While there are some posters over on BWI who are appalled by Lord's comments, here is a sampling of some of the Cult's finest responses. The "JoeDidn'tKnow" poster is like a social experiment to see how many people openly support pedophilia.
So much victim shaming over there. How the **** does Tom McAnsdrew sleep at night?
JoeDidn'tKnow: "Finally someone in power not afraid to take on the alleged "victims" and their lies and extortion."
kevina001: "LOVE it. Needed this type of resolve 6 years ago."
JeannieNeedsAShooter: "Except we know there were no kids raped at Penn State. Way to spread misinformation."
ram2020: "He obviously doesn't care about the university anymore, and who could blame him."
JoeDidn'tKnow: "I was not going to vote for Al Lord
before this statement. His "gift" to convicted criminal Chaka Fattah was reason not to vote Al to another term. Then he ends up recorded by the feds on a wiretap of Rob McCord - another crooked politician. But this statement shows me he has guts and I am willing to forgive his prior sketchy decision. I am now voting for Al and Jay."
lionroar88: "None of the "victims" who filed claims were vetted by anyone, they simply filled out a form and got paid. That isn't how this country is supposed to work! If you are going to accuse someone of something you better damn well have evidence (other than your word) to back it up."
Oblivax: "I read his comments....as usual, the press took a different meaning and ran with it than how it was meant."
JoeDidn'tKnow: "Two more years for Al Lord. Let's get it done."
PearlSUJam: "Serious question and I'm not being a smart ass. Do you think Lord would have made these statements without the comments by that crook Freeh?"
marshall23: "I'm not prone to an over reaction to something I read in the paper. I thought we all might have learned something the past 6 years. My thoughts are did Lord make a mistake, was he misquoted, perhaps a poor edit of his statement.............or does he know something we don't know? After all, he has seen the Freeh work product and I think some of the A9 are using the word Fraud."
Judge Smalls: "The days that Penn State should bow and scrape to everyone with their phony outrage are over. Whatever the f occurred was almost 20 years ago. This calculated outrage factory will never end. They only have power over you if you let them. Tell them to take the pitchforks and torches over to Michigan State.
ChiTownLion: "Louis Freeh thought he could trigger another "civil war" in Happy Valley like he did in 2012, pitting "Old PSU" vs "New PSU." But it's not 2012 anymore, and we're not roadkill anymore. I thought the PSU community did a great job of coming together to show Louis Freeh that he's dealing with a different kind of animal in 2017. Advantage: PSU."
kevina001: "Who cares? Taking this thing lying down and bowing to the PC police didn't exactly yield positive results up to this point. I applaud the fact that finally someone didn't act like a complete pussy when commenting about this ordeal.
I think Lord should have gone even FURTHER with his comments, and clarified (what I think) he meant.
Are we really supposed to feel sorry for someone who got $8 million because he took one shower with Jerry, where Jerry put a little soap on his back? WHERE DO I SIGN UP FOR THIS?
And that is the worst case scenario of what happened to this poor "victim". He was so all over the place with his story that I doubt any of it happened. Lord should have come out and just said that PSU has been paying "victims" who are lying and were not vetted. Taking a pussy PC approach got them in that position."
Nellie R: "You can tell who watches Board meetings and who doesn't! Albert Lord was elected to be the Bulldog that the Cabal would consider an even match. It it weren't for Albert Lord, there NEVER would have been a review of the Freeh Report."