Just when you thought PSU could not sink any lower....

It is amazing how many chances Penn St has had to do the right thing and stand up for decency and honor and they make the immoral choice over and over again.
It is OK at first they were shock to learn what was being covered up, mistakes happen, but these were Crimes against Children, and to continue any cover up, put blame on those that found out what happen, and now blame Victims with 7 Figure New Worth shows a lack of value, disregard for decency, and most of all now know all 4 Spanier, Paterno, Curley, and Schultz all were responsible with Sandusky to continue to get away with it, just to win 409, protect money, and Football program that had no honor whatsoever.
They also need to realize that even if Spanier wins an appeal. The rest of the country will still see that Joepa, Curley, Shultz and Spanier knew about Sandusky and did nothing. And those are the facts.

They have to live with that and someday answer for that.
Disgraceful.... give Penn State the obvious choice between doing the right and noble thing vs the jaded fantasyland disgraceful action they just throw down more koolaide act like assholes do the wrong thing and polish the 409 shrine.... honestly it can't be anymore obvious that these people live in a cult bubble....
They also need to realize that even if Spanier wins an appeal. The rest of the country will still see that Joepa, Curley, Shultz and Spanier knew about Sandusky and did nothing. And those are the facts.

They have to live with that and someday answer for that.
Spanier won't Win the Appeal only 2% to 3% are even Heard after the Trial Judge gives his own Appeal Ruling first, Curley & Schultz's Testimony and Pleas and the Emails caused the Conviction.

Spanier bragged how he was going to take the stand, then Coward Out, Spanier may turn on his Attorney's and claim they did not allow him to Testify and were incompetent counsel, but that won't work either. Spanier makes that call the Attorney's can only advise it not force it.

Don't forget Spanier was only Indicted after Louie Freeh found the emails he thought were deleted by changing the computer System in 2004???

It was Curley and Schultz that weer first Indicted with Sandusky and Spanier let them hanging until the Trustees wisely retain Freeh and found the Evidence in Writing. Spanier is pure slime covering of many crimes and not making sure they weer even recorded as required by Clery Act & Title IX!

Spanier is a Convicted Felon for Life and deserves it!





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Except At Penn State Excerpt:
At no point -- not in 2008, not in 2010 and not during the attorney general’s investigation -- did Penn State “take any action to warn the campus community about the potential risk posed by Sandusky’s continued presence on campus,” according to the department. When the allegations became public and the university tried to confiscate Sandusky’s keys to the football operations building and other campus facilities, he refused to return them. (Lack Of Institutional Control) Despite Sandusky still having access to campus buildings, the university did not issue an emergency notification..........." (Spanier Invited Him to Game Even 409 Win?)

In its report, the department also “identified numerous instances where cultural and climate factors in the football program adversely affected campus safety operations, primarily involving the student conduct process.” University officials told the department’s investigators that there was “a discernible sense among some athletes that the rules did not apply to them equally,” and that Paterno “repeatedly resisted attempts” to discipline his athletes through the typical student conduct process. (THE GRAND SCAM Versus THE GRAND EXPERIMENT!)

The department described the program as though it had “walls built up around” it.
^^^(The Penn State way)^^^ (Under Joseph Vincent Paterno) ^^^

What ensued was an overlong and dysfunctional standoff between the football program and student affairs officials with the president positioned somewhere between the two sides,” the department stated. “Some members of the football team, aware of the conflicts, took the program’s attitude toward the student conduct process as license to break the rules.”(NCAA SANCTION LOIC)

The department said its investigation "showed that some victims were afraid to come forward if the assailant was a Penn State athlete," and that some who did come forward "were subjected to threats or other pleas" to drop the charges. "In both cases," the department stated, "the validity of Penn State’s crime statistics, a key component of the disclosures required by the Clery Act, were adversely affected." (SUCCESS BUT NO HONOR)

In addition, the report said football administrators kept a list of prominent local lawyers to provide to football players -- but not to other students -- who were facing disciplinary actions....." (Lawyer Up At State Penn Paterno Did It!)

In 2002, a Penn State football player was accused of sexual assault and was suspended for two semesters. Unbeknownst to the student conduct officials who suspended the student, the player was still allowed to travel with the team and play in the Capital One Bowl that year. In numerous other cases, “athletic department and football program officials questioned the nature or severity of sanctions imposed for various offenses.” (Guess Franco Due Process Issues On Paterno Are Now Groundless!)

They also need to realize that even if Spanier wins an appeal. The rest of the country will still see that Joepa, Curley, Shultz and Spanier knew about Sandusky and did nothing. And those are the facts.

They have to live with that and someday answer for that.
Do they really though? Everyone in state college has lived in their own fantasy world for decades now, why would they all of a sudden come back to reality? Those people are convinced psu was undefeated national champs every single year....except that one time the refs screwed them over, that time the NCAA rigged the system to keep them out, the other time the refs screwed them over, that time the other team's whole roster was ineligible, that time osu cheated, that time Michigan cheated, and oh yeah that other time the refs screwed them over. Maybe after they admit they ever lost a game fair and square... ever, then maybe they will come to grasps with what actually happened.