Just when you thought PSU could not sink any lower....

Let's get things straight ---- AL LORD sunk lower (and he was already wallowing in the gutter even before this).

I didn't sink lower. And neither did the thousands and thousands and thousands of Penn State folk who wish Lord would exit stage right immediately.
Most schools/organizations would force a resignation after comments like that. Sadly, this shows the schools endorsement of those comments.

Doubtful there's a mechanism for removal. Lord can still say what he wishes, despite how poorly his words do reflect on him.

They have more sympathy for Satan than rape victims.

Please not post any photos of PSU..
I removed those upon reflection of your request, guess you missed it. you can archive check them, they are gone.

Looks like Caring for the Victims, Healing and Moving On and the Re-establishment of Arrogance, Superiority, and Ignorance cannot be removed from Penn State Culture when some Leadership call "Running out of sympathy for 35 yr old, so-called victims with 7 digit net worth," goes to show Penn State was indeed worried about Bad Publicity and chose to defend it's Penn State Football Culture Money after all.

I can't defend such remarks nor should anyone else.
Doubtful there's a mechanism for removal. Lord can still say what he wishes, despite how poorly his words do reflect on him.
Nope, that does not make it right, and it reflects badly on Penn State, the Trustees and validates Penn state cares more about Money, Football, and Defending Itself in face of outright Truths & facts proven in a Court under Oath that ended up abusing and molesting children by one of its Alumnus and then ignoring it, now they blame the Victims?

This is an outright horrible comment to make by anyone at anytime and unfortunately it represents The Penn State way after all does it not, defending his Free Speech in the face of Children Victims is a terrible Reflection on Penn State University, Alumni and Fans!

I guess Mr. Lord was a key but uncharged player in the corruption trial of former U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah. He was granted immunity to testify about a $1 million loan he gave Fattah into his 2007 mayoral campaign.This another example of what exactly...$ucce$$ With Your Honor ad he is a duly elected Penn State Trustees?

I understand Lord on how Corbett handle the Investigation and The Second Mile was ignored that gave Corbett Donations and one can question those aspects of both investigations. Al Lord wants answers but he got some at the trial when Curley & Schultz admitted Paterno was the "Coach" in the Emails and did not want Sandusky reported and Al Lord's close friend and Supporter Graham Spanier actually went along with not reporting it and Spanier is a Ph.d. in Family Sociology but did not execute the reporting of arrests either as required by Title IX & Clery Act that resulted in PSU fines?

This just dumps more on Penn State and looks like all Reforms, Policies, and Compliance's is now just not important reflecting even worst on Penn State, Free Speech cuts both way, and it just cut into Penn State again and again with a two edge Sword now and jagged edge.
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The disgusting nature of these comments is obvious. I'm actually not surprised that someone on their board thinks this way....I'm amazed that someone is stupid enough to go public with this.

The real test will be to see if this douche bag gets re-elected to the board. It's almost incomprehensible that he would be renewed, but this IS creepy valley.

Nope, that does not make it right, and it reflects badly on Penn State, the Trustees and validates Penn state cares more about Money, Football, and Defending Itself in face of outright Truths & facts proven in a Court under Oath that ended up abusing and molesting children by one of its Alumnus and then ignoring it, now they blame the Victims?

This a horrible comment to make by anyone at anytime and unfortunately it represents The Penn State way after all does it not, defending his Free Speech in the face of Children Victims is a terrible Reflection on Penn State University, Alumni and Fans!

I never said it was right. Neither do I think it reaches the grounds for removal (if a mechanism for removing someone even exists). If Lord wants to show he's a dumbass fool (again), he has that right.
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Let's get things straight ---- AL LORD sunk lower (and he was already wallowing in the gutter even before this).

I didn't sink lower. And neither did the thousands and thousands and thousands of Penn State folk who wish Lord would exit stage right immediately.

Go read the support for Lord on the BWI board. There are thousands of fans who support this creep. Some on the BWI board are still denying rape occurred.
Let's get things straight ---- AL LORD sunk lower (and he was already wallowing in the gutter even before this).

I didn't sink lower. And neither did the thousands and thousands and thousands of Penn State folk who wish Lord would exit stage right immediately.
This is true.

What is also true, is that this guy got elected to the board by other "Penn State folk" who elected him for similar comments he'd made. And sadly for you, these same Penn State folk will likely re-elect him.

It would seem it is on you and the thousands and thousands of other Penn State folk you speak of to stand up for your university and be as vocal as the Cult is, by publicly, loadly, denouncing this sad human being, and organizing a campaign to make sure he and other like-minded guys don't get re-elected. Quietly "wishing" he will exit is probably a wish that won't come true.
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I never said it was right. Neither do I think it reaches the grounds for removal (if a mechanism for removing someone even exists). If Lord wants to show he's a dumbass fool (again), he has that right. are a Penn State Fan and Alumnus and you have the ability to voice your own Free Speech and call for his Resignation if you truly care about Penn State.

I have read your honest observations and commend your own patience in taking hits for speaking your mind on Lair, BWI & Michigan Boards. I get hit too when I say there is much to be admired at Penn State even as I attack Pitt own mistakes on Athletics like Pederson's Poison and blame Pitt for it and can take it like you.

I can defend Paterno's Coaching and Building a Great Program and accept I will be condemn for it, but it is still the Truth as I knew and saw it and still do in the face of criticism. I also now accept he ignored to do anything for Victims and came to regret it, therefore, he ruined his own Legacy.

Al Lord loves and cares about Penn State but this is not the way to promote Penn State and he is running again for Re-Election as a Trustee.

If anyone during the Paterno Years Era would have said the same thing about Penn State player being a "So-Called Victim looking for Money" and it reflected badly back on Penn State Football....Paterno would have gotten him fired, and Penn State Fans would cheer it was the right thing to do!!!!!

