Just when you thought PSU could not sink any lower....

Let's get things straight ---- AL LORD sunk lower (and he was already wallowing in the gutter even before this).

I didn't sink lower. And neither did the thousands and thousands and thousands of Penn State folk who wish Lord would exit stage right immediately.

We'll see whether or not he is reelected with his ilk like Lubrano. In the mean time, you are associated with as your posting history speaks for your membership in the cult.
This was an actual thought that went though somebody's mind, and then he actually said this. As sickening as this is I also find it absolutely hysterical how deranged this individual is. Also in the email, he's convinced we learned that spanier never knew about Sandusky? This guy needs serious mental help.
This sick bastard came out and said it for all to hear! I wonder how many more sickies are up there, that have thought the same thing, but don't have the guts to say it? The cult is made up of some of the most vile creatures on this earth!
We'll see whether or not he is reelected with his ilk like Lubrano. In the mean time, you are associated with as your posting history speaks for your membership in the cult.

I respect nearly every poster here --- but you are the exception. Don't flatter yourself, your opinion as to whether I am a "cult member" means nothing to me.
Doubtful there's a mechanism for removal. Lord can still say what he wishes, despite how poorly his words do reflect on him.
Most boards have the ability to remove a trustee for conduct that is deemed inappropriate. There is almost always a mechanism to remove someone prior to the expiration of their term.
I respect nearly every poster here --- but you are the exception. Don't flatter yourself, your opinion as to whether I am a "cult member" means nothing to me.

You are a disgusting cult've demonstrated it over and over when your true feelings on these issues are revealed... and the feeling is very mutual and I am disgusted by you and your ilk. I will continuously call you out on it.
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Let's get things straight ---- AL LORD sunk lower (and he was already wallowing in the gutter even before this).

I didn't sink lower. And neither did the thousands and thousands and thousands of Penn State folk who wish Lord would exit stage right immediately.
True, but if he is reelected then thats all the proof anyone will need about how many PSU alumni agree with him.
We'll see whether or not he is reelected with his ilk like Lubrano. In the mean time, you are associated with as your posting history speaks for your membership in the cult.

I don't always agree with michnittlion, but he is not a Cultist. The Cult despises him because he speaks the truth far too often, especially with regard to Paterno and the crazies who deify him over on BWI. Michnittlion takes more abuse than just about any other poster on BWI because he is not in lockstep with the Cult.
I don't always agree with michnittlion, but he is not a Cultist. The Cult despises him because he speaks the truth far too often, especially with regard to Paterno and the crazies who deify him over on BWI. Michnittlion takes more abuse than just about any other poster on BWI because he is not in lockstep with the Cult.

He may not be in lockstep, but he is has shown his colors....repeatedly. Whether he takes abuse from the absolute crazies over there doesn't change his stance on the foundational cultural issues plaguing that institution. He hides behind outrage at things even the most amoral of individuals could agree with in an attempt to exonerate a culture that continues to do anything to keep the train running. There is no centrist position when it comes decades of coverup of child abuse for the sake of a sports team, and there is no centrist position about the continued celebration of its chief actors, and there is no centrist position when it comes to an institution incestuously replacing leadership with individuals tainted with their own scandal.
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He may not be in lockstep, but he is has shown his colors....repeatedly. Whether he takes abuse from the absolute crazies over there doesn't change his stance on the foundational cultural issues plaguing that institution. He hides behind outrage at things even the most amoral of individuals could agree with in an attempt to exonerate a culture that continues to do anything to keep the train running. There is no centrist position when it comes decades of coverup of child abuse for the sake of a sports team, and there is no centrist position about the continued celebration of its chief actors, and there is no centrist position when it comes to an institution incestuously replacing leadership with individuals tainted with their own scandal.

I disagree with you about michittlion. Here is a link to a thread he started over BWI today asking if PS4RS is going to forcefully condemn Lord's statement. PS4RS is nothing more than a method to get candidates who care only about restoring Paterno's legacy onto the PSU Board of Trustees, and Al Lord was one of the candidates that PS4RS instructed the alumni to vote for.

