I know because I read the statements.

The changes made? They are a joke and wouldn't have prevented anything. All crap from the Freeh report. And just what is the protocol from the NCAA today? The exact thing Joe did, report to your supervisor just like in every corporation in America. For the record, Joe is the one who didn't want kids on campus. That is a fact which is in writing. Joe also wasn't friends with Jerry, yet many simply state they were because they worked together. They didn't even like each other, and were never together at outings. Joe did not support the 2nd Mile or promote it. Player cards given out to needy kids is a big deal to you? You probably believe Vicky Tripponey is honest as well as Sarah Gannon. Info garnered from a Grand Jury leak yet no one has a problem with that? Bullocks. People are going to fall and it won't be the three. It will be members of the BOT and they already know it. Finally I don't rip posters, just totally unfounded statements.

I don't know how anyone can trust the system at all in PA. How many judges have resigned? Look at the last two AG's. One of which, you guessed it, praised Joe. Both sides want the current one gone, even her own parties governor. Look at the mess in Philly. So Jerry goes from arrest to conviction in 7 months, and 4 years later, we still don't have a simple perjury trial? It's called corruption, and PA's at the top of the pile.

Of course Joe didn't want kids on campus, he knew Jerry was a pedophile. But having a pedophile on campus was OK with Joe.

I totally agree with you about McQueary. Of course Joe told him to report to police and McQueary just didn't do it despite Joe's instruction. To teach ole red a lesson about not following his direction, Joe promoted ole red to a paid coaching position. Yeah right. If that's how it went down then I'm the Easter Bunny.
Absolutely there should be no questions asked. if anything comes out regarding Joe, I'll be the first to admit he did wrong. My point is, that people should stop believing a lying media before real facts and court cases are resolved. I don't understand why people are in such a rush to judge others when they weren't there and don't have the facts. Duke was a prime example. 4 students wrongly accused and a coach fired for no wrong doing. Yet, they had to put their lives back together and spend thousands to defend themselves for something they didn't do. The irony is look at that accusers life and what she ended up doing.
Honestly, if someone you trusted had told you what they saw in the showers, would you be OK with telling someone up the ladder or telling the police? Even if that is standard policy, after a little while when nothing was done, wouldn't a decent person insist something be done?
Or worse, what if YOUR kid was molested after people, including Paterno, knew what was going on and decided not to push the issue? Paterno is rotting in hell. He failed as a human being every single day that went on from the moment he first heard what had happened.
I don't know whether he's a good father or husband. But as a person, his public persona is downright creepy.

Let's go back to his behavior with the young lady at Vandy who was assaulted. Or his inappropriate public comments about his assistant coaches' "hot wives". And that photoshopped pic of his face as half-lion/half-human. The guy seems to rank high on the Weird Scale.
I think otherwise, it is not my place to judge him as a Father or Husband, I leave that to them and others. I respect his dedication but that is me.

I will agree with you, that Franklin's is now bringing such questions to have him explain his penchant for social media, self-bravado, and causing some of his own perception by others back upon him.

At the same time, this confirms the accuracy what I have been told how Penn State Higher Ups, Former Players, Alumni and some Trustee view him and his coaching and in on the clock and why has not been given an Extension? Only the dumbest and most buried their heads loyal fan cannot see it? Not trying to offend but true!

The Old Penn State Football Public Relations Department needs a change too. Penn State University and its Football Program cannot create slogans, myths, and cover ups what it was able to hide and did when isolated before the Internet Information Age or any Sports Program, Personality, or Media.

This worked in the Paterno Era up to 1996, but even Joe was smart enough to avoid Social Media. Penn State also learned the errors of their ways in 2000s when Players arrests could no longer be removed from data based police reports? They did a good job in defending players staring in 1996 and 1999 but over time, it all caught up, and why Reforms are now the Norms.

The days of banning Sports Reporters unkind questions are over and now anyone can bring info to the world that reporters pick up on and run with it no matter what happens, it can't be covered up?

They have to deal with Social Media Norms now and instant reporting that uncovers made up public relations events without fact checks. The day of all and any sports person, coach, or sport's program are over and what they do, project, or put up on social media only brings the spotlight back on them, good and proud as designed but can be just as judged as dumb and no untruth can be hidden anymore.

I have consistent on my postings in judging Franklin to being Great Recruiter but he has to concentrate on his coaching and less social media. Winning will augment Social Media graving like Harbaugh is doing at 10 Wins and some other Coaches like to do, but Winning is brings that ability.

Meyer, Dantonio, Ferentz, Kelly, Saban, Narduzzi, Rhule, and coaches know how to use Social Media strategically but let their coaching and winning do their talking not their IPhone, Tweets, and Instagram. They focus on their Players not looking for Bunny Outfits during Spring Ball as set up by a PSU PR Department?