Al Lord represents Penn State Highest Achievement as an Trustees looks like nothing has change whatsoever at Penn State?

Sandusky, Spanier, Paterno, Schultz and Curley are Penn State Past, Al Lord is Penn State Past and Present, Penn State wants a better future Alumni like you need to stand up for it not ignore like the others above did that ended up Shaming Penn State's Name in the fear of poor publicity and thinks that is how to protect Penn State?

Al Lord crossed the line of decency and Penn State cannot accept any kind of Leadership like that at anytime, if that want and demand respect!

In one callow, callous, and inconsiderate sentence Lord reflects the worst of Penn State being in such Leadership and no Nittany Lion Alumnus should run from it, but confront it, even if alone!
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This MFer is "Running out of sympathy for 35 yr old, so-called victims with 7 digit net worth." Well, I'm completely out of sympathy with a criminal who ran up 9 digit net worth pilfering from Sallie Mae running off his arrogant mouth. The guy is a crook as well as an asshole.
maybe something on the 'tragedy of it all' or 'division still remains' or 'not even a terrific season' or 'wished they'd done more'
"HONOR" comes from "Doing The Right Thing" even if it hurts and reflects on your own errors and omission when the time to stand up did not happen and all one worked for to help many others achieve "SUCCESS", then admit one did not do it and thus NO HONOR at all when Children are abused!

"SUCCESS WITH HONOR" It is not a "SLOGAN" it is Fact only if one "PRACTICES" it!

Blaming 'VICTIMS & MONEY" is none of the above, it just an "EXCUSE" for learning the "TRUTH" about what he was "TAUGHT" and unfortunately at "Penn State" and insults every "PSU ALUMNI" in Defending Not Doing The Right Thing Now That The Truth Came Out?
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Let's get things straight ---- AL LORD sunk lower (and he was already wallowing in the gutter even before this).

I didn't sink lower. And neither did the thousands and thousands and thousands of Penn State folk who wish Lord would exit stage right immediately.

Unfortunately this is how many, many penn state alumni and fans feel.

This is how you got to this level attitudes like that.

There isn't a group of people I despise more then penn state fans/alumni....well besides child molesters
This MFer is "Running out of sympathy for 35 yr old, so-called victims with 7 digit net worth." Well, I'm completely out of sympathy with a criminal who ran up 9 digit net worth pilfering from Sallie Mae running off his arrogant mouth. The guy is a crook as well as an asshole.
Spanier got a $6 Million Buyout as well! I guess he can call himself a "70 Year Old So-Called Victim with Seven Figures" too?

I think the time has come for Victims and their Lawyers to now alleged the Penn State Confidential Settlements are now Null & Void and the Criminal Trial Records along with Civil Lawsuits New Discovery like the PMA-Insurance Case now permit additional causes of Actions against Spanier, Paterno's Estate, Curley, Schultz and Deep Pocket Penn State Trustees as well as Trials against Penn State for Public Disclosures.

This will include more Whistle Blowing Lawsuits like McQueary did among the 400 Employees interviewed and told the truth to Freeh Investigators on how they were intimated by a Lack of Oversight by Trustees, as College President, Coach, VP, and AD that protected the University and Football as chose to stop dissent and revelations of other Law and Athletic integrity Compliance Breaking.

If more Violations by Penn State come out in Court then the Big Ten and NCAA can use that Evidence to revisit Sanctions especially if involved Undisclosed Business interests with Trustees, Nike, and other Commercial Interests violations of the Moral Clause in Contracts.

This will include an Legislative Exemption for others Victims in a Class Action or Individually to come forward that were precluded to do so due to Statute of Limitations and Children Protective Advocacy Groups will help write such Legislation and find Representation for them.

Just like the Goldman's Sued on OJ Simpson after his Not Guilty Verdicts and still in pursuit of his incomes and estates assets.

If the Penn State Trustees like Al Lord want and Demand all of the Truth then time to release it all, and let the Legal Chips fall all around wherever it follows the evidence before many Juries!

Clearly, Penn State trustees are divided and some want to move on without disclosing all the details and some want all the details disclosed, so let it all come out.

If it that is what is needed to get to more truths so be it.
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Let's get things straight ---- AL LORD sunk lower (and he was already wallowing in the gutter even before this).

I didn't sink lower. And neither did the thousands and thousands and thousands of Penn State folk who wish Lord would exit stage right immediately.
Then why don't the masses denounce his behavior as well as others who act like this?
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Unfortunately this is how many, many penn state alumni and fans feel.

This is how you got to this level attitudes like that.

There isn't a group of people I despise more then penn state fans/alumni....well besides child molesters
Agree. He's just saying what the mass majority think. And truth be told most of Pittsburgh media think the same way. Penn state = God. Can do anything they want.

It would really not matter, except that it also proves nothing has changed there. Which means any woman... man... child... that a PSU player or coach may wish to have his way with, to this day, can count on the full enablement and support of the school administration.
Does this mean that the healing is completed? Or hasn't the healing started yet?

Ron Cook - will you respond? :rolleyes: sounds more like Penn State Trustees Self-Inflicted Hemophilia Bleeding from Rectal Thinking. They truly want to bring down the entire University rather accept what happen at Penn State in "HIND-sight" and it starts in 1968 and 1970s not just from 1998, 2001, and 2011.
Then why don't the masses denounce his behavior as well as others who act like this?
Quite frankly, Penn State Faculty, Students and Alumni should file Class Action Lawsuits against Penn State, Sandusky, Spanier, Paterno, Schultz, Curley and Trustees for Defamation of their Degrees and Reputations.
The following comment was found on Deadspin, in response to an article about Al Lord's recent incredulous statement:

Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”

PSU: “Hold my beer.”