Naturally, the Cult is enraged by such a suggestion and quickly starts a separate thread to ridicule michnittlion for not being a Paterno sycophant.
I disagree with you about michittlion. Here is a link to a thread he started over BWI today asking if PS4RS is going to forcefully condemn Lord's statement. PS4RS is nothing more than a method to get candidates who care only about restoring Paterno's legacy onto the PSU Board of Trustees, and Al Lord was one of the candidates that PS4RS instructed the alumni to vote for.

Naturally, the Cult is enraged by such a suggestion and quickly starts a separate thread to ridicule michnittlion for not being a Paterno sycophant.

I don't and won't go to that site. Reading what those people have to say has all the attraction of sitting through a snuff film. The cult isn't just Paterno sycophants at the level of BWI. The cult is full of well reasoned, educated, articulate, pillars of their community that have no problem condemning things as obvious as this. What smokes them out is when, in attempts to defend the nobility of the institution and/or general culture there or within the alumni/fan base, they try to rebut the issues that arose in the wake of the scandal or that can't be pinned on a small cadre of individuals...things like institutional hires or retention, or any impugning of the program or school, or honoring of individuals or veiled activities that were resistances to the impugning ...when you drill down, you find it there. Yes, some are even willing to toss Paterno aside to save the notion of the great Penn State way that he invented.

Hell, the trustees that started this discussion are well-educated pillars. So were the people that covered up the child rape to begin with. Just ask someone if they called for the entire football program and athletic administration to be cleaned out in the wake of the scandal, which would be a normal response, or if they called for outside leadership to be brought in to set things in proper order. There really was no acceptable excuse for retaining any of the staff in that program, something that is rare even under normal coaching transitions. There really is no excuse for "2012" to be hung in Beaver Stadium. There is really no reason that the university owned creamery still sells, to people of all ages with no hint irony, a flavor emblazoned with the name of a someone whose actions clearly demonstrated the importance he placed in his sports program compared to the welfare of the community's children. There is no empathy for what these things demonstrate to abuse victims around the world. It is shameful, and that are just three of many examples that could apply where you can tell people have checked their integrity or intellect at the door of the cult of Penn State. And it is that blind subservience and willful lack of introspection by such sheep that set the stage for it all to occur in the first place.
Last edited: know what to do.

For Immediate Release Contact: Albert L. Lord (571) 228-1840 Anthony P. Lubrano (267-278-0440 Penn State Trustees Request Information January 12, 2015— In a letter sent today to Penn State Board of a Trustees Chairman Keith Masser, Penn State Trustees Albert… know what to do.

For Immediate Release Contact: Albert L. Lord (571) 228-1840 Anthony P. Lubrano (267-278-0440 Penn State Trustees Request Information January 12, 2015— In a letter sent today to Penn State Board of a Trustees Chairman Keith Masser, Penn State Trustees Albert…
PS people will not do anything. Football is winning again and that is all that matters.
While there are some posters over on BWI who are appalled by Lord's comments, here is a sampling of some of the Cult's finest responses. The "JoeDidn'tKnow" poster is like a social experiment to see how many people openly support pedophilia.

So much victim shaming over there. How the **** does Tom McAnsdrew sleep at night?

JoeDidn'tKnow: "Finally someone in power not afraid to take on the alleged "victims" and their lies and extortion."

kevina001: "LOVE it. Needed this type of resolve 6 years ago."

JeannieNeedsAShooter: "Except we know there were no kids raped at Penn State. Way to spread misinformation."

ram2020: "He obviously doesn't care about the university anymore, and who could blame him."

JoeDidn'tKnow: "I was not going to vote for Al Lord before this statement. His "gift" to convicted criminal Chaka Fattah was reason not to vote Al to another term. Then he ends up recorded by the feds on a wiretap of Rob McCord - another crooked politician. But this statement shows me he has guts and I am willing to forgive his prior sketchy decision. I am now voting for Al and Jay."

lionroar88: "None of the "victims" who filed claims were vetted by anyone, they simply filled out a form and got paid. That isn't how this country is supposed to work! If you are going to accuse someone of something you better damn well have evidence (other than your word) to back it up."