PR Gimmicks, Coaching Caravans, "Dominate The State" "Unrivaled' and "We Have A Plan"slogans are obsolete and the days of the Grand Experiment Success With Honor Penn State Way are even older and even Franklin admitted he made mistakes putting forth this kind of bravado as Penn State Alumni & Fans wait for more and bigger winning?

Once and if Franklin wins 10+ Games regular in most years his tweets will have more substance, but until then and when, it is "Bunny Up" more than "Unrivaled"!
The wow is about you jumping from Franklin to the 2nd Mile giving out cards. I want the 2nd Mile investigated as well. Believe me, you will not educate me on the situation.

Like I stated previously. Court cases all wins, NCAA loses, and leaders proven liars. Yet you believe Freeh and a media that didn't do their job. Still believe the media, Sharpton, Duke and the DA regarding Duke? How about the former governor of NC who said UNC was clean? Funny, not a single NCAA violation regarding Penn State listed by the NCAA. Now we're all supposed to wait for the facts regarding KY, UNC, and all sports figures. Yet the perjury case still hasn't gone to trial and many charges have been dropped. Funny that they are already guilty here and haven't had their day in court because you just know what the truth is. You know this because you believe a man like Freeh who has become a laughing stock time after time, as well as a known liar. So everyone else gets their day in court but these three. Well then what's the delay? You've had a AG from both parties in charge and still no trial 4 years later. Don't you wonder if they have a case?
No, the "wow" is all the time you're spending on a Pitt board on a Sunday afternoon defending your coach. And you accuse US of being jealous. Hmmmmmm..... pretty defensive if you are that superior, wouldn't you say?
"pitt-girl, post: 1210038, member: 1616"]No, the "wow" is all the time you're spending on a Pitt board on a Sunday afternoon defending your coach. And you accuse US of being jealous. Hmmmmmm..... pretty defensive if you are that superior, wouldn't you say?
Good point, I don't mind Hotshoe talking Franklin's Football and enjoy other PSU Fans giving such views and giving Banter back is OK with me, since some others do it on BWI all the time on Pitt & Posters. At least Franklin is under Laws, Rules, and Compliance's that the Paterno-Sandusky Football Era did not have to obey!

Moreover, Joseph Vincent Paterno's "Hindsight" Quote about doing more actually ended up improving Penn State and putting in those Reforms without Spanier or Paterno in 2012 under NCAA Monitor Oversight.

After all, that kind of lack of "Hindsight" brought "Foresight" that all Nittany Lions Fans can be proud of by welcoming back the University and Football Program to Federal Educational Athletic Compliance's, Commonwealth Laws, and NCAA/Big Ten Rules, so Pitt can be proud to play Penn State University again!

Thank You Penn State University by correcting the prior corrupt era of Penn State Athletics in 2012 by removing prior employees and hiring people in charge of restoring the roar for true integrity in Penn State Athletics by......Reforms No Penn state Poster Can Refute And Welcome To Try?

Penn State 2012 Reforms From Nittany Liars Back To Nittany Lions Reformed Roars:

End Contributions & Association To The Second Mile
Restoring Institutional Control Over The PSU Football Program

Hiring 2 New PSU Presidents Accountable To Obey NCAA Rules
Hiring 2 New Athletic Directors Responsible To Follow NCAA Rules
Hiring First PSU Director of Ethics & Compliance
Hiring First PSU Athletic Integrity Officer
Implement & Enforce PSU Clery Act Compliance
Implement & Enforce PSU Title IX Compliance
Implement Athletic Integrity Agreement Compliance
Implement & Enforce First Code Of Athletic Conduct For PSU Football Players
End PSU Players Special Treatment Exemption From Student Judicial Affairs
Player's Must Cooperates On Outside Investigations No More Players Exceptions
No Coach's Wives Call To Influence Player's Discipline In Student Judicial Affairs
Requires All PSU Coaches & Employees To Follow Such Laws & Compliance's
PSU Never Again Will Allow Any Coach Be Exempt From University Oversight

It was an Honor and Privilege to Burst PSU Cultists Brain Bubble on a Football CULTure that required over $500+ Million of Fines, Reforms, and Expenses that are still climbing in Expense$, $ettlement$, Cost$, Fine$ and New $taffers to administer Reform$.

Anytime in the future when the Lair attracts the Tratur, PnnyLiar, 86Engineer type troll's that Hate Pitt & Other Programs. I will ask Pitt Posters to consider the many Penn State Fans that no longer endear the prior Penn State Football CULture. They recognize something had to be done and are great graduates and fans that have always been passionate about their University, Football, and Program while respecting others. They are true Nittany Lions Fans!

They are not Nittany Liar Fans that continue to bring shame to Penn State's name that cannot refute the Righteous Reforms that upon failed Hindsight were not there to protect victims and ignored in a prior Football Era.

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