Oblivax: "I read his usual, the press took a different meaning and ran with it than how it was meant."

JoeDidn'tKnow: "Two more years for Al Lord. Let's get it done."

PearlSUJam: "Serious question and I'm not being a smart ass. Do you think Lord would have made these statements without the comments by that crook Freeh?"

marshall23: "I'm not prone to an over reaction to something I read in the paper. I thought we all might have learned something the past 6 years. My thoughts are did Lord make a mistake, was he misquoted, perhaps a poor edit of his statement.............or does he know something we don't know? After all, he has seen the Freeh work product and I think some of the A9 are using the word Fraud."

Judge Smalls: "The days that Penn State should bow and scrape to everyone with their phony outrage are over. Whatever the f occurred was almost 20 years ago. This calculated outrage factory will never end. They only have power over you if you let them. Tell them to take the pitchforks and torches over to Michigan State.


ChiTownLion: "Louis Freeh thought he could trigger another "civil war" in Happy Valley like he did in 2012, pitting "Old PSU" vs "New PSU." But it's not 2012 anymore, and we're not roadkill anymore. I thought the PSU community did a great job of coming together to show Louis Freeh that he's dealing with a different kind of animal in 2017. Advantage: PSU."

kevina001: "Who cares? Taking this thing lying down and bowing to the PC police didn't exactly yield positive results up to this point. I applaud the fact that finally someone didn't act like a complete pussy when commenting about this ordeal.

I think Lord should have gone even FURTHER with his comments, and clarified (what I think) he meant.

Are we really supposed to feel sorry for someone who got $8 million because he took one shower with Jerry, where Jerry put a little soap on his back? WHERE DO I SIGN UP FOR THIS?

And that is the worst case scenario of what happened to this poor "victim". He was so all over the place with his story that I doubt any of it happened. Lord should have come out and just said that PSU has been paying "victims" who are lying and were not vetted. Taking a pussy PC approach got them in that position."

Nellie R: "You can tell who watches Board meetings and who doesn't! Albert Lord was elected to be the Bulldog that the Cabal would consider an even match. It it weren't for Albert Lord, there NEVER would have been a review of the Freeh Report."
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You missed the best one-

"I have a 10 year old son. I'd honestly have no problem with him hanging around Sandusky. Since none of the "victims'" accounts involved any force or drugs used by Sandusky, I think he'd be perfectly safe. If Sandusky really is a pedo and tried something on my son, he'd just say no and that would be that. At least if you go by the victims' accounts..."

Made sure to save this one, looks like it got deleted.

Holy hell, it takes a lot for a pro pedophilia or pro Sandusky comment to get deleted over there. Was that, by chance, a Francofan/Todd Brewster post? Even by BWI standards, Francofan/Brewster has always stood out for how creepy he is.
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Holy hell, it takes a lot for a pro pedophilia or pro Sandusky comment to get deleted over there. Was that, by chance, a Francofan/Todd Brewster post? Even by BWI standards, Francofan/Brewster has always stood out for how creepy he is.
Can't remember who it was exactly, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't him.
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You missed the best one-

"I have a 10 year old son. I'd honestly have no problem with him hanging around Sandusky. Since none of the "victims'" accounts involved any force or drugs used by Sandusky, I think he'd be perfectly safe. If Sandusky really is a pedo and tried something on my son, he'd just say no and that would be that. At least if you go by the victims' accounts..."

Made sure to save this one, looks like it got deleted.

Are you kidding me? That person deserves to have their 10 year old son raped by Sandusky, with his snaggletooth drool all over him.
Let's get things straight ---- AL LORD sunk lower (and he was already wallowing in the gutter even before this).

I didn't sink lower. And neither did the thousands and thousands and thousands of Penn State folk who wish Lord would exit stage right immediately.
Michnitt....then please drop the WE ARE bullcrap.

either You are or you are not. You don't get to pick and choose.
Michnitt....then please drop the WE ARE bullcrap.

either You are or you are not. You don't get to pick and choose.

The "We Are" cheer bothers you? We only use it because it's 4 easy syllables and flows off the tongue fairly easily --- 2 syllables for we are, 2 syllables for the school's name. It's just like We Are Marshall or We Are SC.
The "We Are" cheer bothers you? We only use it because it's 4 easy syllables and flows off the tongue fairly easily --- 2 syllables for we are, 2 syllables for the school's name. It's just like We Are Marshall or We Are SC.

Seeing all of your fellow alums and supporters, I would dial down the "WE ARE" crap and lay a little low. Humility is in order, not braggadocio.
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We Are selling 95,000 tickets to the Temple game.

We Are going to the Rose Bowl.

We Are getting another 5 star recruit.

That's all they care about and why the trouble happened in the first place.
The "We Are" cheer bothers you? We only use it because it's 4 easy syllables and flows off the tongue fairly easily --- 2 syllables for we are, 2 syllables for the school's name. It's just like We Are Marshall or We Are SC.

Mitch, you use it because Penn State feels this weird sense of superiority over other schools. TONS of Penn State fans think their Education rivals Notre Dame and football program is a blue blood on a level with elite teams. Most on the BWI board and other places last year claimed Penn State would beat Alabama!! It's an insane amount of delusion and the we are stuff is annoying.

Your fans demonize and personally attack anyone who speaks against a Paterno, has a weird obsession with demanding truth when the facts are clear, and still worship a coach who at the very least was the head of a program that had massive issues including a child rapist. Your fans want the 2nd mile officials to be charged and frankly, they should be. But, you only want them charged so you can pass the blame to someone else. This is why the death penalty was necessary at Penn State. It's clear some including your own board members couldn't care less about the awful crimes that took place at Penn State. The fans at Penn State have turned themselves into victims and it's truly disgusting that administration there has followed the fans lead.
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The following comment was found on Deadspin, in response to an article about Al Lord's recent incredulous statement:

Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”

PSU: “Hold my beer.”

How mind-boggling it is that in 2017 a ranking official could say something like this.

It's one thing to hate Penn St. as a rival. Now we hate Penn St. for its disgusting annd creepy cult-like actions. Ugh
HailtoPitt, post: 1858049, member: 56"]
We Are selling 95,000 tickets to the Temple game.
We Are going to the Rose Bowl.
We Are getting another 5 star recruit.
I have no problem complimenting Penn State for those achievements anymore than any other Football Program, this is the goal of Athletic Pure Football Programs and to do it under Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms. Again, they deserve admiration, congratulations, and kudos for winning the Big Ten in 2016.

I never see a Thank You Gratitude to the Trustees, President Erickson, AD Joyner that found Bill O'Brien and James Franklin to replace Scandal Ridden Joe Paterno Era and made them Head Coaches that help earn those accomplishments!

What is upsetting they refuse to recognize that these accomplishments is also due to the Freeh Report Recommendations that are now verified by Direct Testimony under Oath, NCAA Sanctions, NCAA Monitor that put in 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms that reduced the Sanctions.

Penn State fans must recognize the Trustees finally took back Control of the University by hiring Louie Freeh and proved Joe Paterno was part of the not wanting to Report Abuse to the Police as well as Spanier and Curley and Schultz admit it under oath they should have done more. All these crimes happen at Penn State and they can't run from it.

That's all they care about and why the trouble happened in the first place.
Agree it applies to the Cult Dolts and far more them than better PSU Alumni upset about what happen and shamed Penn State Name. This is what happen when a University loses Institutional Control over Coaches and Employees that did not stand up to defend Children as they demand from their Players to Defend the goals.

Bottom line, Penn State Football was built on Success on the Gridiron but with No Honor doing it under Athletic Integrity and Crimes against Children is also forever part of that Legacy.
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how about this gem:

kevina001 states:

"I see what you are saying, which is why I think Lord should have gone even FURTHER with his comments, and clarified (what I think) he meant.

Are we really supposed to feel sorry for someone who got $8 million because he took one shower with Jerry, where Jerry put a little soap on his back? WHERE DO I SIGN UP FOR THIS?

And that is the worst case scenario of what happened to this poor "victim". He was so all over the place with his story that I doubt any of it happened. Lord should have come out and just said that PSU has been paying "victims" who are lying "
That's the closest I've seen to an acknowledgement of where it really originated.
USC had it first and Penn State Copied It in 1980s and grew from there. The False Narrative they tell their own Students that it came from 1940s has been refuted and proven wrong. It has been a pure Urban Myth created by Penn State Marketing and repeated falsely many times due to a YouTube Video created in 2008!

"Earlier in the month, Onward State, ran a “Penn State History Lesson” which claimed that the origin of the iconic “We Are Penn State” phrase and cheer was from the actions of the 1947-48 football team, who admirably stood up to racial prejudice. The story is beautiful and inspirational. The story has been repeated multiple times by Onward State, The Daily Collegian, Penn Stater alumni magazine, the Centre Daily times and more. I understand it’s become part of Penn State’s orientation for students. It’s also not true......Prato details how the Penn State cheerleaders in the mid 1970s and early 1980s created the cheer."

Once again, it was just Penn State Athletic Marketing getting it wrong and not caring about the Full Truth again, just like the "Weasel Paw Print" with 5 Toes being called a Nittany Lion Footprint that leave 4 only, along with, Happy Valley, Mount Nittany Princess Myths,The Grand Experiment failures of Jerry Sandusky and other Penn State Arrests Records, and Success With Honor is The Penn State Way is about truthful as The Paterno Report now proven false after The Criminal Trials.
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how about this gem:

kevina001 states:

"I see what you are saying, which is why I think Lord should have gone even FURTHER with his comments, and clarified (what I think) he meant.

Are we really supposed to feel sorry for someone who got $8 million because he took one shower with Jerry, where Jerry put a little soap on his back? WHERE DO I SIGN UP FOR THIS?

And that is the worst case scenario of what happened to this poor "victim". He was so all over the place with his story that I doubt any of it happened. Lord should have come out and just said that PSU has been paying "victims" who are lying "

Another reason to hate Peddstate..
To my brothers childhood friend that was molested and hung himself at Christmas wish it was the jack screw nitter making the f'n statement.
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Holy hell, it takes a lot for a pro pedophilia or pro Sandusky comment to get deleted over there. Was that, by chance, a Francofan/Todd Brewster post? Even by BWI standards, Francofan/Brewster has always stood out for how creepy he is.

Oh you mean the poster who said he can't help mentally challenged boys get dressed and undressed at the charity he volunteers at without his face getting close to their genitals... and said he's going to keep doing it regardless of what others think b/c he cares so much about the kids?
That poster?
Yeah... who's he remind you of?

There's some sick people over there. Who else remembers when McAndrew himself meant to post a charming article about an older couple who met at the first THON dance but accidentally posted a link to a swingers / wife gang banging site. That went viral (pun intended) pretty quick.
Oh you mean the poster who said he can't help mentally challenged boys get dressed and undressed at the charity he volunteers at without his face getting close to their genitals... and said he's going to keep doing it regardless of what others think b/c he cares so much about the kids?
That poster?
Yeah... who's he remind you of?

There's some sick people over there. Who else remembers when McAndrew himself meant to post a charming article about an older couple who met at the first THON dance but accidentally posted a link to a swingers / wife gang banging site. That went viral (pun intended) pretty quick.

Tom McAndrew is a loon himself. He just wished some very low level celeb happy birthday on the BWI board and linked some sexually suggestive photos below his greetings. He's a weird dude. I can't believe Rivals pays him.
The "We Are" cheer bothers you? We only use it because it's 4 easy syllables and flows off the tongue fairly easily --- 2 syllables for we are, 2 syllables for the school's name. It's just like We Are Marshall or We Are SC.
No it doesn't bother me. It bothers me that you only use it when it's convenient. But when it doesn't reflect well, it goes ignored.
But then again, ignorance is bliss.